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    • CommentAuthorJayne
    • CommentTimeMar 12th 2008
    I had a dream last night...... In the dream my husband did not have AD. He was in the middle of a big business deal, he was on the telephone talking business and had a bunch of papers he was going through. I said something to him about taking his medicine and he got very angry, and threw all the pill bottles away and cursed at me and wanted to know where all his money was. WOW, I woke up realizing how far we had actually come in this journey in the past two years. I laid in bed in the wee hours of the morning, thinking and praying. If tomorrow a pill was invented to make him well, could we ever go back to the couple we were BEFORE???? I almost found myself looking forward to the day ahead and the peace we have now. Sure gave me a lot to think about. I found myself hugging him just a little more tightly today. Has anyone else ever had this type of dream?

    I have not had a dream quite like that. What I have, on a recurring basis, are weird feelings/dreams just as I'm falling asleep. Usually there's some sense that there is someone trying to take something from me, and I generally wake up as I'm feeling around for my wedding and engagement rings, thinking they're missing. At times when this has gotten more intense, I will take my rings off before I go to bed, because I seem to have less of a sense of vulnerability that way.
    But this type of dream definitely began when I felt my marriage slipping away, so I'm sure it's symbolic.
      CommentAuthorNew Realm*
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2008
    Dreams I've had in the past year or so, those that have my DH in them, show him as "totally normal" but nicer, calmer persona than he ever was. And they don't seem to show us as a couple.
    Those dreams where I am married or "involved" the person is usually faceless, but it is not my husband.
    • CommentAuthorfaith&hope
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2008
    My husband has MCI and I think it is AD - he doesn't want to talk about it, know anything about it, doesn't want to go to support groups, read anything. He does go to the doctor and is compliant taking his meds. I dreamed last night that he brought an elephant into our home and acted like it wasn't there and I had to take care of it. I kept getting upset with him because he wouldn't help me with it, feeding it, cleaning up after it. My dreams usually don't make any sense, but that one sure did - because we have an elephant in our living room that we can't acknowledge is there. Oh well..........
    • CommentAuthorfaith&hope
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2008
    About the pill to "cure" him - for me I don't think it would work. I don't know when that magic minute was that he started changing - it was subtle in the beginning, but it started changing our relationship a little at the time. AND if there was a pill, I don't think I could let myself relax and trust it as he has such great mood changes that have been a surprise and challenge for me. I would be waiting for "the other shoe to drop".
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2008
    I don't know about anyone else, but I think these dreams are fascinating. Emily's about someone trying to take something from her, and she wakes up feeling for her wedding ring; and faith&hope about the elephant in the room that she has to care for - WoW! We don't need a psychologist to figure those out for us. I would tell you my dreams, except I forget them as soon as I wake up.
