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    • CommentAuthorMsAbby*
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009
    Last night my AD Spouse went to sleep; and then started moaning, tossing and turning, and poking at me randomly last night. Every five or so minutes he'd groan, wack me (not all that hard) and roll over. Being no fool, I put a sleeping bag on the floor at the foot of the bed and slept fine. When I told him in the morning he just gave me that blank look, said an empty "sorry" and went for some cookies...
    Is this another step down? He's Level Two going on Three. Who on earth would believe me? My gut tells me he's very tormented in his sleep not being able to process information easily anymore; but I do not like being wakened this way. Maybe it's a one night thing?
    Anyone else have this problem? Thanks
    MsAbby, have not experienced that but maybe you might want to start sleeping in another bed. You could start making excuses about why
    you need to move and go from there. You will sleep much better and he may also. My room is directly across the hall from my husband so I can hear
    him when he gets up. If you don't have adjoining rooms that could be another problem.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009 edited
    Dear MsAbby..: (I just had to put it that way!)
    i remember all too well the poking in the middle of the night! its like they want you not only in attendance during the full day but need you to stay vigil over their sleep as well! you may try a small nightlite that could leave enough to calm him down if hes having tormented sleep. or elevating his head some with pillows. sometimes if they have breathing issues or dizziness this will relieve that. we dont know enough about the disease to know if they have nightmares or vivid dreams that can alter their sleep patterns because they dont seem to really recall what keeps them up at night or how to express their concerns. all i know is i put a line of pillows between us so he couldnt poke me all night . (just with one finger in the ribs, smarts!:)in my case it was usually becuase he was awake and couldnt fall asleep. i hope you call the dr and ask for a sleep aide?and dont resort to sleeping on the floor long! a twin bed in the bedroom could resolve it if you dont want to move out. divvi
    • CommentAuthorscs
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009
    Along with all the other good suggestions make sure there is not a medical issue as the root cause for his restlessness. Did you notice any sleep apnea? Snoring, irrregular breathing along with the restlessness? If so report this to your doctor for possible oxygen assistance at night...cpap. There is discussion re sleep apnea causing dementia due to reduced oxygen to tthe brain during sleep. Important to follow up especilally if this is caught in the early stages.
    True scs, but do you think a dementia would wear the aparatus? I have never wore one but they sound pretty confining and no way
    would my dh wear one. I have 2 sil wearing them.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009
    Has there been a change in medication? That happened to Sid when he switched from taking his anti-depressant in the morning to taking it at bedtime. At first he was restless, and talked in his sleep. Then he was flailing around a bit. And finally, one night, he started beating on me in his sleep. He was horrified when I woke him up and told him what he did. The restlessness stopped after about a week, and he never assaulted me again while sleeping. (He has never hit me while he was awake, either.)

    • CommentAuthorscs
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2009
    Great question Imohr...agree in later stages keeping it on would be an issue...but at stage 2 he might be more agreeable. If he has sleep apnea, protecting further neuron death is a major issue. He might also feel better and will keep it on.