It is Wednesday evening - I posted a blog for tonight and tomorrow about our neurologist visit today. I invite you to log onto the home page - - and read about my validation from the doctor, the new drug trial, and information on the MMSE.
Thank you. I would appreciate it. We didn't have time to go into it in detail, as the doctor had to leave to give a lecture. I called his assistant when I got home to make sure I had the name and the company correct.
Here is a link to a new study starting at OHSU soon. It is Souvenaid, a nutrient-rich drink . We already take omega 3s. We are going to find out more. He may be more willing to participate in this one. Anyone heard of it? There is a another infusion study starting soon, so am waiting to hear from that person.
MCT and Omega 3 are not the same. The above link will tell you more about it.
Thanks - I fixed the part about MCT oil and omega3 oil being the same. But if anyone is interested in the study on the omega3 oil, look up Danone. Or copy and paste this link - This research center is in Florida, but if you call the number listed for information, they may be able to tell you where else the study is being conducted.
The link Charlotte provided explains about the study -