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Vanilla 1.1.2 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2009
    Does anyone use or have a LO that uses Silver Sonic? I have ordered on for my DH to at least wear in the house so I don't have to repeat myself 2 and 3 times. He WILL NOT get his hearing checked and has the TV so loud I leave the room. Especially when he has a sport station on. I am convinced the people....including the females....cannot speak below a yell. I am also convinced they get paid by the word, they just go on and on. This afternoon he had tennis on and I wonder when it became popular to screech when they hit the ball. There was a young girl today who sounded like she was sneezing 'aaaachoo". I hope the Silver Sonic works so he can have the TV at a lower level. I wear hearing aids which is probably making it worse for me.
    I bought one for my mom, and it works great, when she uses it. The only problem is getting her to use might consider closed caption for the tv...that works great for me....
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2009
    phranque, I think he would have problems reading the closed captions. He reads very slow. I gave up showing him items on the computer because it took him so long. I'm pretty sure he will wear the Silver Sonic if it helps him hear better.
    Someone here, Marsh I believe, ordered one for his wife (she chewed on her hearing aid). I don't know if she has used the new Silver Sonic as yet. Maybe he'll check in here and let us know how it is going.
    Mary is right. I got one for my wife. I have her wear it when we are at discussion groups (church, Rotary, etc) or watching TV. It seems to work, but she frequently will ask me "what is this thing?" So far she hasn't pulled it out. I tried it myself, and it really does amplify the sound.
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2009
    Thanks Marsh, My DH knows I have ordered and says he is anxious for it to arrive. Let's hope he likes. He has been known to change his mind about things OFTEN!