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    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2009 edited
    I'm planning on bringing my husband home this week from the nursing home. I know I need to have any hospital records released, I plan to make an emergency appointment with his neurologist here (so he'll see him soon as possible) and appointments with his dentist and regular family doctor (and my Virginia Elder Lawyer). Assuming the nursing home will give me the meds he needs until we get home, to make his flight home more comfortable and manageable. Any other suggestions?
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2009
    Also, he has been complaining that he has been "man-handled " more than once in the care he's been given in the new place. Says he was slapped one time and pushed and pulled around in the shower by two big guys. Can this be so????
    Jen, you will probably have to wait until you get there to actually see him to know what your next moves will be. A lot will depend on his condition and how much cooperation you receive from everyone involved. Do you know for sure that you will have the authority to take him?
    • CommentAuthordanielp*
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2009
    I would want copies of all records from the place he was staying, logs of caregiving staff, medical charts, etc.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2009
    Yes, I've talked to several ElderLaw attorneys there in the Palm Beach area. They say all he needs to do is keep his cool and know what it means when he asks that the POA be revoked from his daughter and transferred to me...along with some other questions (date, where he lives, president, etc), and be able to sign his name. My lawyer there says if I have any trouble, CALL HER IMMEDIATELY. They CAN NOT legally keep him there if he can do this and I know he can. He has been very lucid over the past several days, but tearful. Is afraid of having to stay there and die alone. Very sad to listen to that. He is broken hearted. He knows who I am and remembers so much of the good things about our life. Talks constantly.