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    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2009
    the light shines:

    Eli Lilly and Co said on Thursday that it had advanced a second
    experimental treatment for Alzheimer's disease into late-stage
    clinical trials. The drugmaker plans to begin enrolling patients this
    month in two Phase III clinical trials of solanezumab, also known as
    as LY2062430. The studies are expected to enroll 2,000 patients age 55
    and over.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2015
    Did anyone every get involved in this trial? I have noticed a lot of articles now about the trials. I thought they had found it didn't help but I see they are targeting people now who are over 65, with no signs but a family history of AD.
    One condition to be aware of when getting into a clinical trial. My DW was a stage 2 trial and was one of the fewer <5% who benefited from the one year trial back 2006. After 3 mos on the medication her MME score rose from first 3 mos. score of 14 the final 2 mos of 27. Depression or aggression were never an issue. She experienced no physical sides effects whatsoever ( only 10% suffered any side effects not life threatening) yet at the conclusion of the trial, the pharmaceutical refused to make the drug available under "compassionate use terms" Every attempt to obtain a future supply of the drug both by me and the research MD was fruitless. We tried everything to obtain the medication domestically, politically and internationally the result was the same, the drug
    was not available was the universal response.
    Just beware of the heartbreak you may face if the pharmaceutical company elects not pursue to stage 3 because the feasibility of profitability in non existent.
    Ask about compassionate use if the drug helps your loved one but is not taken to market
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2015
    I am not interested in it - too young, but I know it was mentioned in this 2009 post and wondered if anyone had participated.

    Are you saying it was this drug your wife took and it helped? I do think it is unfair if it helped and they refuse to continue letting her have it.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2015
    Someone brought up another issue with me, her husband is on a drug trail. The testers do not want changes in the participant's medications during the trail. It makes sense but it is something else to ask about.
    Charlotte my DW was one of the very few in the stage two trial that had a documented statistically significant improvement as a result of the trial. Due to the fact that there was such a minute percentage of participants who actually improved the drug company shut down all supplies globally.