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    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    My son told me he thought that he heard someone say something about a Bracelet that contains a GPS chip for children. Has anyone else heard of this? Sounds like it would be a good thing to have for someone with ALZ. If there is such a bracelet I would like to have a nice one made for my wife.

    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009

    Log onto the home page - - and look at the resources on the left hand side. Click on Project Lifesaver. Read the information there.It can be gotten through your county if they have the service. One of our members, Ruth Boshart, is very active in New York, raising awareness about Project Lifesaver and getting counties to sign onto the system. It is also used for autistic children.

    • CommentAuthorLibbySD
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    Not a bracelet, but I figure can go into pants pocket like 'the wallet' always does:
    or just google 'gps for children'. Some use handheld devices, with pre-placed 'locators', but I prefer one that I can track by computer over the internet and will call me if DH goes outside a certain area. I haven't tried one of these yet, but seriously considering. If it's the same as with other AD losses, I won't know DH is geographically challenged until he gets lost!
    • CommentAuthorrbosh
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    Hello JimB (Anchor20),

    The one reliable site I am aware for for GPS merchandise for children is Ionkids - their web site can be found at: - they have an entire array of products to protect children, but I am not sure this is what you need. At one time, I too looked into this product and found it wouldn't work well with adults alzheimer's or dementia. As Joan noted above, I think Project Lifesaver is a good place for you to start. If they are available in your area (just call your local Sheriff's Dept.) they should be more than able to help you with your wife. There were a 'lifesaver' for me. Please be well, my thoughts and prayers are with you. If you have any questions, I will be more than glad to help.

    Ruth Boshart
    (Upatate NY)
    • CommentAuthorLiz
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    The Sheriff's Department was just out here two weeks ago to get DH set up with the Project Lifesaver bracelet. DH didn't object but he clearly doesn't much like it. It goes around the wrist like a hospital bracelet, but there is a fairly large white bulb-like box on it (maybe about the size of a large man's watch face, but about the thickness of about 4 or 5 watches.) It's honestly not very attractive but that's not the point. It does give me comfort knowing that I'd be able to locate him if he gets lost on his walk again. All I have to do is call a phone number - any time day or night - dial in our code number and they immediately send our 4 officers to locate him. In our area, it's been extremely successful. There is no charge, but it is run on grants so we made a nice donation.

    I teach and DH walks the dog a couple of times while I'm in school. Over spring break he got turned around and was gone for a long time - an hour and a half, maybe? I was out driving around but he did find his way eventually. That was it. Now, I'm much more relaxed and don't feel like walking his dog is yet another thing I have to take away from him. Life is definitely better.

    Good luck.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    On the news this morning, and all day, they were talking about GPS being no more next year if Congress does not give the Air Force necessary funding. Seems the satellite that is used for GPS is run and maintained by the Air Force. It needs to be replaced or something like that, and if no money if budgeted for it, we will not have GPS unless companies want to buy the service from China and other countries. Will be interesting to see how this pans out.
    • CommentAuthorrbosh
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2009
    Hello all,

    This is Ruth again. Project Lifesaver does not depend nor use GPS. The bracelets, and locating equipment is all radio controlled. Nothing will interfere with the equipment, and there is no need to be concerned about GPS being available or not.

    Be well my friends,

    Ruth B.