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    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2009 edited
    Please,, anyone who acknologes a 'Higher Power', please say a prayer for me tonight. I'm going to see my elder attorney in the morning and state my case. I'm trying to get back my Power Of Attorney from a nasty step-daughter and any other entitlements I can get.....guardianship, conservatorship, healthcare surrugacy, that will be helpfull in my case to help get my dear husband back home to me to VA from FL. He talks to me quite lucidly, remembers our conversations from the past day, though sometimes confused. HE is very disilllusioned and hopesless feeling. Feels he is going to be confined there for the rest of his short life and won't be allowed to come home. He has lost hope and isn't eating well and loosing weight and the drive to need to live. I need devine intervention. My appointment is elevenish tomorrow and I am armed with all the pertinent paperwork, name and address of the person who has POA at the moment, etc. God help me. Thank you. I'll let you know what happens after our meeting. My name is Jennifer Canton, if God can remember me.
    Jen, you are always in my prayers. Be strong! ~Di
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2009
    God Bless You, Diane, and anyone else. I am sincere. When I'm at a loss, I'm on my knees.
    Jen, my thoughts and prayers are with you and arms around.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2009
    There are many, many prayers going to God for you and your DH. And, I've heard it said that God will do what He needs to do to bring us to our knees. Sometimes we are too proud and think we can do it all by ourselves. This is not true. I know for a fact our Lord will hear your prayers and the prayers of His other children. Blessings to you and yours!
    • CommentAuthorRB13*
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2009
    Dear Jen...reading all your past Posts, I am aware of your situation....I am sorry that you have to go through this..I hope tomorrow's visit will solve your problems, and that you can find some peace of will be in my prayers....Good Luck
    • CommentAuthordagma3
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2009
    You will be in my prayers - and God always remembers us. You will get some definitive answers with the Elder Affairs Attorney. I was scared to death when we first got the diagnosis and I made the first appointment with the Elder Affairs Attorney. In one visit we got all the papers we needed and loads of info. Know that we have your back tomorrow at 11.
    • CommentAuthorbille
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2009 edited
    Hey Jen, I welcome your request for prayer. I have already lifted you and your Elder Attorney up to our LOrd. I know that prayers are answered in many different ways. I thnk you desearve a good resolution of this ongoing problem and I pray for a resolution in your favor. I know that God remembers you!! bill
    God Bless you Jen. We will all be there with you tomorrow. Just feel our hugs and I hope things will be better soon.
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2009
    ((Jen)) prayers just sent up for you. My grams use to say, when life knocks you on your knees its puts you in the perfect position to pray. I am glad you have your faith to help you through. Keeping you in my thoughts. ((hugs))
    I pray things work out for you this time.
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    You are in my prayers,especially today.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    Well, I made it to the Elder Law attorney and back home with information. I have to do what I feared....hire a Florida lawyer. My attorney is going to help me find one quickly in the Palm Beach area. Time is of the essence. The idea is that the attorney will meet with John and I at the nursing home....just hope John is having a good day. We'll execute the revocation of power of attorney held by my daughter there. I don't know what will happen next. I'm hoping we can overnight that document to the daughter and make it so I can bring John home immediately. Fingers crossed, still praying. Until I hear from my own attorney about his recommendations, does anyone know of a good Elder Law attorney in the West Palm Beach area that has some teeth and claws? And works fast? Jen (and, thanks for everyone's support here)
      CommentAuthorNew Realm*
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    Jen, I'm praying for a good outcome for you. This is such a difficult situation.

    A thought occured to me as I began typing this. Seems the family often stays a step ahead in circumventing your efforts.

    Think it's possible any of them - or their attorneys offices monitor this forum?
    and, let me add this, Jen. We all pray the Lord's Prayer... and in that prayer, we say: "....Thy Will Be Done." (NOT "my will be done") Trust HIM. I will pray that everything will go well for you and HIM.

    If you are there a day before, explain to the nursing home that he may need something to take the "edge" off of his nerves. OR:... perhaps you will have something in your handbag that will keep him calmer. Just be as sweet as you can to him. No challenges, no "don't you remember when you said...." "NO TEARS!!" He won't recall what you said the night don't get him worked up. I tell my DH things just as they happen. Introduce new people as "our friend, Jim". My DH assumes he IS our friend, Jim, and he is more comfortable than he is around a new person.
    You might try Attn Paul Roman...he is a close personal friend of mine, and I will try to contact him......will let you know
    You might also try
    Mitchell Kitroser & Michelle Eichelman
    8895 North Military Trail, Suite C-201
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
    Phone: (561) 721-0600
    Attn Roman does estates and trusts- probate.....
    • CommentAuthorDianeT*
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    (((((stuntgirl))))) and you are in my prayers!
    I think New Realm might have something there, StuntGirl. You may be telegraphing your strategy and next move here. Maybe you should chill on those things and only ask for support, etc. At any rate, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    I don't think any one of the kids know anything about this site as I've never mentioned it to any of them before.
    Phranque: those are two of the names on my list to contact! Waiting to hear from my lawyer, though, as he is going to call a couple he knows and give me an introduction. Thanks, everyone.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2009
    I've not been able to get my husband on the phone today.....later found that they had moved him once again to another part of the nursing home. Gave me room number, but said he was "acting out" and cursing, had torn his phone from the wall. I missed my phone call to him this morning and am worried that he is angry at me. He seems to count on my calls. I asked about medications, etc., and the nurse told me she couldn't give me any information about him. Told me this was a nursing facility and my family problems were none of thier concern. Said , "thank you" and hung up on me. I'm a looser. I'll never have him home again. I don't know what to do. I'm falling apart. All I can do is risk hiring a lawyer (like I can afford this) and setting up a date to go see him on one day and have the lawyer meet me there the next, hoping all will go well and as planned. God. Where is he.
    You know, StuntGirl, they say that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I see your situation as a temporary one where you need to visualize the future when your dealings with lawyers and NH are over, and your LO is home with you. Have faith, and know that we are all pulling for you at this time. I wish you every success.(((HUG))).
    • CommentAuthordagma3
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    Some people have very devious minds and think of things that normal honest people would never consider. It seems they are always way out front because they will do anything to further their cause. Our "justice" system does not always see the "truth".
    • CommentAuthortherrja*
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    Jen, you might think you are safe on the web, but try googling your name. You might be very surprised at what comes up. New Realm made a good point on the "you never know".

    Sometimes I think of the web like a secret. Once you tell/write someone once about it, it is no longer a secret. You might even be more surprised if you googled their name......

    The point is once something is out there on the web, it can always be googled and found.

    I am so sorry you are running into all these obstacles, ((hugs)) to you.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2009
    especially Jen, look at "groups" under google.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2009
    I DID look at my name on all the search engines. Even on "groups" as you suggested. Other than all the stuff I know about (and some that was actually good news for me...promotional stuff from my agent that I hadn't seen published), including info about my competition with horses and my studio. I DID find one of my earlier comments on this board, when the whole thing started. I'm about to bust out of my skin to tell you about the plans I've made to get John home.....very soon. BUt, now I'll just keep it to myself!
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2009
    Think I'll change my name to "SecretSquirrel" if this all happens right!
    I just have to comment on that new name. Cute.