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    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeMay 12th 2009
    This is a reading from one of the handouts I found in one of my coping skills groups I attend weekly:

    When you are bereaved IT'S ALRIGHT TO......Scream in the shower. Yell in the car. Howl at the moon. Cry anywhere you like, misplace your glasses. Lose the car. Forget your own name. Put milk in the cupboard, toilet paper in the 'fridge and ice cream in the oven. Beat up a pillow, stomp on the ground. Throw stones in a lake and change grocery stores if it hurts. Wear one black shoe and one navy. Have tear stains on your tie. Eat French Fries for breakfast, toast for lunch and peanut butter for diner (as long as you can eat). Write her a letter, bake her a cake. Celebrate her life on her birthday. Leave his room the way it is for as long as you like. Smell his clothes, talk about him to others. Say his name just to hear the sound. Tell loved ones what you need. Say NO whenever you feel like it. Talk to your pets; they understand. Have a bad day, it's okay to hurt. AND ONE DAY, when you are ready, it's all right to laugh again, dance, sing in the shhower, forgive those who have failed you. Look at your loved one's pictures and remember with happiness, not pain. Go on with your life. Cherish your memories. (by Vicki Tushingham )
    I notice that I have started to talk to myself at times recently, I guess 'cause there is no one else around in the room where DW is not. Not conversations, but things like "Dang, now where did I put that magazine article?" But I used to only think those things, and now I speak them out loud (sometimes). I guess that's not crazy....yet.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 12th 2009
    I do that all the time. My mom always said 'as long as you don't answer yourself, you are safe'.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2009
    I talk to myself a lot. Sorry to admit, I sometimes carry on a conversation and respond to my own questions. Now, I am not scoid and often I make myself laugh. Is that nuts? or what? I admit it! I sometimes enjoy the chats. :) But, I will be ok. DH caught me the other day and asked me who I was talking to. I told him I was talking to myself. He asked how I was. I thought that was funny.
    Mawzy,how cute.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2009
    I too have noticed lately that I talk to myself. I was in the grocery store yesterday & noticed I was talking out loud, thankfully, no one was around to hear. lol
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2009
    So long as we're not talking to that nice stranger in the mirror, we're probably still okay. (-:
    folly, that is a great one!!!!!! <grin>
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2009
    i look forward to saying goodnite to the 2 nice people:) in the hallway mirror on our way to bed every pm:) it just doesnt feel right after all t his time to ignore them, we say 'goodnite seeya in the morning' EVERY night..hahaha.. its hilarious, DH rolls his eyes at his 'friend' and points to me like saying, 'what a nutcase!" yep i am talking to the mirror crowd! divvi
    and i am always telling her she should lose some weight:)
    Oh, Divvi, I love it!!!! AND you!!!! ((HUGS)))

    I'm going on a diet after.....
    divvi, thank you for being you! You have been, and will continue to be, I know, an inspiration to me. Love you lots.
    When we had been married only a couple of months and moved into our first apartment, my wife said we needed to get either a baby or a dog. She explained that she had a habit of talking to herself while working around the apartment. She knew the neighbors could hear her and was afraid they would think she was crazy. If we had a baby or a dog, they would think she was talking to it.

    We got a dog!!!! The baby came 2 years later.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2009
    I would rather see someone talking to themselves while shopping than 'chatting' with someone on a cell phone. I forget whose husband yelled at someone talking on their cell while she was getting blood drawn. How I would love to do that. I have occasionally said 'who cares' or other things in reply to something the person on the phone is saying - but quietly so they don't hear me.