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    Frank, I would have to ask, do you think the delirium the cause of the decline or merely another symptom of what's going on?
    I don't could be a symptom...or signs that more tangles are getting plaqued....who knows
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2009
    How do they define delirium? I always think of it as being connected with high fevers. I wish Sunshyne could shine on these questions.
    • CommentAuthordking*
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2009
    A link on the same page as URL above, describes one of the problems that I noticed, the inability to determine relative importance. "The mail came", "the house is on fire" and "the dog wants to come in" all had the same wieght in DW's mind. That's why we get sucked into the tunnel. We cannot expect a reasonable response to anything. It was like holding your breath for as long as you can, then take a breath, then hold it again, looping forever. It turns out that forever is not as long as one might think.
    • CommentAuthorPatB
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2009
    ""The mail came", "the house is on fire" and "the dog wants to come in" all had the same weight in DW's mind."

    Yes, that would explain the exhaustion, the need to be constantly on guard, the inability to leave them alone, and there you have the pathway into the tunnel.
