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    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2009
    New ripple in the fabric of this bizarre journey I've set upon. I've tried to get social services at the hospital where my husband is. This morning I was told that one of his daughters is named as his Healthcare Surrugate and that she has requested that I recieve NO INFORMATION about her father. How cruel is THAT? I have managed to wrangle some information out of two of his attending physicians about his condition. He has lost even more weight...down to about 110. He's been getting blood transfusions to treat some sort of anemia that elderly people get. He isn't as active as he should be and his muscles are atrophying. I'm afraid I'll loose him before I can get him home. I've tried to call the daughter. Her telephone is now passcode protected. E-mailed and left messages with the others. No response. Just left another message with social services at the hospital, taking a new angle on this. I asked if the social worker could simply go down to my husband's room and introduce herself to my him and and ask if he has any needs. He said he would certainly tell her that I am to be added to the "list" of persons she can talk with. What exactly IS the Healthcare Surrugate and how can it be so that his WIFE isn't allowed to talk to anyone about his condition?!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2009
    stuntgirl, i am at a loss on how you have said many times you have personal attys yet you dont direct these questions to them for answers. they are supposed to get you answers if you are paying them for services. you have run into hippa laws about privacy protection and until you clear that up you will not be allowed any input from medical personnell. call your atty and ask these questions. divvi
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2009
    Divvi, I'm at a loss. I've gone over and over all this with my attorneys (well paid) and they can get NOWHERE. My husband's attorney isn't responding, dragging his feet. My attorney is concerned with first quitting this divorce issue. I'm doing all I can do. I can't afford to start again with another lawyer. Bled dry. Sorry I'm taking up space.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2009 edited
    ok then if it were me i'd proceed with the divorce and countersue -not sure if your DH atty has filed for divorce from florida or virginia. but either way you could countersue back. you may get more questions answered like this. at leaast you could get some financial support this way. like others said you will get zilch if DH dies before this is resolved. if /when you have to appear in fron tof a judge for a divorce at some point so must your DH or his representative (atty) and your atty can ask the courts why the husband isnt there?and he can tell him the circumstances of the case-at that point the judge can force questions to be answered and maybe then you will have the opportunity to tell the judge presiding that you dont want a divorce but are being forced because you are unable to recieve info on DH condition or status due to loss of orig POA and hippa laws. you may want to run this by your atty and get his input just for the heck of it. i have nothing else to offer you seem to have a catch 22 going that is going nowhere. i know when the heart is involved its easy to hear others say move on, but if when love is involved its going to be difficult either way.

    ps. FYI-if you google health care surrogate for florida you will see that the appointed surrogate appointed can only take effect if the person becomes 'incapacitated'. it has to be witnessed by 2 persons unless it was done by the person holding his now POA? so obviously if his daughter is calling the shots of his medical treatment then they have deemed him as such and unable to make decisions on his own. you may again want to ask your own atty about it.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2009
    Thank you Divvi. I have a call in to my lawyer. I just want to drop off. This all getting so pointless and complicated.