The physical therapists gave me some stretches for my knees and back and I was doing them every day until I had to stop because I pulled a groin muscle putting on boots during the last snowstorm. Result: Really bad heel pain.
I started doing the stretches again, and the first thing that happened was that the heel pain got a bit better. In fact it got enough better that I stopped taking Advil for the pain. At this point I don't hurt most of the day and I'm back on my full set of stretches every day.
I was gaining and my 10 year anniversary is in August. So I changed my diet and I have been super busy with my ADLO, plus I turn 38 this year... I went from 185 to 169 and my goal is 135. Am I eat flax seed and oatmeal every day per Dr orders, so ADLO does too. I eat small a.mounts of soybeans all day. I eat low carb and it is working. I do not eat out @ work anymore. I drink 10 cups of some type of caffinated bev most days. I have to to get it all done!
Great, sprite. I am169 and anything around 140 would make me happy. 130 would make me happier but I am afraid that is not going to happen. Also I am several years older than you and have been adding for quite a few years. Good Luck.
You know briegull, it is a matter of perspective. When I was a size 10 I wanted to be a size 8. I am also short waisted and have a heart/bp situation. Nobody is happy with their weight. An exception to that might be my hairdresser who is about 12" across her rear and has to buy her clothes in the 0 size. She looks like a petite shapely teen in the rear but a 60 year old woman in the face.
One day recently I was standing in the p.o. line next to another woman of "traditional build" (cf. Alexander Smith) and the woman at the counter had, honestly, the cutest little behind.. we just looked at each other, together, and said, ah, those were the days!!
Try Exercise = activities of Daily Life, per Dr. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Totally non- dairy (go soy or none) and just told have gone from Sugar Intolerant to diabetic (no instructions o it yet) Also need to spend at least 4-5 hours a day in lift recliner with legs raised , as well as legs elevated at night in hospital bed to fight edema in lower legs.
In 2 years before DH was Dxd I had lost 35# even with all this. Once he went to hospital all my focus and control went away. Now weigh about 260. HAVETO GET DOWN. Besides following IBS restrictions and carb counting spread over day--any ideas?
The only way I can loose weight is go on the Protein Power diet. It is a high protein low carbohydrate diet. For breakfast I would eat two eggs scrambled with cheese and bacon, ham, or saugage and a slice of suger free hi fiber bread. I tried to get 22grams each meal of protein and 10 grams of carbs. Drink lots of water. I stayed on this diet about 6 weeks and lost 30 pounds. I have had high cholesterol for years and it came down on this diet. I know that's hard to believe. I now just eat anything I want to and when the scales hit 150 I start cutting back on the sweets and bread and potatoes. Ever so often if that doesn't work I will go back on the Diet for several weeks. If I would eat a reasonable diet all the time I wouldn't gain weight but I never saw a fattening food I didn't like. The scales hit 151 this week so I will be cutting down on my eating and hope I don't have to count carbs again. At 5 feet 4 inches I am fat at the weight I am now.
ohmyGod! Your breakfast alone would give my Cardiologist a heart attack! :-) I don't doubt you lost weight....because other people lost weight on the high fat Atkins diet. My cardiologist suggested I simply avoid eating any food that is "white", flour products, pasta, starches, etc.!! He also insists his patients not eat fatty foods. What does he know! (My cholesterol is 110 now). I do not follow his no pasta rule, but I only use a little olive oil, .. no butter, and my favorite is pasta tossed with fresh veggies, spinach and tomatoes. Can't wait for summer garden vegetable stands. (and my little tomatoes)
I buy edamane soybeans from Costco. They come frozen in several individual packages. They are cooked already. I work waiting for trains all day, so it keeps me busy peeling the pods..may also be a good task for our ADLO's... My ADLO does not like them though. I also have IBS, and flax seed in oatmeal every morning helps a lot.
YIKES! All this food talk is making me hungry and NO I did not walk yesterday, boo. I sat by the campfire (bil visiting) and drank beer and ate peanuts after our dinner of burgers and brats, lol!
Sprite, you have absolutely peaked my curiosity and I just HAVE to ask! What on earth do you do?..You said you "work waiting for trains all day". Sounds like a great job! :-)
I went to the gym today for the first time in FIVE WEEKS. I know. I know. It is terrible that it has been so long, but with feeling lousy before the DC trip, the DC trip, getting sick when I got home, and well, how am I doing on excuses?
It doesn't pay to stop exercising for so long, because when you finally return, it's a killer.
One tip that I read a while ago that I have not acted on often enough--take a drink of water. The theory is that when you start looking for something to eat, that you're not really hungry--you're actually thirsty. If you take a drink of water and wait a few minutes, you won't want something to eat (in theory). I just tried it and for now it worked--at least this time.