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    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2009
    Okay. I had agreed with my councellor not to call John for a week. This morning I got a call from his nurse at 7 a.m. because he was yelling so much and wanting to talk to me because he "loves me so much?". When I said hello, he immediately burst into his verbal thrashing about my "men" I have living with calling, etc. I heard the nurses screaming and the phone was thrown, I believe. I went to a meeting I had to attend. When I got home (after 2p.m.) I had several messages waiting for me from the nursing home. Seems that at around 9 a.m. he got his phone and called 911 himself. Told them his wife is having a baby and needs help right away. Can you imagine? The Emergency team and the police arrived at the nursing home and when they saw that there was no wife and no imminent birth, he told them I had been kidnapped. The police took him immediately to the hospital there in Palm Beach to be evaluated. I hope they prescribe some sort of antio-psychotic meds for him. One day, I will laugh at this ...... maybe. Has any of this stuff happened to any of you with your ALZ spouse? I understand it took two strong men to handle him. NO WAY I could handle this stuff at home. Is this "normal"?
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2009
    Well, it depends on what you mean by "normal". Yes, it is what happens with Alzheimer's Disease. Did they take him to St. Mary's in West Palm Beach? They have experts in Alzheimer's Disease there.

    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2009
    No, it was Columbia Hospital. I don't know what's happening. They won't disclose any real information to me. I'm afaid I'll never see him again or get to care for him near me here at home. Seems like they could have done something to calm his mind sooner than this.
    stuntgirl, take a look at my post I've decided to place DH -- this kind of behavior is what pushed me over the edge. DH is now in a facility and they have him on meds for it. He's doing better. It is too dangerous to keep them at home when they have this kind of behavior. It happened 3 times over a 10 day period and 3 doctors told me to place him in a facility. MY DH thought I had men living "downstairs" -- accused me of all sorts of things. It's very, very, very upsetting and sad.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 18th 2009
    Before my mom placed my dad in NH for other reasons beside senile dementia. she caught him outside at 3am 'feeling' the engine of the car so see if she had been out to have a sexual rendevou with her 'bingo partner'...he was in his underwear and it was mom is 90yrs old..:) verbal assaults have no age limits or scrutiny when any form of dementia is ongoing. medications are the only answer to subdue the bahaviour-divvi
    I have been told (correct me if this is not right) that most nursing homes cannot give their patients any kind of mood altering or calming drugs without direct orders from a doctor. At best, they have only one RN on call. This is one of the questions I've been told to ask.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 18th 2009
    i think too a nurse practioner with ability to rx or a dr direct order only can be done for meds. divvi
    i do think some facilities have their in house psychiatrist available as well.
    Nope, they have an on call doc or you can get your own doc to write the scrip. The on call doc prescribed the meds and the nh is giving them to DH and he is behaving himself.
    • CommentTimeApr 19th 2009
    My neighbor just placed herself in an ALS. They have an on call doc, AND her own doctor makes house calls in that ALS.

    No, they can't medicate her just because. It requires a doctor to do it, but they CAN call the doctor.