Vickie, My husband was an avid golfer. This is the first year he has not watched all 4 days of the Master's, he has no interest. In the past there were times when I didn't want to I find myself being able to watch anything I want & what do I do watch golf. Meatloaf & baked potato sounds better than my take-out.
Thanks, one and all, for "destigmatizing" the poop issue. I know that if the day comes I'm on poop patrol, I'll be in a much better frame of mind and much more able to handle it, because to the discussions on this website.
Marsh, if your wife won't carry a purse, you can get a canvas briefcase and carry depends, wipes and a zip lock bag with you, and that way you will be prepared. I carry my husband's supplies in my canvas briefcase (with a shoulder strap), and it has come in handy!
After our weekend guests ( our best friends for 40 years) left to go back home to another state, my husband began undressing in the kitchen and took off his depends. We (my daughter, grandson and I) thought that he must have wet them and wanted to change. WRONG! He bent over to put on clean depends and pooped on the kitchen floor! I took him to the bathroom when he finished (no sense in trailing it through the house!) and cleaned him up and then bathed him (to relax him as well as make certain I got everything!). My grandson and daughter were wonderful! They cleaned up the kitchen floor, and then mopped it with soapy water, then vinegar water and then rinsed again. No smell.... It was awful and funny at the same time!
I am so worried about this issue being in my future. I just don't think I can handle it like you folks here. I took care of my Mom's colostomy for 2 years but is was a contained situation. Poop on the floor-----no-----no-----no---
phranque-- As Sandi said , it sounds like she's constipated. Talk to the pharmacist about which Over The Counter Laxitives would be okay with her other meds. Basic stool softeners and Fiber therapy don't work with a lot of the psych and dementia meds. I went through this with my DH and was advised, for him Dulcolax or Miralax wouldbe okay. Of the 2 the dulcolax worked best, and once we got thinks going, we were abl to work a pattern that kept things fairly well controlled.
oh my!! off for a day out and the queens court needs new titles filled!! i wasnt expecting my stand by titlers to be filled so quickly. jimmy you did an outstanding job mr!! you have been promoted to Count Caca and you keep up the excellent job!! and phranque it does sound like a laxative is in order..but be careful not to much or it will 'backfire' on you..)was that an unintended pun??::)) and mary bless your cotton pickin heart!!! girl you have a group living with you that has ranks of delta force! reminds me of the time i was interviewing a new agency lady for my days out.. DH politely lowered his depends and pooed all overthe FRENCHSILK dining room chair( where WE were interveiwing.) the interview was cut short..haha... i was lucky i just took the chair out and hosed it down thoroughly thinking i would have to recover all 8chairs as it would certainly re destroyed. it washed beautifully! so i fully understand how you episode went. if we cant find humour while dealing with these gawdawful situations, i keepppp saying it- i would be the one in the psyche ward a while ago.. i have to say, i am soooo proud of ALL of you who just did the job and moved
I hope I haven't joined the Poop Patrol! DH had been wearing the under wear I bought because he had wet the bed twice. Last night he decided not to wear any so of course he had an accident. This time it was a loose BM, aaaaaack. He had just put clean sheets on his bed yesterday so I washed the sheets he had taken off and am now washing the sheet and matress pad from this episode. Divvi, I didn't lose my cool but if it keeps up I might!
well jean, its a good thing you got as far and didnt lose 'your cool'. so many of us have been where you are treading.. haha. its not the end of the world but yes you must get him into the depends now or you may be pulling your hair out sooner. and use a booster pad in it for extra absorbency. if i remember its been happening more frequently these last days. sigh. its ok. i know its no fun to deal with but remember the mantra is ' not fun but doable.' there are SOO many here that have said incontinence would be the line in the sand and are still here and doing the dooty.. haha.. i hope you stay strong and just look at it as something he is not able to control and in time you will be ok. good luck! divvi
divvi, I have told DH he needs to wear the under pants every night and he agreed. I was thinking "I didn't sign on for this" but then I thought "yes I did....for better or worse". We don't back to the neuro until September so we will see how DH does between now and then.
Not only do you have them in Depends 24/7, but some of our spouses REMOVE those suckers when our backs are turned, both day and night (must be ever vigilent) AND when the men are standing in front of the toilet to pee, DO NOT stand directly behind them. Always to the side. And watch. Just in case. Sometimes they don't know it's coming. Just thought I would inform those who are not where we are yet. <grin>
It's a dirty business, but someone has to do it. I did it for my babies and toddlers, and since he's now a baby again, I'm doing it again. <sigh>
Oh, how I HATE to think this is in my future! There were some issues a year ago because of a medication but taking clothes off hasn't been a problem. I'm just trying to take one day at a time. Hopefully, that time won't come for a while.
When I was talking with the VA social worker I was trying to explain to here that when he has accidents or is in diapers, with our setup in the MH there is no way I could fit in there to help him. She seemed to not understand.