I have a sun catcher hanging by two suction cups on my sliding door. Periodically it falls down. I usually find one of the suction cups but will look all over the carpet for the other one. Finally I just give up and go get another one. This morning after I searched and searched, I just happened to look behind the drape. A small section of the hem had come undone, creating a little pocket. Guess what I found? FIVE little suction cups. Not like the pajamas but just goes to show us, that you never know where something is hiding.
My DH FINALLY found the money he "lost" in his bedroom when I was in the hospital in January. That was the third case of "lost" money. Maybe now he is on Namenda as well as Aricept he won't lose any more. His memory does seem better, not that he remembered where this money was....he was looking for something else which I found for him. LOL
We place "Find the Billfold" just about every morning. He really got sneaky night before last and hid the billfold one place and his money another place. I found the billfold but the money is still missing. I have removed the credit cards and his insurance cards and put them in a safe place. It really would be bad to have an emmergency and be unable to find the cards.
Hi & Welcome ozzy, Sorry for your need to join our family, however, I am glad you found us. You will find kind, helpful beyond belief & non-judgemental loving people here. My husband is 58 years old with Frontal Temporal Dementia (FTD) If you feel comfortable tell us about yourself.