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    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeDec 9th 2012
    Many phone stores will take old cell phones and put them to charitable use.
    Call your courthouse or sheriff's department. Many towns/cities will clean them and donate to domestic violence safe houses.
    Just had to bring this back up. As you all may - or may not- know, DH fell, split open the palm of his right hand and fingers and has 22 stitches in that hand. It's been a bear the last week and a half trying to keep the bandage on and the stitches in! I have threatened to duct tape that bandage.

    Anyway, last night I cleaned it, put the bandage on - went to bed. Got up this morning and the bandage was off - and nowhere to be found! I have hunted high and low - can't find it - not that I need it - just wondering what in the the world he did with it! I'll bet he flushed it down the commode!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2013
    I vote for flushing Vickie
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeApr 23rd 2013
    LOL Thanks for bringing this "ttt" again, Vickie! Its exactly what I needed to read today!
    We did have case of the missing block of cheese. I had begun to think I had left it at the grocery store (we bag our own groceries) when it finally showed up, weeks later, wedged between the armrest and the bottom of the sofa! Along with it, I also found my favorite paring knife.
    My husband has one household task to do daily, and that is the dishes. We don't have a dishwasher. Some dishes he just leaves on the counter because he has forgotten where they go. Needless to say, Those dishes he does put away can be found almost anywhere!

    Still missing: 2 orange peelers and the same paring knife which is lost again - brown handle, serrated blade.
    Item "lost" most frequently - his walking stick!
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeApr 24th 2013
    Still missing,one orthotic,2 gentle leader dog collars,my Scoobie Doo watch,and numerous toothebrushes ,I did find my 5Star alert in his depends,UGH
    • CommentAuthorskates
    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2013
    my aunt's bathroom door was locked and she pooped in a plastic box put the lid on it and put it in the hall closet. I found it a couple of days later, just followed the smell.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2013
    Anyone missing a pair of sunglasses? We seem to have acquired an extra pair (look very similar to my DH's).
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2013
    The "Borrowers"... anybody remember reading it as a kid?
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2013
    I brought this up again, because we seem to be missing the extra attachments for our food processor, and wondered if anyone had seem them? I searched the kitchen and the basement with no luck. Any other places I should look? Maybe his bedroom?
    Background - DH decided this afternoon that he was up to making latkes for supper, and of course the easiest way for him to make them (and the messiest for me to clean up) is to shred the potatoes with the food processor. After an hour of us both searching for the attachments, he ended up using the hand grater. Its the first cooking he has done in weeks, so I definitely wasn't going to discourage him!
    Did you look-in the freezer? :)
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2013
    Tool box??
    In reading these funny posts, I remembered my mother. She had EOAD, my grandmother was confined to bed. During the day mother took care of her mother. I would come home from work, my sister from school. We'd find the bedpan in the pantry, and the skillet under the bed. She would iron our clothes, and end up scorching our blouses. Sometimes we could cover it by wearing a jumper over it. It was a zoo then, we can laugh now.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2013
    Yes, Bonnie, the farther we are removed from these things the more we can laugh. And I think right now we could all use a laugh!
    I found the tea bell (for loose tea) in the fridge this week...
    Oh, how much time do we all spend just looking or things!! How many things get replaced and turn up at a later time??

    My DH lost his cell phone AGAIN! Sad thing is he cannot even use it anymore . But I finally buy him another one because he insists. I buy the oldest , simplest model they still sell. Still unable to use but feels secure with it..
    A week later I find the old one plugged in another room behind a chair!! Now two phones not being used.
    I still think I win this challenge. Old timers on this site remember the story about the night I couldn't find my DH's little tiny (in-ear) hearing aid. (One was red, one was blue, about the size of a kidney bean) I could get a 'feed-back ringing' on the one in my hand, but couldn't find the other one. Checked his pockets, shirt, waist band, chair cushion, trash...- all the while the one in my hand was ringing. FOUND IT!!! He had stuck so far up his nostril I had to take him to an Emergency Center to get it removed with their long handled slender forceps. I have often said there are two places he could have stuck it other than in his ear. I'm just glad it was in his nostril and not the other place.
    Oldtimers may remember my story of my wife. She was obviously sucking on something, but I knew she didn't have any candy. When I got her to spit it out, it was her hearing aid, which she a bitten in half. I did not replace it, figuring that $2000 is very expensive for a piece of candy.
    Exactly, Marsh. I had bought the kind that had 3 settings, one for regular conversation, one for amplified sermons, and one for noisy backgrounds. He needed only push the button in his ear to the right one. What was I thinking?????? Knowing so well his condition, I still expected the poor guy to be able to set his fancy-smancy hearing aid to the appropriate setting. Insurance replaced the hearing aids once, .. .then they questioned the next request. We decided to just let it go. It really didn't matter anymore.

    He refused to wear the big ones that have the piece that fit behind the ear. Our tiny digital hearing aids cost about $6000 for the pair. Someone told me later that they purchased the generic ones in the AARP catalog and they worked great!!!
    There is a charity that takes old hearing aids that work and fits them for the poor. I wear hearing aids and have donated my old aids as well as mother's when she died. Audiologists know of this charity or you could probably google search it. I think my audiologist gave me a mailing box for them.

    Obviously one bitten in half wouldn't be much appreciated and moisture is the enemy of aids so the one from the nose might have been a goner too.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2013
    Marche, that is interesting info. My DH doesn't wear his hearing aids anymore either - I have put them away since I usually found them on the floor. They were expensive, and it would be nice to see them put to good use. There also doesn't seem to be anything wrong with hubby's hearing anymore - he seems to hear everything I don't want him to! :-)
    Be sure to take the batteries out of unused hearing aids so they don't corrode.

    I donated my aids to Hear Now in Eden Prairies MN

    It's called "selective hearing loss"! :-) :-) Kids have it also!:-)
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2013
    'selective hearing' is what got me to send my husband to the doctor before diagnosis. I was tired of repeating. He was better for a while but now his hearing 'travels' like the PJ's - never know when he will hear what I want him to!
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2013
    Thanks Marche - the next time I can get into his room, I will dig out his hearing aids and make sure that there are no batteries in them.
    Ah yes, selective hearing - the kids have it, hubby has it. Its not when he will hear what I want him to, its when he hears what I don't want him to! :-). He's gone from being deaf to having the hearing of a cat! :-)