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    • CommentAuthorCAMNOAH2
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2009
    Discussed the 'losing' of items with a friend whose mother has alzheimers. Her advice was: unless it is really vital, like the care keys or such, just ignore it and eventually 'it' will magically reappear.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2009
    Yes, but how many baby PJ's and nighties are we going to have when they do show up??
    Kadee started this topic almost 3 months ago! I can't believe these PJs still have not showed their face--or whatever! Do you really think they will just magically show up? I think this has been the topic I have enjoyed reading the most--everyone's comments are great!
    ttt for new members and we need an update from Kadee on the pj's
    While you're looking for Kadee's PJ's, don't forget to look for my safety deposit box key.
    • CommentAuthorBrooke*
    • CommentTimeJul 28th 2009
    Saturday, my DH was observed removing my keys from their usual spot to put them in the silverware drawer. I keep a spare set of keys in my purse ( tethered on a cord to the inner zippered compartment) for times like these. When I found them, he said what the electrician said to me as I watched the drill bit come through the wall: "I didn't do it!" We agreed that it was a mystery. Happily for me, this time we had a witness - I do worry about myself when he is so adamant that he "didn't do it." Could I have put the ice cream away next to the oatmeal? Perhaps there will come a day.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeJul 28th 2009 edited
    I had almost forgot about the traveling pj's, which may I add are still missing. I thought I would have found them someplace by now, however, they are still traveling. From past post they do seem to have company, so I don't expect them to return.
    I just hope when Marsh gets a new Safety Deposit box key, everything is not gone.
    Marsh, my safety deposit key took off with yours!!!!

    AND - GOOD NEWS!!!! - the saphire necklace came back home!!!! It had apparently been on a trip and fallen out of the jewelry container in the suitcase, and fell in a hidden spot. When I was emptying the suitcase last week, something caught on my fingernail, and when I got the tweezers and went probing, I found it!!!!
    Mary--that's a good sign. Maybe all our lost items will start coming back now.
    Ice cream in the pantry, Lettuce in the freezer, TV remote in the trash, shoes in the hamper, hearing aid in his nostril.... I can't believe I have time to do all of those things. But HE CERTAINLY DIDN'T PUT THOSE THINGS THERE!
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeJul 28th 2009
    Of course he didn't. It's that man in the mirror that leaves the water on.
    • CommentAuthorDelS*
    • CommentTimeJul 29th 2009
    Actually it's the dog that does it at our house.
    Why is it that the only things I lose are the important ones that I put away some place special so that I won't lose them?
    ttt for lynne
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009
    By the way the PJ's have never surfaced. I guess they are still traveling with their friends they have collected along the way. lol
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009
    LYNNE, you really should read this entire thread, Kadee, you should publish this, lol!
    I DID find my bank lock box key!! Maybe Marsh's will show up too!

    Kadee, I'll bet he put them in the trash when you weren't looking! <grin>
    Has anyone ever heard a medical explanation of why they put things in odd places? Why do they have this urge to "tidy up" or hide stuff? My husband has now started to move furniture around--it seems he thinks he's accomplishing something good by doing this--I can't tell what.

    P. S. Nightgown still missing
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009
    This is too funny.... At least we have a laugh at some of the wild things... even though it's sad
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009
    Darn! I wish "those Kids" who are always taking his stuff would help me a little bit around the house. Guess they're just here to annoy DH.
    Carolyn your picture looks like it was taken on a boardwalk by the beach. Where were you when it was taken?
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009
    bluedaze, the picture was taken in Huntington Beach, CA when we were visiting my son.
    Mary, did you ask your key where mine is? It still hasn't showed up. Pretty soon I'll have to "bite the bullet" and pay to have the box opened.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009 edited
    Mary, The very night the PJ's disappeared I checked the trash, no luck. I did learn a lesson though, I don't put any clothing on his chest of drawers until morning.
    I think every now & then, that I will find the pj's somewhere unexpected.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009
    I just thought of something, maybe that is what the man in the mirror & my husband are always laughing at.
  13. you have a "Highboy" or other tall furniture in your house, tall secretary or bookcases? I've found wierd stuff up there in times past. Stuff I was "accussed" of throwing away!
    Marsh, I was going to go ask my key, and when I checked its spot, it wasn't there! When Debbie and I went to the bank to get her added, she carried the newly found key and put it in her wallet. I just called her. She's getting ready to board her flight for London......and checked and my lock box key is in her wallet! So, my key is making an international trip for the next few months, and will be coming home for Christmas! I'll ask it then! <grin>

    Kadee, maybe he mailed them to someone!
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009
    I got a postcard, the pajamas and the nightie had a baby boy, and have opened a safety deposit box in Switzerland where they are living. The wallet was given by Nightie to PJ for a wedding gift and the missing porta crib is being put to good use by PJ Jr. They all send their best regards and may at some point join us on our cruise when PJ jr is old enough to sleep through the night. Oh, waiting to see if there is another little jammie on the way!
    • CommentAuthornatsmom*
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2009
    Y'all are ALL so so funny!! :)
    This was one of my favorite threads, and reading a new post by PatL regarding a dishtowel reminded me of it. I thought I'd bring it ttt for new members. I now have a Verizon remote to add that has been missing for about a month. The aide was with DH, watching TV, and she turned her back and it was gone. We can't find it anywhere; I haven't called Verizon yet to get another because I know it's here somewhere. It's unbelieveable how annoying it is to have to get up to turn the TV on and off, adjust the sound, etc. Hard to believe that years ago, that was the ony way to operate a TV!
    Beneath the sofa or chair cushions, you can stick you hand down further, between the outer upholstery/frame and the interior frame..if that makes any sense. I have found the remote there more than once. I'm sure you've turned the chairs upside down and reached up from beneath. I can even manage to lay the sofa on its back.and reach up. Amazing at what I found when I did that.

    Good luck on the remote thingy. Just call today..and if you find the old one, you'll have "two!"
    • CommentAuthorPatL
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009
    MarilyninMD - Eureka! I have found the dishtowel. It was neatly folded in the Tea Canister. Of course, where else would it be? Good luck with your missing remote search.

    This post is just hysterical. It's good that we can find humor here ... so needed.

    Have a good night, all.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009
    Remember there is always hope. It only took 6 months before the PJ's came home for the winter.
    Nancy--Just did the search you recommended--no dice. I guess I should call, as you said. I'm thinking they will charge me, but maybe not. Of course, then it will need to be programmed, but maybe that's no big deal.
    In the meantime, remember you can use the remote from the bedroom on the TV in the family room. I've had to do that more than once. I spend half of every day searching for things. akkkkkkkl
    • CommentAuthorLibbySD
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2009
    Maybe all that stuff went where the socks from the laundry disappear to???
    Ok, my kitchen sissors took off. DH used them in the garage to open a bag of wild bird seed. Not seen them since. We've looked everywhere.
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2009
    That could be fun, Dazed. watch out.
    Nancy--that's what we have been doing--using the one from the sunroom. However, since the TV's are different brands, all the one from the sunroom will do is change channels--not turn on/off nor adjust volume. But it's better than nothing. When our bathroom remodel is over and things go back to normal (?), I'll call and get a new one. Any bites after your open house for the realtors?
    No showings since the fancy-smancy luncheon.. Very depressed. I think the house is haunted. Maybe we can advertise THAT..."Halloween Special...Haunted House For Sale!"
    Called Verizon today and they are shipping a new remote for about $12--it comes with programming instructions. I'm sure the old one will turn up as soon as it is here.

    If your house was a starter home, you might get some potential buyers due to the credit the gov't is giving. But since it isn't, it's going to be slow. I'm sure it's disappointing after all the trouble you went to.
    OK, I give up. Recall I bought new shoes for my DH, because the doctor felt he needed to wear shoes that breathe - instead of his dress leather Florsheim's. He has a bad rash on his feet and ankles. I bought him a pair of Sperry shoes, nice and soft..and although he agreed they were quite comfy, he didn't like them. So, he peed in them and threw them in the trash. I found them, cleaned them up with Lysol, and he's been wearing them ever since.

    Shoes have been missing since Tuesday. I know he wore them on Monday. I've looked everywhere, housekeeper looked, we cannot find these shoes. They are NOT in the house...or no where shoes could ordinarily be found. I've looked in the hampers, drawers, beneath beds, on shelves, in the freezer, in the car... NO SHOES, - and he's back in his black Florsheim's. Absolutely NO IDEA where they are.

    Please put his new Sperry Topsiders on the Missing List, with the remote, nightgown, pj's, lock box keys - and other valuables.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009
    Did you check between the mattress or in the mail/paper box?
    Nancy--Were the Sperry's black, like the Florsheim's? I'm thinking probably not. If you have to buy replacements, Steve has had black deck shoes--they would resemble the dress shoes more--maybe that would help?
    Good idea, Marilyn. He doesn't like change, and the new shoes were taupe with white soles. I'm probably going to order him another pair - and I'll get black ones. Will go back through the house again tomorrow, just to be sure the housekeeper checked everywhere she was told to check. (I had her down on the floor, looking under beds, because she is tiny and can get up from the floor easier than I can).
    • CommentAuthorJanet
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009
    Nancy, did you check the tea canister?
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2009
    Waste baskets, recycle bins, between the bed and wall--if they're close--could be wedged between.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2009
    Remember, I found the pj's 6 months later in a ball under the bed in the guest room. I had looked there before, but, didn't see them. Since they were in the middle, he would have needed to be almost under the bed to place them there.
    Look in his chest of drawers, that's were my husband has started keeping his slippers.
    • CommentAuthornoahcam
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2009
    Always carefully check the trash. (I know this has been said before.) I could not find my eyeglasses for a whole day, and finally found them in the trashcan.

    Some days I believe I spend an hour searching for various things. Where is my razor, where is ____________ etc. I have copies of my drivers license, medical cards, etc, in a locked box.
    DH asked me this afternoon if I had seen his wallet. I had not. Knew he had it yesterday at the store. We both looked all afternoon, everywhere, called the store, finally gave up.

    I spent the last two hours on line canceling a credit card, ordering replacement cards for Medicare, Medicare RX, AARP Health; etc. What a hassle! At least I had photocopies of everything so had the info.

    I just went into his closet to get some clothes out for tomorrow. I had looked in there - in all his pants, etc. twice already. Looked down and there was the wallet sticking out of a shoe! I would swear I had looked in all the shoes earlier!

    Told him I had canceled the credit card, so took his and cut it up. Now, everything else in there can be replaced - mostly id stuff anyway. He was more concerned with losing his $20!