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    • CommentAuthorlinda t
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2009
    i have been working since he was diagnosed by myself he had a few weeks of vacations he is a maintenance person working with electricity,plumbing you know things that have to be planned out he actually went into an apartment that didnt need work and fixed? the sink i want him to be out of work permantly he is a danger to himself but the dr is doing a month at a time off but now our son and his friend bug him he wants them out (they have lived here several years now they bug him) and my dogs i have 4 chihuahuas and a min pin he makes all kinds of excuses why i need to get rid of them i work 6 days a week , take my mom to dialysis every other week do everything from bills to taxes im not getting rid of my dogs it makes me sound petty with his illness but damn all of a sudden he wants all thing his way hes making me crazy with his moods and trying to force me into getting rid of the dogs . last week he tried to boost a car in the yard and blew up the battery does anyone else deal with this control thing
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2009
    Linda sounds like he needs to be off the job pronto. working with electricity is life threatning and even a small screwup can cost his life. needless of say of someone elses who trust his work ability. if he is in such disaray about the dogs i would be concerned. while yo are away he may do something to them. i would be devastated if my DH hurt one of mine so maybe you can think of something to protect them. that many dogs can become irritating if they bark or crowd him when he isnt in the mood. there was a time when my two chihuahuas were aggravating to my DH and they were the loves of his life before that. he would kick at them and i felt so sorry for the one he used to carry on his arm 24/7. it was heartbreaking. he loves them again after time passed so have heart he may change in the future towards them again. sounds like you may need some inhome help soon to help supervise his activities. i would speak to the dr and let him know he is at a point yo are worried to leave him alone. you could start paperwork for sssi then or early soc secur. take care, divvi
    • CommentAuthorlinda t
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2009
    that is why i havent let him go back i push the dr to take him off and he says he has to do it a month at a time he has always been agravated that i used to do rescue for chihuahuas and he loves them sometimes i have one old one that wont be here long my son lives here with us but he dosnt bother with his dad much the other one lives next door and his wife gives chuck lunch and checks up on him the battery happened at night when my son was home he thought his father was puttering but his wife heard a bang and went to investigate i was taking mom to dialysis there are 6 of us we take turns she goes every other day he normaly dosent mess with too much with out charlie there he just barely backed away before it exploded he told me it was frozen charlie told me he hooked it up wrong i believe it was the latter thank you linda t
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2009
    if it were me, i'd write up a letter to the dr and copy one to myself that states your concerns of DH going back to work due to the risks involved. you should state any real facts that you have noticed in DH-that working with electricity can be serious even deadly if he makes one mistake. if the dr says he can go back to work at least you have covered your butt incase DH gets into trouble. you put the dr on notice of your concerns and he didnt act accordlingly and advise him not to work. just a thought-divvi
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2009
    linda t-- sounds like the Dr. isn't listening. Do the letter, as divvi suggested. Also, chgeck into an Alz/Memory Disorder Clinic or the like for a second opinion. If the Dr. says it's dementia and he has been told of even some of these difficulties, what is the deal with 1 month at a time? Stop him working and file for Social Security Disability. Changing Dr.s may be necessary. IMHO it doesn't appear in anyone's best interest to drag this on.

    Your DH is trying to do normal things, and when he can't, and/or realizes he can't he looks for other ways to control what's happening to him. The issue with the dogs is likely a part of that. There are medications to help him be less agitated. You need to look out for the dogs, but maybe consider what's in their best interests--5 is a bit many, even if they are small. Likely they are rather hyper, which can be irritating. I know how hard it is to consider changing the size of your canine family--I had to give up my Guinea Pig rescuing and place 2 of our 5 cats, and later 1 of our dogs.
    It hurt to do it, but it was better for DH and since I placed them, they all have done well. I still have 1 dog, 3 cats, and now we have 3 aquariums. We each have had our own sacrifices to make on this journey, and you're just getting started.
    Start with diagnosis. Nail down the Dr. on your DH no longer working. If the Dr. tells him "No." the pressure is off him to keep trying to "be normal" and work. Reducing that pressure may help with his controlling weays.
    When our precious little dog hears the doorbell, he begins to jump around and bark. I can see the eyes of DH begin to show panic. Too much yipping and noise upsets him. I can deal with that. He's takes Seroquel, and I cannot drug him out of all reality.

    The easiest thing to do would be to disconnect the doorbell, - because I cannot teach little dog to stop barking at the doorbell. He is so excited someone is HERE!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2009
    Is it the dog barking or the fear of someone at the door and possibly coming in to harm him?
    • CommentAuthorlinda t
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2009
    the dogs are yippy i think its just the dogs they are jumpy and want to be on and or near him there are times he actually likes them and i did file for dissability his work dissability wont start for 6 mts they dont do short term nice huh and he is on or has started something for the anxiety because he would cry when something went wrong he was trying to do he started on a low dose and has to work up to the full dose of it it suppose to help him sleep too and my door bell is dissconnected every time he goes i tell dr i dont want him working and tell him about the electricty and zone valve he didnt shut the hot water off for and other thing the battery thing just happened he goes next week back to dr i will look into alz memory clinic its funny(not) but i really think he cares for our dogs i see him cuddling sometimes with them especially the old one thanks
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2009
    Linda, there are a couple of web sites that may help you find a memory disorder clinic or AD research center near you: (For this one, don't enter anything in the search box, just choose "United States" and click on search, then look for your state.)