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    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2009
    jav-- Where we live, if a dog strays onto your property you can call Animal control to come get it. Even better, if you can confine it, they don't even have to catch it (helps them help you more willingly). Once they take the animal, everything is between the owner and the authorities. Are they immunized? Are they licensed?

    (Might be playing dirty, but) could you confine your dog and bait the nuisances safely with a sedative? Then, once they're down, tie them on leads and let them sleep it off until morning in a shed. Call Animal control in the morning.
    And away they go. Do you KNOW these dogs belong to those people? A lot of dogs look alike. They don't belong on your property, bottom line.
    • CommentAuthorjav*
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2009
    yes they belong to them,for sure. they are sneaky and only come at night,i can't handle those stupid dogs and don't have the time,i shouldn't have to. one of the last times my son said something to them about the dogs,they said,shoot them. can you believe that? loving dog owners. we should not have to take the responsibility of other peoples dogs. it just really angers me,along with everything else i have to deal with,our outside dog barks at night,because the dogs come up here to poop.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 9th 2009
    ttt -
    • CommentAuthordanielp*
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009
    A slap for the hospital minion who came into the emergency room while DW was there with a fractured shoulder. Minion asked DW her birthdate and when DW looked puzzled and did not respond, Minion scolded her with, "I'm from registration, I NEED to know your birthdate."
    • CommentAuthorshadowbaby
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2009
    Slap to my daughter for the time 2 yrs ago when I asked for a little help with her Dad and she said "put him in a nursing home". Then another slap for refusing to Finally get her drivers license thus having to depend on her idiot husband to go anywhere and expecting ME to drive her when her dad is in hospital, not getting it that this is going to happen whether she likes it or not. A great kick in the groin to her simpleton husband, who has to going along with everythin she wants( for legal reasons-don't wanna go there). Poke in the eye to my doctor for taking too long to believe what I had to litterally prove to him, and assuming I was another meopausal woman fretting. Bet I could think of more but I'm tired from all the slapping. Wow, that felt good!
    • CommentAuthorFayeBay*
    • CommentTimeApr 27th 2009
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2009 edited
    SLAP SLAP!! forward and back across to the screwed up psych doctor joans been paying!! and another huge slap to everyone in my family who is calling to ask what will we doing for fun this weekend! not only slapping but spitting mad. divvi
    and a few more to DH kids who i know have BBQ /swim parties and didnt call us even if we would have excused ourselves. divvi
    • CommentAuthorShanteuse
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2009
    oooh-- I was going to slap Joan's so-called doctor, but now I have to slap divvi's family and in-laws too. Good thing I had Wheaties for breakfast today.....
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeMay 22nd 2009
    Slapping Sid's shrink again! What a jerk.
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2009
    Already slapped Sid's shrink. Now slapping divvi's DH's kids, hard. This is fun! (-:
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2009
    and how bout a regal kick in the butt to all the snotty personell at the VA kathyrn that made you jump hoops???
    A slap to the woman who stood in line in front of me last week. She was complaining bitterly about the fact that her husband wanted to travel. They had just returned from Florida and then gone to Vancouver. She said he has more plans and so did she. She is staying home. I looked at her and told her how lucky she was. I told her that my husband is 65 and he has AD. She said she wished her husband had AD and then they would be able to stay home. I almost screamed at her. I said," my God, you could not wish something like that on someone. Do you have any idea how hard that life is." She said her mother-in-law had Alzheimer's. I really wanted to hit her. I thought you stupid, stupid woman. You are so ignorant. I fought tears all the way home to think that someone with such a good life was just so damn dumb.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2009
    Slap, slap my sister. We just got back from hb having more testing from the neuropsychologist. He got frustrated at not remembering and told him no more. My sister says need to find the foods to eat that will dissolve the plaques/tangles. They can't be permanent. He is giving up and he can't do that. Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh

    Slap, slap my daughter who called right after he came out of the testing. I called her back later and she wanted to know what is wrong. I told her he has progressed to Alzheimer - he's dying. She said he is not, it is just the brain dying. I said, well if the brain dies the body dies. Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh
    • CommentAuthorFayeBay*
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2009 edited
    Slap to my SIL.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 6th 2009 edited
    SLAPPING each of my ugly step-children and my own daughter who have conspired against their father and me...slapping them again because the marks aren't visible yet. And once again because now that I have him home, not one of them has called him to see how he's doing. Also, putting my full body weight into the groin-kick to my step-son, the lawyer. Slaps and spitting at my husbands sisters who visited me for two days when John was home a year and a half ago and told me nothing was wrong with him, he is just depressed. Oh wait....I'm not satisfied with that. Gotta go kick everyone's a....s, too. While they're down, a kick to the ribs. OH! I FOUND A SHARP STICK! DON'T LET ANY OF THEM GET AWAY!
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 6th 2009
    Oh, and one more thing....when I was out in my garden getting really dirty, I got really, really creative concerning my last comment. My evil step-daughter in L.A. has these two stupid chihuahaus (sp?). She also has a snake phobia. How about a nest of little yappy dog eating snakes that suddenly appears and she can't get rid of? Yes. I like that.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2009
    Okay. That last comment of mine might have been a little off the edge and mean. It seems to have stopped the slapfest! But, is there anything wrong with just wanting her to DREAM about big doggie eating snakes?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2009
    Nope - nothing wrong.
    • CommentAuthortherrja*
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    Had a cat catch a snake one time - couldn't deal with the idea of her eating it (picture snake crawling around in stomache) so took it away from her. Sorry StuntGirl - don't want the pciture of dogs and snakes in my head either - but if it works as a slap for you - go for it.

    Slap Slap to the ignorant people that think that with him in a facility, I must have more time to do things........

    Slap Slap to the ignorant family members that want me to do all kinds of things for them taking up my time and exhausting me on top of trying to spend what little time my husband has left with him.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    Anyone see on the news last night about a woman who put one of those sticky traps under her bed? She was hoping to catch a mouse or cockroaches but when she pulled the trap out there was a snake stuck on it. Animal control took it away and were hoping to get it unstuck. Last report it was still stuck!!
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLAP! TO MY OWN DAUGHTER WHO JUST TEXT MESSAGED ME IN THE MIDDLE OF MY DAY TO TELL HER DAD AND I TO LEAVE THEM ALONE FROM NOW ON! Personally, I think I missed out on giving her more than a few beatings when she was a child. (still is one at 24)
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    I would text back 'gladly'.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    It really makes me wonder. Why would my children want their dad to languish in a nursing home in FL when they knew he wanted to be home with me. What did they think they had to gain? ($$$$ comes to mind, but as I believe they've found out, THERE IS NOTHING). And, I've never found out what it is that I've done to any of them that has hurt them so badly. If only they could talk to me about it. What a bunch of S--T. SSSSSSLAP!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    Maybe they, in their minds, blame you for what has happened to their dad. Wouldn't be that unusual. It is easier than accepting that it is just the way it is. It is always easier to blame others, than accept the situation - truth. They are the ones someday will have to face the way they have behaved. And unless they are totally self absorbed, someday it will come back to haunt them - might be when they are diagnosed with it.
    • CommentAuthortherrja*
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2009
    Jen, Charlotte has a good point - they have to live with their choices and the consequences of them. You can leave a door open for them if they ever change their mind making it their choice if they ever want to step through it. Make sure your choice is one you can life with. Life does have a way of giving us exactly what we need and if they need a reprimand, then let life do it to them.

    As a parent you can only do the best you can to guide them, what they choose to do with it is all on them.

    So Slap, Slap to the ignorant siblings, children and parents who say and do things without understanding what is really going on in our lives.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009
    to the top of the pages for Ckkgram!
    rant all you want.
    • CommentAuthorckkgram
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009
    Thanks divvi- and everyone else! Slap, slap, to my childhood friend, my closest two cousins, my son, my sister, my husband's brother.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009
    a gentle rake across the cheek to Therrja for a wakeup call to take heed when dosing her own meds:)
    per her own request!

    'fathers day' is sunday and i am conditioning my hands bigtime for the slaps that will need to be done just in case. divvi
    Divvi, you hit the nail on the head....since he doesn't know them, that doesn't mean that they can forget to honor their father on Father's Day. No presents.....he wouldn't know that he was getting a gift. The girls took him out to dinner for an early Father's Day since they will be in Hawaii that day. And they got him a new battery powered toothbrush. <grin> The boys (men of 38 and 45) probably won't even call him on Father's Day....It is so sad. We can have a slap fest on that on Monday!!!!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009
    can never haave enough battery toothbrushes:)
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009
    Okay. It's agreed. WE ALL meet here Father's Day afternoon for a general thrashing of those in need of it. I'm sure no one will call or come around HERE.
    StuntGirl, be better to wait until the day AFTER Fathers Day or at least late evening.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009 edited
    Late evening. They STILL deserve some ADJUSTMENTS if they wait that long in the day to "remember" dear ol dad. The day AFTER Father's Day is NOT Father's Day.
    • CommentAuthorWeejun*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009
    Oh my goodness, I'm spending way too much time on this site and now I'm discussing the planned SLAP FEST. Just last night (Wednesday) learned DH's only biological child (my stepson) and family are leaving Father's Day Sunday for a week long vacation in sunny Florida. It's not bad enough they only mentioned it in passing -- they "thought" they had told me they were going -- but said they'd see DH when they got back. Excuse me, they live less than 20 miles away, have 3 drivers in the family plus 3 cars and cannot manage to get here to see dear old dad anytime between Wednesday evening and Sunday morning!!!
    Weejun..I am in central florida and if you want,I will drive over to slap your stepson for you...Just email me the address and let me know how many slaps they get.....
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009
    My own dad has offered to "out" anyone of my "dear family" who needs it.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2009
    its such a shame we cant live closer and have all the 'AD dads' get together and have a community day for all of them as one big bunch. awwww. wouldnt they love that. divvi
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2009
    My dear dad (hope he was joking) has offered to "off" John or anyone I thought needed it......said, "what do I have to loose? I'm 82 years old, in failing health; they'd put me in prison, give me three hot meals a day, I'd still have cable television, access to a gym, workshop and library. Medications would be paid for. Hell, I could even continue my education!". DID sound funny at the time, but hope he's not loosing it, too.
    Careful Jen...One of my neighbors had a leg amputated because of a Dr. error, and when he had problems with his other leg, a visiting CNA told him that he should go to see the doctor. He stated that "he would kill himself before he went to that doctor again. So..she picked up the phone, called the sherriff and had him Baker acted....they took him away, after ransacking his house and taking his two guns, and brought him to a psyc ward for a week stay. I could not believe that a casual comment like that would cause this disaster.....I hate to advise that you let your dear dad know that he needs to be careful so that some idiot does not report it....I can just see headlines....82 yr old charged with conspiracy to commit murder....
    By the way, the man is back home, police would not return his guns, so he went out and bought another one.......
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2009
    What a story!! Dad's given all his guns away, anyhow. What's he thinking? Think he's just trying to 'be 'da man' for me and protect me, knowing how John has been capable of hurting me in the past, emotionally and physically (and dad has always thought John's an A--hole, anyway).
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2009
    Okay Folks. I am starting the Slap Fest a day early because we don't have any offspring to slap. Slap, slap and another slap to my DH if he tells me one more time that he doesn't remember things because he doesn't pay attention.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2009
    i guess i will be at a half slap to DH kids. got an 'email' from his daughter for Fathers day asking for a lunch next saturday instead since they have kids/grandkids today. impersonal email but at least they want to see him next weekend. and one son just called and asked to speak to him so he listened =other son is not expected to call , he is bipolar off meds and a complete wreck since he was 12yrs old and rarely shows only at xmas. so i guess DH got 'something' from them. my son called early today and off to the family reunion with my mom which i was invited but declined with so many people and 3hrs drive each way. so we are going to have our 'feast' for late lunch and i am going to the pool while DH naps. by the way i had just got him showerd/shaved/ super snazzy and dressed in new clothes just in CASE someone would stop by to visit him. not an issue now. so going to get a tan by my pool!. and probably be back later - by the way a super hard stinging red mark on the cheek slap:) to ALL those family members who ignore their fathers today completely. and there will be many. divvi
    Well, what a surprise. Hadn't heard a word from DH's daughter about Father's Day until Friday night, said she'd like to stop by with the kids. They came over this a.m. with bagels, a framed picture of her and the kids, and a card the 5 year old made. We had a great time--the kids had a ball dressing up in old hats, jewelry and glasses I keep around for that purpose. The 5 year old said she'd like to come live with us, or at least stay over 2 days. We have lots of Barbie dolls and she wants to play beauty shop and restyle all their hairdos. They are such great ages now--5 and 2--they can't tell yet that there's anything wrong with DH. So no slaps from me today!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2009
    Slap backwards and forwards, no make that a double double slap for DH's brother who lives an hour away but won't call or visit because he's embarrassed to be with DH and afraid his son will get FTD. Slap slap to all the other family members and friends who no longer call or visit since they got the news. Like the disease is catching....
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2009
    Waiting here....just waiting for the Slap Fest to begin this evening. Should be quite an outlet for me (on behalf of my husband) and others. No calls from anyone as of yet. Glad I haven't cut my nails yet.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2009
    OKAY......I'm starting the slap fest for Father's Day....the day is past and there's no excuse. If you haven't called your daddy to say something to him by now, you don't intend to. TOMORROW IS NOT Father's Day. TODAY was. SLAAAAAAP to John's children, Michael, Susie, Joshua, Joanna, April and our own Ariel. Again, because it didn't seem to leave a mark the first time. Chasing them with sharp sticks, hoes, pitchforks, anything all stand behind and don';t let them get away!! A good kick in the A-- as well. Pitiful creatures.
    • CommentAuthorStuntGirl
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2009
    Hmmmmm. Either all of you are nicer and more forgiving than I am or you've all gone numb over not having been contacted by your children on Father's Day and just not reacted yet. I, for one, will never get used to the idea of one disregarding a parent.
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2009
    No slaps here. DH's daughter sent him a digital frame with family pic loaded in it. His son picked us up and took us out to dinner to the restaurant of our choice and then we stopped for small ice cream sundaes on the way home. My son & dl sent wishes from Ca. so it was a very nice day for us.
    No slaps here either. Got phone calls and a photo album sent by e-mail, plus dinner out. We both had a very good and peaceful weekend. Very nice!
    No slaps from here either. DH's son in Oregon called; had sent card earlier; my son, DH's stepson, called and sent card, from FL. All in all, a good day!