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    Did I miss a report re: Shellseeker's husband returning home? I think I recall she was going to drive up to N.C. over the weekend to pick him up and bring him home. Several mentioned leaving his van up there, so driving away would no longer be an issue while she was at work.

    I will check her site...I think it's down to Page 3 now. Wow! we certainly are a chatty group!
    Nancy, I was also wondering if she had returned home. Maybe she's staying a few days in NC before bringing him back home.

    Shellseeker, please let us know as soon as you have a chance to check in. We're still thinking about you.
    Here we go again...Mother Hens wanting all of our little chicks back home where they belong. Aren't we something here?
    Shellseeker, I hope you are home safe and sound and that your husband has settled down, and your life is getting back to the new normal. We have you in our prayers while we await word from you!
    Hello dear friends, I am back home. DH is worn out. It seems that his son had him sleep on the floor for the time he was there. He is exhausted and ill. I took him to our primary care doc this am. His BP is up and he is full of fluid. He cannot speak without coughing and making those choking sounds. He has fluid in the lungs and around his heart. He is also having more trouble with amublation but that could be due to the exhaustion. It seems his loving son could not get rid of him soon enough. My DH paid up his son's past rent and electric bills etc. Who cares all they do is take advantage and at least I did get a short break. No more driving and he seems to know why. I had dummy keys made. They look real but the van or truck will not start up with them. I have felt every prayer you have lifted up during this past week. Thank you so much. I love all of you and hope that you do not have to experience this. Now I must focus on the immediate physical problems and of course he is now on a diuretic so you know what that means, lots of carpets to clean and floors to keep wiped up. Oh the life we lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am so sorry this happens. Abuse of a helpless person is terrible. More so that is was his own son.
    Can you EVER IMAGINE makinjg your own father sleep on the floor while you sleep in your bed. When we were growing up, and afterward, our parents always got the best bedroom...and everyone else made other arrangements.... we'd sleep in sleeping bags, on cots, the sofa or all together in one bed. (that wasn't always the best idea!!)
    • CommentAuthorRk
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2009
    Shellseeker, I am sooooooooo glad to hear he's home safe, hopefully the side effects of his jaunt won't effect him adversely for long. Hope he bounces back quick.

    NancyB, I can't and I am from a younger generation! Even guest would not sleep on the floor before me. Just how I was raised.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2009
    Shellseeker, that makes me sick physically ill. your son is now on my S*** list. among some of the others family members here AND mostly some of my own extended family as well. i believe in what goes round comes round. and you pay for your mistakes in the next life. surely your son is going to have big dues to pay later. i am soo very sorry your DH is unwell and hopefully he will recover soon. my heart goes out to you. divvi
    Shellseeker, I am so glad that DH is back at home. The nerve of your son to make your DH sleep on the floor. That's shocking! I hope this abusive treatment doesn't adversely affect his physical well being. Please take good care, I'm thinking of you. By the way, clever idea creating dummy keys. My DH doesn't drive anymore, but doesn't seem to miss it, so I guess I'm lucky in that respect. ~Di
    Divvi, it is not my son it is DH son. They were all grown when we married. We have been married 5 years. If I had met his off spring first I would not have married him and that is a fact. They are horrible, users, rude and crude. I have never had company sleep on the floor. And the important thing is his son knew he had back reconstruction and has know for a while that is father is physically handicapped. Oh well at least I can say that I had nothing to do with there upbringing and when DH is gone I will have nothing to do with them. I am guessing that it is going to take about a week and probably another doc visit to get him back on track. Thanks for all the concern and caring Phyllis
    • CommentAuthorRk
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2009
    Go divvi, Go divvi

    Yep, I am a true believer in Karma.................... I certainly wouldn't want that kind of karma.

    Shellseeker, I know what you mean about having nothing nor wanting to have anything to do with the upbringing of people like that!

    Please take care of yourself as well. Rk
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2009
    Very good divvi, you & I have something in common. We believe in reincarnation. A BIG thing in my life.

    Shellseeker, Glad the situation is resolved to a certain point. At least he's not sleeping on the floor.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2009
    correction, 'Step son' and hes still on my S*** list! i think i could actually walk up to someone like him which i do not know and slap them stupid! and is he sues me, so be it.-love to hear what 12 jurors would think..:)
    unfathomable, that he could be so uncaring to a mentally handicapped human being.

    oh yeah. i know all about some of those offspring and nothing to do with them after all is said and done.

    Good point, Divvi. I would put a sign in his yard, saying, "I made my disabled father sleep on the hard floor this week".

    Then go to wherever he hangs out and tell his friends. He's a genuine piece of work!!!!! Where did Shellseeker sleep when she was there to pick him up?
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2009
    So glad your dh is home and getting medical care for problems that wouldn't have occurred if he hadn't taken off. I hope he's able to understand what he's done to himself. Prayers continue with you.
    Yeah, didn't the guy at least have a couch for his Dad? Poor guy...sleeping on the floor. Shellseeker, we're all mad as old wet hens!!....or roosters (sorry guys)
    STOP....think about this....he not only made him sleep on the floor....he then allowed him, or asked him to catch up his bills. My will would change. He would get a notice when I died that said , "your portion of your fathers estate has been donated to the local human society in your name. But I am lucky, my two step sons have been great (so far)
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2009
    good one, Gwhiskers, humane society! luvit!
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeMar 26th 2009
    Shellseeker, I am so glad you have your husband safely back with you. I know what it's like to have stepchildren like that, and mine will NEVER again get close to my husband, not even over my dead body.
    Oh yes do not get me started on his off-spring, I could write a book!!! I did not stay the nite there, I drove up got DH and drove home. Oh by the way they have not even called to make sure we made it home safely or to inquire about his health!! And believe me they will get nothing in the will. They constantly beg for the motorcycles and boats but No way I have friends who will retrieve everything on a moment's notice and store it at their farm. And I do believe that "what so ever a man sows, that shall he also reap"...
    Wow, I can actually use my new nickname here...Ditto to the above.
    Yeah, "Ditto"......... love her attitude. Getting stronger and more self assured by the day. She should write a hot letter to that son...and let him know how unthinking his actions were...and that it will not be forgotten. I cannot imagine how your DH could even get up off the floor. Mine would have a terrible time doing that.
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2009
    Shellseeker50, write up a letter, we'll all sign it, lol! Kind of like a testament to their ignorance and compassion!
    • CommentAuthordagma3
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2009
    I am so sorry to hear about the treatment your LO received from his son. Our grown children who are all professionals and doing well just don't seem to want us in their lives, especially since the AD. They didn't like it when he told them all he ever wanted to say to them. I don't know why they thought it was ok for him to be ugly to me, but not them. And they don't see that it is AD - it is a marital issue and he only does these things because I provoke him. They sure made themselves available all the times they needed money, went on vacations with us where we always paid for everything, etc. I told him this morning that we sure better stick together because nobody likes us anymore :-). Thank you so much for sharing such a sad story. I don't know how you got out without doing harm to those involved. God bless - we love you and would put our best linens on a soft bed for you both.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2009 edited
    awww dagma that was an absolutely beautiful response from a perfectly wonderful person. 'we would put out our best linens"" i got teary eyes..divvi
    What a sad commentary on the human race to read of children's poor responses to their parent with AD. You would think that this type of diagnosis would make even the most pathetic individual wake up a little and have some compassion. I know that many here have posted about supportive children, but it seems like just as many have those who run in the other direction!
      CommentAuthorSusan L*
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2009
    Jim's daughters from his first marriage have pretty much written him out of their lives. The one 30yrs old, out in California calls once in a blue moon. The one 32 yrs old, is 3 hrs away NEVER calls and is now denying this dying man the enjoyment of seeing his 14mo old grandson. They are mad because he remarried! They never even send him a birthday card. By the way, I did not know him while he was married, so I was not involved in their lives until 5 yrs after his divorce. Just remember what my Mom always says, "What goes around, comes around."