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    • CommentAuthorlongyears
    • CommentTimeMar 8th 2009 edited
    longyears-haven't seen you around. Thanks for the site.
    Finally I sucessfully have all 3 extra houses rented. Yea a a a a . Couldn't sell them after 3 years being vacant so decided to rent to help pay for upkeep until home sales come around again. I had no desire to be a landlord as you can see they have been vacant 3 years. Now, I hope I am as happy a year from now.
    Imohr, we've had 4 rentals for several years but have sold all but two. There have been some very good people who are clean, take good care of the house and pay their rent on time, but we've also had some bad ones that really wrecked the place and didn't pay their rent. Hopefully, you are going to have the good kind.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMar 26th 2009
    imohr we have rental units too and the problem today with the economy is they are trying to take in relatives who cant make it either. in 2 bedrooms you cant cram in 8adults and 6kids..i do feel for them though to. the cleanups and repairs have been so costly lately due to this..divvi
    Yes, I imagine that is a problem. I hope not here, my bp won't stand much more stress.
    We listed our rental property in late February and it sold in 3 weeks !! I couldn't believe it! Our own home has been on the market since shortly before Hurricane Ike hit...(Sept) ... and the rest of the Fall - the market was dead. A few showings this quarter...but not many.

    I swore to our investment broker/and good friend, that I wasn't giving him a dime of our proceeds. Gonna put it in a mayonnaise jar and bury it in the back yard. :-)