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    Legislators trimmed 4% of the $13.3 million dollar budget for the Alzheimer's Disease Initiative which provides in-home help for caregivers. More cuts are expected. Guess the money to fight our stupid wars has to come from somewhere
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2009
    Stupid being the operative word.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2009
    Yes, I read that too, but on the same page, there was another article that Florida is getting stimulus money. I will be talking to our representatives about all of this when I go to DC.

    One of the issues Sandra Day O'Connor brought up last year at the hearing I attended was that not just research money is needed. Families need help with care. Day Care and in home care.

      CommentAuthorNew Realm*
    • CommentTimeFeb 24th 2009
    One more reason I think too many of those in DC have evolved from Swine. They have an addiction to pork. How dare they take even one one-hundredth of a percent of AD related dollars for pet projects.