This past year I've had to learn plumbing. I've fixed a toilet and helped my neighbor replace my kitchen faucet. Today, I replaced the garbage disposal! I had to take the old one out, do new wiring, cut pipes and put the new one in. I did it without any leaks or injuries! It feels good to be able to take care of some of these things.
Actually when the last house disaster struck, I was proud that I figured out which neighbor to call to ask for where to go for help. I ended up being passed from neighbor to a neighbor who is a handyman to that handyman's roofing contractor, and that took care of the problem. Just the fact that I could figure out where to go for help was something to be proud of.
I can't actually get some of the things here that need to be fixed done. The last time my daughter, son-in-law and I dealt with what were going to be problems ahead of time, my husband went nuts. When they go up to the attic to change the furnace filters he goes nuts. So I'm putting together a handyman's list, but I can't actually call to make an appointment.
Diane.....that is amazing! I am learning more about our pellet stove than I ever wanted to know, lol. With the guidence of a tech from Canada, I managed to take apart our stove, unclog a jam in auger, then put it all back together! I was covered in soot, very sore, but proud! I am sure more "education" is in my future :o)
I am proud of the Sunday make-up session this morning. Didn't even smudge the eye shadow. After bkfst, she started complaining about her nails and I did a pretty good of removing old polish and adding nfew polish. You ladies think this is easy but for a man, it is a real challange to do this stuff for church and sunday school. Other ladies tell Carol how good she looks, I smile. Bill
Diane, Way to go! Women and power tools are a great thing!
bille, I am more proud of the fact that we have a caregiver/male that would even attempt to polish his LO nails. Great love to care that much to make her still feel pretty. Thank You. Rk
I am proud of the fact that I didn't lose my temper at my husband this weekend, while he tried to flush things down the toilet that weren't meant to go there; for stuffing three pair of jeans in the bathroom wastebasket that is 15 inches high and oblong shaped (I can't figure out how he did it!); cleaned up the full glass of tea that was spilled on the end table which had pictures and papers on it (that got wet); and I'm missing my favorite pair of shoes to wear to work (I have no idea where he put them!). I did yell at him "NO" when he opened the entertainment cabinet and headed for the home entertainment center (the new one we've had for 5 months that he doesn't know how to work and never touched). He ignored me and as I yelled no, my daughter and grandson came running to redirect him, thank goodness. If he messes up that system, I'll have to call the Geek Squad to fix it! <grin>
Also, one of the cars wouldn't start this morning, and we couldn't even jump start it, so I had to call our neighborhood service station to come out. So, no kudos for me this week!!!
I've always done the fix-it stuff around the house ever since we've been married. I did oil changes in my cars, put in garbage disposals, new light fixtures, new bathroom and kitchen faucets, all toilet repairs, and alot of other things. MANY TIMES though I chose projects that I shouldn't have, many of which got me into trouble to where I actually did have to call someone professional. LOL! Still, I think I did alot more good than harm in the long run.
This is the 3rd week since I stopped smoking. Boy, is it ever hard! At least my house is cleaner because whenever I would normally stop and have a cig, now I grab a dust cloth or something and start cleaning. This morning was bad from the gitgo. So now I have put lemon oil on all my downstairs doors - count them - 8! And two fireplaces. Old 100 yr old house and original doors. fireplaces - all the carvings. Hard to clean. But I did it. I was going to have someone come in and do it - but I thought what the heck, I can do that!
Vickie, you are doing great. 3 weeks off cigarettes in wonderful. You deserve a great big gold star for just that alone. On to of that you now have a clean house. XOXOXO
Thanks for the support! I'll need it since next I have to start on all the wood floors! DH likes to help me with that - but he doesn't do it the way I do - so that's always stressful. But I let him do it anyway. Keeps him busy and I can do something else.
vickie i smoked for 10yrs off/on- then one day gave it up cold turkey as DH never smoked. from one day to the next bam! never looked back -but for the life of me i cant figure why i cant lose lbs and stick with a diet...stick with it, you will feel so much better off the cigs!
Vivkie, I haven't had a cigarette since January 7, this year. I am not doing it cold turkey, that never worked for me...nor did the patches, gum, hypnosis and anything else out there. I am on Chantix, it isn't cheap but it is working. Good luck to you and I hope we both make it. Jean
I have tried everything and nothing worked and I had bad reactions to everything too. So...I just decided to do it and stopped cold - really enjoyed that last one though!
Jean21, guess we're in this together. Hope the Chantix will work for you.
Wow, some pretty awsome things! Jims wife with the pellet stove, Bille with make-up, Lizbeth with repairing a chip in porcelain, Mary not losing her temmper (very hard to do for me), New Relm who can do everything :), and Vickie and Jean21 for stopping smoking! It is so great to see us all learning something new, especially with our LO's aren't able to learn anymore. Way to go!
I'm proud of the fact that I started laying my new kitchen floor today (peel & stick tiles). 75% done--hope to finish tomorrow. Right now my knees and hands are sore :)
I'm really proud of arranging to have all my bills paid on-line. Direct deposits and all. I even had a wire transfer made from one bank with the savings account to another bank with the checking account. Amazing stuff. I'm proud of doing that! You have to be really careful though to get the amounts correct and the proper dates for the bank to pay so they don't come in late.
divvi, you should also be proud of the support and great fun you give to others on this site. You have a wonderful sense of humor and playfulness that helps all of us relax a bit.
thanks folly, when i get down like everyone else sometimes -living in a world outside AD- even if its fantasy for some fun, can lighten our load:)plus just the depressive nature of this disease and what caregiving entails, well, we need some sort of distractions sometimes! divvi..
Yes, Divvi, we need you to teach a course (Dementia Caregiver Humor 101) on how to maintain a sense of humor when your world is falling apart. I do see some humor in my situation, but not enough. Strangely, it is my husband who can actually make jokes about it!
I'm proud that I finished doing my federal income tax return today -- weeks ahead of the deadline! And prouder still that we don't owe anything! (Actually, I ended up having to forge Frances's signature on our joint return, as she's seemingly completely forgotten how to write during this past year.)
GC, My husband can't write, but he can still sign his name. It is the weirdest thing....I guess it comes from signing so much over his lifetime that it is more reflex than anything. Thank you for the reminder on the taxes! <grin>
That brings up a interesting situation about signing the Income Tax form. DH signature is barely legible - wonder if I should let him go ahead and sign as best he can?
Signing tax forms is easy. Checked it out 3 years ago.
Include with forms, note saying you are signing for the LO at their request because of their (name condition), and then also signing appropriately yourself.
Sign like this: John Doe, by Carosi Doe, wife Carosi Doe
As I said, checked it out and have done this 3 years now. Everything has gone through just fine.
I have one more thing to be really proud of--hate to brag--BUT--ready???
I'm really getting to be quite the used-car salesman. I sole DH's nice little pickup in September for full price. In less that a week. That made me very proud.
Have not had this kind of luck selling my car. I don't drive any more and need to sell it. Listed it on Craig's list twice, etc. no nibbles.
Last Thursday I asked the business manager at our church if I could donate the car to the church in lieu of tything for 2 years. She said she'd check with their tax professional and get back to me. Today, she called me and said they'd be happy to have that arrangement. We have a new jpastor that hasn't got proper transportation and the board of elders thought that using my car (2004 Pontiac Gran AM with 12,000 miles (that's right 12,000 miles) would be a good thing to have.
I'll be taking my tything and putting that in savings for the next couple of years and--who knows what I'll do then.
Just had to share that with you folks. It's really a win-win situation all the way around.
I'm proud of my DH this morning. We had a bad wind storm overnight, took down part of our lattice at the end of our covered back porch. As soon as he saw it he went right out, finished taking it apart. Then said he had to go to Lowes to get some supplies. I took him, he bought, came home and he is now working on it! Seems to know what he's doing today! Yipee! (He'll probably crash later today - but that's okay) >grin<
Walked out of Lowe's today. I wanted an african violet and to pick up Once n Done. The violets were $4.95 which is high and they didn't look that good. I asked where the tile and flooring was as you gals told me that is where I would find the cleaner. Stock people insisted I was wrong-cleaners were all together elsewhere in the store. I insisted they were wrong. Gave me a dirty look and muttered to each other about this insistant lady. Found the cleaner in the flooring department. Decided I had been abused and walked out of the store. Directly accross the street is Home Depot. African violets were $2.99 and looked pretty good. Once n Done was with the flooring and I was directed right there. Didn't buy the violet-found an extraordinary orchid instead. It was so beautiful that I was stopped going through the store so people could admire it. I'm not going to be pushed around by rude people any more. PS-Meeko has already checked out the orchid which is on my kitchen counter top.