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    So my husband comes to me and says, "So do you think I should see a doctor?" Huh? We see many doctors but he has been laying in bed all morning and so I want to see just exactly what is going on in his head. We have an appointment with the neurologist on tuesday I tell him and I ask what he wants to ask him and he says "I'm not getting any better, what should I do?" I try to go through all the things I know how to talk about without being too negative but I can see he is lost and sad and not knowing what to do. It's so sad to have to tell him the medications can only hold him at a place not make him better. We are both sad today.
    My dh told me one day he wanted to see the Doctor. I reminded him we did see a
    Doctor recently. He said yes, but he would like to see another Doctor who didn't know about his condition. I told him we had 3 Doctors. He hasn't mentioned it again but he doesn't hesitate about going for apointments.
    Does he want to see a different dr. who might not know and might tell him something else was the problem, not AD? Are we all grasping at straws do you think?
    Yes, I think that is what he was thinking. I have thought it myself many times as most of you have.
    • CommentAuthorRk
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2009
    jules, I agree with Imohr. Right after my Dh was diagnosed the same issue came up. I guess you could call it denial, hope, wish, etc. They still have enough "normal" in them that they are thinking nothings wrong with me. It's heartbreaking to have to watch them go thru that part of it. And I don't have an answer to help you thru it. I guess I just tried to keep him positive and distracted from those questions. Rk