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    • CommentAuthorHerenow
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2009
    I think DW is stage 5.

    How do you determine how short your LO's memory is? Is there some type of test?

    I want to know if she remembers buying
    make up. I need the money to pay GalPal...
    and I want to return Clinque make up.
    She did not open or use it...
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2009
    Herenow, i dont think there is a 'test' perse, but if you need the return money for a valid reason just do it. if she looks for the stuff later just say you have no idea where 'you put it' and leave it at that. she may tear up drawers looking but oh well. there comes a time when sometimes we have to put a stop to incessant non necessary items, esp with this economy. if she has some makeup she can use then refer her to that instead and say you need to use this up first..just be firm and hopefully she will let it go. if nothing else, and she still wants makeup take her to the drug store and she can get lots more for her money:) there ARE a lot of dept stores downsizing as we speak so maybe that excuse stores are closing in your area. i have no ideas other than these, maybe someone else will have more. i do know at some point we just have to make the decisions for them and let it ride. Divvi