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    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2009
    How do you tell if a man has a UTI? My husband said this morning that his penis hurt (this, before he got up) and by the time he was up and in the shower it didn't, and he seems fine.. but how do you know? I know the feel for ME, but for him?? He's not going to the bathroom more (he wears a depends but also goes most times during the day, or at least tries to make it there in time.)
      CommentAuthorNew Realm*
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2009
    Watch for any retention, changes in behavior, odor, going more frequently in small amounts, OR in some cases seemingly trying to AVOID going. They may know it is uncomfortable but are unable to articulate and explain it to anyone. My DH kept saying he was maybe constipated, but I knew he had gone. Here he had retained an enormous amount of urine despite the fact I witnessed him urinating in irregular amounts.

    One RN last evening, and the Dr. both told me DH's heart rhythm issues could have been contributed to by UTI.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2009 edited
    Briegull get the over the counter strips to run thru hispee. at least you will have an idea if he has oneor not. if its postive you need to get him to dr asap. they can come on quite suddenly and like new realm says can cause devastating issues. kidneys too.
    my DH suffers cronic uti issues and prostate so i know how they can come on without much notice. if he is dribbling or trying to void and not much output its not a good sign. it may be burning him as well. i would do the test and get him drinking 2 liters of water each day to force it running. this works well but if its already infection he must have antibiotics and possible culture to see which drug he needs. we have been so many times and ER drs give 'broad spectrum' antiobiotics and then it doesnt clear it up-comes back, some bugs need specific drugs to get rid of them.
    if he doesnt void within 8hrs. that isnt good either. push water and see how hes going today. if the urine is orangy or dark yellow not good. should be clear and no smells or bubbling =hope its not anything but o take caution just in case. Divvi
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2009
    Thanks, guys, as always. I'll pick up some strips tomorrow.
    • CommentAuthorHerenow
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2009
    I wanted to know if cranberry juice would
    be something to add to DW's diet?

    She has the pills, but does not like to take them, but I know she would drink the juice.
    My question is would cranberry juice help
    deter a UTI, or is it pointless?
    My husband and I drink at least 8 oz of cranberry juice a day, sometimes more. He hasn't had a UTI problem. Whenever I have felt one come on (more like a bladder infection, I think) (all of a sudden I doubled over and was ready to go to the ER because of the pain), I drink a half a gallon of cranberry juice within an hour, followed by a gallon of water, and after spending the next couple of hours in the bathroom, I felt back to normal. I have averted problems three times in the past two years this way. I hadn't realized that I wasn't drinking enough fluids. This last time taught me to pay attention and make sure I drink my 8 glasses of water and one of cranberry juice each day.

    Herenow, I don't know if it would totally deter a UTI, but it definitely has good health effects and I would do it.
    Many doctors recommend cranberry juice to women who have recurrent UTI's. I haven't seen it work as well in men.
    marsh-we used to recommend bedtime aspirin to acidify urine to prevent UTI's. Also vitamin C. This was mostly for urostomy patients. Is this old hat stuff now.
    • CommentAuthorRk
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2009
    briegull, I hope it's not. It's such a tough battle for our LO to deal with. I know with FIL, a few of them really put him down. Both physically and mentally. He actually got dingy-er if they were really bad. Really sad. Robin
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2009
    briegull, how did the test do?? cranberry juice does help on a daily basis. but you cant beat just plain ole h2o and lots of it. it flushes the system out and i found this has been a great deterrant to uti in the last yr. yep, lots of fluids each day. dehyrdation is one of the main cause for uti in AD-Divvi
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2009
    Another thing I've seen recommended over on the Alz Assoc boards for preventing recurring UTIs is D-Mannose. Haven't checked into it, but quite a few people swear by it...

    There are also cranberry pills and "tabs".
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2009
    He seems fine today and I didn't have a chance to get the strips. TOmorrow.. But actually, today this afternoon was spent bashing on ice at the end of the sidewalk; tomorrow it's supposed to snow and I didn't want it to go over the ice. It was a LOVELY day!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2009
    Sarcasm: - seems global warming is not affecting all of you that are getting his with this cold winter weather!

    Just be careful all of you - don't hurt yourselves shoveling snow or breaking ice.
    ttt for Mim. I just ttt'd three threads…didn't read them…hope something helps.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2015
    Thanks Elizabeth.