DH was sick in my car the other day. He'd been constipated, so gave him laxative. I assumed tummy problem was due to that.
Had caregiver with DH yesterday for almost 6 hrs. She said he slept most of the day. Also ate very little the night before, and didn't eat for the CNA either. He'd been overly sleepy all yesterday morning as well.
Still pretty sleepy, but I got him through the shower. His bowels are moving....that's for sure. I put in a call to neuro's office about other things...night before last. I thought they'd call back sometime yesterday. I planned on requesting order for a Urine C&S to check for UTI. I was so dang busy all day and the time got away from me.
Today I notice a bit of labored breathing with exertion, and some edema in his ankles. Not typical for him. Still on and off sleepy as I write this. But, he is alert when spoken to.
DH stumbled on top step going up stairs to the shower and hit his wrist. He normally bleeds easy. He has a couple deep purple marks, but this time the skin didn't break. I attributed this to just misjudging the steps and poor lighting.
Guess we'll be seeing a different doc today at the PCP office as DH's doc isn't in this afternoon. I am trying to get a urine sample from DH prior to the appt. He has the "I can't PEE!" on command syndrome, so last time we went through heck. I grabbed a couple extra cups to take home so when I know they will want a sample I can start working on it at home. Good thing I took two cups last time cuz he has already contaminated the first cup.
new realm best of luck on the visit . sounds like could be kidney or uti. edema could be kidney or cardiac or lungs any numbr of conditions., you do need to get that sample so they can do culture. hope hes better soon. its never easy getting them to dr visits and all the specimens. divvi
Recently, we had to go to a lab for some blood work and a urine analysis. All went well until DH had to pee in the cup. Several times, he stuck his head out and said, "I can't do it". I assured him it was ok, and to just relax and keep trying. Finally, the door opened, and he came out, looking quite proud. I asked, "All done?"..."Yes", he said, " I never could pee in the cup, so I just filled the cup with water from the faucet!" ...and the beat goes on!
awww!!! i am STILL trying to catch a sample too of DH in his labeled cup from wed dr visit!! he seems to know i want a sample and hes hiding..he peed in the garbage compacter again today as soon as i wasnt looking. like i wouldnt KNOW...pull it out and its bottom is covered...ladedadea...and the beat goes on.....dr office called and blood work is good for a change. now the urine i may not be so lucky..hes been cussing up a storm today...helllloooooooooo...UTI! divvi
yep, mainly dehydration. dont ask me why they dehydrate in a newyorkminute. best thing my kidney dr told me is get 2liters of water in him every day! hallelujah! its staved off alot of them but some days he wont drink as much and bingo. another reason is bladder spasms (men and women get them)and loss of 'communication ' from the brain to the bladder. doesnt tell it when to go or turn it off as well. urine backs up and sits in bladder due to missignals firing, and forms bacteria..bingo..some men like my DH have prostate issues which impede urine flow when the canal is narrowed due to enlarged prostate, (BPH) women can get cistitis easily as well -even tight clothing can cause it sometimes.. or especially dirty depends ie-long periods of soaked urine..lots of ways to get them but if they do its dr time or it can turn nasty quickly..been to the ER soooooo many times not funny! i may be poop queen but i know my UTI's! haha..divvi
It's amazing the things we learn. I cannot get DH to drink more than 16 oz. of liquid a day...He claims he has to "choke down" that! I've tried flavored water, juices, water with juice, nothing works! He won't drink liquids, he won't bathe, he won't brush his teeth. I get so darned tired of trying to get him to "do things". I have promised him that the doctor will insist we put in a permanent IV and I'll have to give him saline water if he doesn't drink. His reply?? I don't care!
Nancy, remember that they are toddlers....bribery works better than anything else.. You'll give a small candy bar for him drinking a glass of water; or you'll take him for a drive if he'll take a bath and shave (then stop somewhere and get him something else to drink!); or you'll take him to see someone, or go shopping with him (if he likes that - mine didn't until now! He loves to go anywhere now!); or you'll make his favorite dish if he'll drink the cranberry juice (very good for kidneys); or get him the vibrating toothbrush or other toys and bribe him with them.
Remember that the reason button is broken. Threats don't work - they get their backs up...
some AD persons do have issues with swallowing Nancy. and they do abhore water in every form during those earlier phases. this is the number one common demoninator about bathing we have all seen. my DH went thru that no bathing, drinking h2o,eating-hated everything i gave him-, aggressive, etc all of it. finally into the latter stages he changed and is much easier to manage now. but gosh those times were hell. uti's every couple of months-try koolaide -very sweet stuff they seem to like better..pop cicles? icecream, anything liquid. divvi
mary you have learned well my dear. those candy bars are worth their weight in gold??? hahah.. wish i could eat as many as i dish out! he will do anything for chocolate lately..haha.
well thank goodness for small favors, Bluedaze, i could NEVER have outwitted my 'real' husband! whew. i'll tell you whats really sad, hoping they stay toddlers and dont progress into infants..sigh...
well eventually if they go the full 7end stages they progress to fetal..thats wayy past infancy..lord help us, none of us here have to see that. divvi bluedaze want you to start thinking positive! next time you go see Bill, hold his hands and let your energy flow just warm calming thoughts of things yall did during those 50yrs. he will feel it, i know it. and i am still feeling he may have some better days ahead after all is said and done! think yes! divvi