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    • CommentAuthorjimmy
    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2009 edited
    Welcome stressed and jojodancer, we are glad you found us.

    My situation is not as enduring or as difficult as some of the issues the others are experiencing. My DW and I have been married for 30 years (second marriage for both). We have been through some difficult times with this disease, you will see other posts about violence. At this stage she is reasonably well behaved and doesn't display a lot on anger. In the earlier stages she was very angry and verbally abusive to both me and her daughter. We are the ones who are around her most of time and have provided all of her care. She is easier to take care of now than she has been in the past, I am still working and will be working for a few more months, then I am retiring. She is getting to the point where I am not comfortable leaving her at home by herself as I am seeing her ADL's deteirorating.

    Stressed, I know it is difficult to balance work and caregiving, but for some of us it is a necessity, I am grateful that my circumstances have allowed me to work this long. If you can try to compartmentalize your life, that is have one life at home and another at work. If you have understanding friends at work you can talk to during the day they will help distract you from your worries at home. I was surprised to find out how many of co-workers lives had be touched by AD. Make sure your DH is under the care of a good Neurologist and is properly medicated, proper medication can go along way toward helping control the AD related behaviors.

    It is very difficult to see your loved begin the mental and physical deterioration that goes along with AD. There is a lot of good help, support and advice available here.