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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2009
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Sometimes, you just have to laugh. I invite you to log onto the home page - and read today's blog. Do you have conversations like the one described?

    Laughing thru the tears.
    But, Joan, he did remember that someone was coming to visit Alice.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2009
    This morning I put on a video of Claudio Abbado playing Beethoven - it looked good. He LOVES these videos, although he remembers if he's seen them before, at least for a few days, so I have to keep mining netflix. Got home from shopping.

    How was the video?

    Oh, great, Beethoven looks great. Probably twenty years younger than he did the last time I saw him.
    Joan and Briegull, thanks for the laughter. I needed it today.
    My DH does the same....BUT....he does not wait days! We go through that type of conversation in 30 minutes.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2009
    Lunchtime conversation:
    me: Do you remember when we used to have a dehumidifier? What did it do?
    him: Pull water out of the air into a reservoir.
    me: and what did we do with the water?
    him: empty it.
    me: and if we didn't empty it it would overflow, right?
    him: yep.
    me: (astounded that he's followed me this far) SO: your body is like a reservoir for your water. (he's never understood "bladder"). When you don't empty it often enough it overflows. That's what happened last night when it came out of your whitie and all over your pants and shoes. You didn't empty the reservoir in time.
    him: sounds right.
    me: SO would you please go to the bathroom and empty your reservoir before you go back to sit down and watch TV?
    him: My grandparents took me to Hoover Dam. That had a big reservoir. That's where I got an infection in my leg.
    me: So would you please go to the bathroom?
    him: I'm IN the bathroom.
    me: So would you please use the toilet?
    him: I DON'T LIKE RESERVOIRS (but eventually does use the toilet. This time.)

    Oh well, that may sound better than "apparatus" I guess......
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2009 edited
    Wed. 7:30 am. Alarm, up, dressed.
    8:00am enter kitchen to be told, "You have to call them."
    "Call who?"
    "Call a locksmith. The key was a little bent. I tried to bend it the other way. I almost couldn't get the corn for the skunks."
    Glanced at Dh as I started to grin. He was smiling--he'd caught his word error. I chuckled.
    10:00am "Did you call them?"
    "Call who?"
    "The locksmith...You know.."
    "No. It was too early. And we need to trouble shoot a little more. It might be frozen."
    "It's not frozen. At 3:00am it was warmer..."

    Frozen.. Also, assembled upside down so any water or snow entering hole drops into tumblers. It's single digits and
    -digits wind chill. Thaw it, oil it, reassemble and protect with plastic bag around it. Will see about replacing in Spring.
    No sign of brown,bushy-tailed critters that come down the tree for the corn.

    ***Wed. night***

    "What animals will you feed tonight?"
    He grins and says, "Chickens!" He actually remembered...and made a joke.
    GC I think briegull is referring to underpants. Do we have to teach you everything
    I can relate to the Abbott and Costello conversation. Happens here every once in a while. Drives me crazy.
      CommentAuthorchris r*
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2009
    You guys are great, even remebering the conversations.... i try really hard to forget those moments.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2009
    Whitie is preferred around here to diapers. A dear friend of ours refers to jockey shorts as "whitie tighties" which I think may have reference to "rightie tightie, leftie loosie" when dealing with faucets, etc.
    Whitie does sound better than diapers. I haven't been to that place yet, but will someday and will try and remember that. I think he would accept whitie better.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2009

    That cracked me up. Makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one having Abbott and Costello conversations. They are good for a laugh.
