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    • CommentAuthorMartha P
    • CommentTimeJan 14th 2009
    Some of you asked me to keep you posted about the effect of the MCT Fuel on dh. He has been on it 5 days. I began with 1T and now he is taking 5T - which is the dosage Sunshyne worked out in a previous post. The third morning he was confused, but about an hour after he drank the MCT he said he was doing much better. Usually if he starts out confused, he stays confused. Yesterday, he said on a scale of 1 to 10 the day was about a 7 - haven't had one that good for a while. He's been rating his days 4 or 5. This morning he had an early meeting; talked to him afterwards and he sounded great. He thinks it is helping - and I do too. I have been giving him 2 1/2 T in the morning and another dose late afternoon. I mix it with orange juice and he says it isn't too bad :)

    I do have a question: has anyone tried the MCT oil? Is it really oily? It is cheaper than the MCT Fuel, but I am not sure dh would like "oily".
    Martha, we're using the MCT oil. Yes, it's oily and probably wouldn't be good mixed in orange juice but there's lots of other ways it can be used.
    • CommentAuthorMartha P
    • CommentTimeJan 14th 2009
    How do you use it?
    I puts some of the MCT oil in with our baked steak gravy last night and this morning I had diahrea while shopping. Not
    good. Had to make a quick trip home. I didn't think anything would do that to me. It has had no effect that way on DH. I did not pick up on the MCT fuel. I bought the oil - going to order the fuel next time. I will go back and re-read Sunshyne's reports.
    Martha, I stir a teaspoon in DH's oatmeal, mix some with mano when I make a sandwich, stir in soup, mix a little with dressing for salads, and I fried some ham in a little MCT oil on low heat for lunch today. The coconut oil, I mix in oatmeal or hot chocolate or spread on toast instead of butter.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeJan 14th 2009
    Martha, the big difference between Fuel and oil is that Fuel is emulsified. This means that a larger percentage is "bioavailable" and you have a better feel for the dose your husband is actually getting. It's the closest thing to Axona that you can buy.

    I'm using both, 2.5 Tbsp Fuel in orange juice at breafast, and another 1.5 T oil at lunch and again at dinner. Figure I'll have a revolt on my hands if I try orange juice three times a day! And I mix the oil into just about anything... except hot chocolate (I do use coconut oil for that).
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2009
    I'm using the MCT oil. I give him 1 tablespoon a day and I do mix it in his OJ. There is no taste. It is shinny on top but it doesn't seem to bother him. I've not noticed any difference and this is the 4th day. He's also using fish oil gel caps and Ginkgold. Yesterday was not a good day. He couldn't count his cards when were were playing. And list night I made him a pizza for dinner. He didn't know what it was. He said it tasted good but didn't know the name of it. Is this the start of something new?