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    • CommentAuthorSally
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2009
    The generic Razadyne is Galantamine. We have Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield here in Medina, Ohio. If we send away for the medication the cost for THREE months is $12.00. I believe after the first of the year it will be either 15.00 or 18.00. CVS Pharmacy does not know about the medication in our area. The Walgreen in our community, when asked for the medication said they did not have any in the store but would have it the next day. I only used them once till I got the three months supply. It became generic on September 17 to the public for sale. I had to fight with the pharmacy that our insurance pays for. They were just not up on the medication and its availability. Once they became aware that I knew what was what I got the medication with no problems.

    If you put Galantamine in on your favorite web search I am sure that you will see about it . Sally
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2009
    My husband is on it too - that is because it is the first choice with the VA.