We first played Wii bowling at our grandaughters awhile back.Then we had to go right out and buy one,AD hubby loved it!! He does very well at it (better than me)I however am getting tired of playing EVERYDAY.I think it's funny he can do so well with this and not much else.What do you think?
Ann-my daughter introduced the Wii to her nursing home chain-she is the recreation/activity consultant. They all love it. I tried the yoga program and it had me working very hard. What is great is that you can see your center of gravily and why balance is off.
I bought a WII when a mothers group at the workshop for disabled where I work bought one for clients. I should have waited. None of the clients have mastered the coordination needed to release the B trigger at the right moment. My dh can't work it, either. BUT the grandchildren love it. However, Friday I read about a WII game that uses words, spelling, definitions, etc. Was recommended for young children and older folk. Since dh likes crosswords and matching definitions w/words (no word search), I'm going to look for one of those. (hmm still does crosswords w/dementia??? that shouldn't be happening, should it?) Can't always complete them now, but it's a red letter day for us when he does.
We've run into some of this with our folks with dementia. This works most of the time: have the wriststrap on and buckled. Simple, you want it snug though. Although they have a finger on the B button to start, have them let go of the whole remote, just like they would a bowling ball at the end of a throw. The remote drops, but it's attached so it doesn't go anywhere.
Wii music might be good. I recommend to my facilities renting a game (almost any video store) before they buy it to see how well their residents can use it or like it. :>)
I was at a struggle for what to get my husband for Christmas so I got the WII hoping he could use it and hoping that it would challenge his brain and give him exercise. It took 3 days of repetition before he finally was able to bowl. He still isn't 100% and still needs help but he seems to sort of enjoy it. He only plays when I play.
I bought a Wii for the family for christmas.My kids love it at first DH wouldnt give anything a try but about a week ago he tried bowling now I cant get him off the thing.The kids argue with him all the time because they want a shot but because it has a score on it of how well you are doing he keeps wanting to beat it.Best investment i have made for him since his diagnosis.