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    Lately my DH has been consuming sweets at an alarming rate and putting on weight. He has a pot belly now which he never
    would have allowed, he always made comments about people getting fat. Initially, I thought I would let him have sweets because
    it was something he could still get enjoyment out of, but I'm wondering now how to put a lid on this frantic consumption. I can't
    imagine he gets that much enjoyment when he eats 8 or 10 chocolates one right after the other. Should I stop him? I could hide
    the sweets or just not buy anymore if it's important.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2008
    jules, I think I would ask his doctors. Putting on weight, especially from eating "empty" calories, isn't any more healthy for an AD patient than for the rest of us ... but the question would be, how likely is it to really cause a health problem for your husband, with his current level of health, and at his current stage of AD? And that's something I don't think we can answer for you.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2008
    Jules. ,My DH just loves his sweets too, in the latter stages they tend to drop alot of lbs just due to the disease and i think absorption issues-so i have always let my DH have what he likes. not overboard but during the day i give him treats after he eats his regular meals. you can give sugarfree jellos puddings and make cakes cookies with splenda if you are worried..sugar free candy bars and lots of healthy choiced granola bars is what i give. just try to not give as much regular sugar intake everday...Divvi
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2008
    My husband has always had a sweet tooth, and these days he is very happy with low-fat yogurt for dessert or a snack -- there are many different flavors that he loves.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008
    Be careful he doesn't eat too many of those sugar-free candies. They can give very nasty cramps and explosive runs. Not good. 2-3 candies and then hide the bag.
    Splenda sweetened goodies won't cause the runs as they don't contain the sorbitol type junk. Splenda is a natural sugar with the molecules messed with. Now Sunshyne has somethng new to research :-)
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008 edited
    Splenda (sucralose) is generally considered to be safe for all age groups. It is a modification of the sucrose molecule ie. a chlorinated version known as trichlorogalactosucrose. It is not absorbed and gets excreted unchanged in the body.

    However, Mawzy is correct. Like anything else, sucralose can have side effects in some people. These include:

    o Gas
    o Bloating
    o Nausea
    o Heartburn
    o Headaches - possible migraine
    o Diarrhea

    One article noted that there have been some reports on the side-effects and adverse reactions of sucralose, e.g. it may cause shrinkage of the thymus gland, and/or enlargement of the liver and kidney. The FDA does not consider these to be a significant problem.

    One thing that was interesting was how very many different products can contain sucralose ... you probably have no idea how much you're consuming. It can be found in tabletop sweeteners, in baked products, in confections, candy, lozenges and chewing gum, in hot and cold beverages, in diabetic foods, in pharmaceutical products, and in hygiene products such as toothpaste and mouthwash.

    In general, just see how someone does when consuming products containing Splenda (sucralose). If they are fine, then it isn't a problem. If they develop one of the listed symptoms, try cutting down on the Splenda and see what happens.
    This might seem off topic, but I am one of those people that experience the migraine effect from sucralose. If fact any of the sugar free sweetners will
    trigger a migraine and for the most part I can tell with the first bite of food or drink if it has what ever causes the migraine. I have to be extremely careful
    since we know it isn't a good thing to be out of it and have an AD spouse wandering around doing his own thing. I think I will just have to start limiting the
    amount of sweets we have in the house at any one time and see if I can't get him more active. I could certainly use some help shoveling the drive these days.
    I'm a rotten caregiver. I spoil him. I let him have ice cream twice a week. I buy him a Snickers bar every two or three days. I let him have all the peanuts and cashews he wants. He was thin all of his life until now. He has a pot belly, but I don't care. He enjoys his treats. I don't keep candy in the house at all, but just buy him his favorite candy bar when I'm at the grocery store. It's like a treasure to him when I give it to him! As Divvi says, towards the end, they lose weight, so he'll have a little extra to lose. He walks several blocks with our grandson almost daily, so he is getting some exercise.
    In a way I envy those of you who can still spoil your loved one. Bill is so beyond awarness that there is no treat I can bring that he enjoys or notices. Heartbreaking
    bluedaze, that's another reason why I spoil him - I know that soon he'll be at the stage your husband is at are in my prayers....
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008
    Bluedaze, under all the facades he exhibits, I am sure he hears your voice and knows in his heart you are near and loving him as you always have. when they lose on insight, they gain another like blind people do. the eyesight goes but the hearing becomes bionic. when you visit take the chocolate and have the candy yourself, it does the body and soul good -Divvi

    Mary, i am with you i deny him absolutely nothing. he eats what/when he wants including choc bars, granola bars, oatmeal cookies, and jello all the time. I manage to get some healthy meals into him along the day as well, life is so short for them, i agree they should have what gives them joy. if thats icecream and chocolate that makes them smile so be it. now the down side is i like to make it a twosome...i am paying the price..ugh, diet diet is on the agenda for me asap. void of a normal lovefilled and the company of a caring human normal husband leaves us craving more than chocolate but i satisfy my urges and fill my heart as best i can...:) Divvi
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008 edited
    Sorry, Mary, but you're going to have to confess to being a good caregiver. One of the very bright spots in researching saturated fats to address Sandy D's concerns was finding out that studies have shown that daily (DAILY!!!) consumption of nuts and seeds is actually good for you. (I loooooooooooooooove nuts.) Tree nuts, peanuts, and seeds have a favorable fatty acid profile (low in saturated fatty acids and high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids) and are a rich source of nutrients and other bioactive compounds that may beneficially influence the risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, such as fiber, phytosterols, folic acid, and antioxidants.

    divvi, look at the granola bar and oatmeal cookie contents. Depending on what's in them, they might be terrific sources of the best types of fiber. And, of course, if they have nuts, those are good for you, too.
    Thank you, Sunshyne! I feel better now!
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008
    I'll admit to being one of the people who just isn't worrying about the small weight gain my husband has had in the last year. I know that next year, he will be losing weight. I've already gotten into the habit of asking the doctor about weight each time I see him.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008 edited
    Mary, one study even claimed that adding a modest amount of nuts to your usual diet doesn't even cause weight gain. I'm not entirely sure I believe that, but I'd sure like to. <grin>
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008
    oh yeah! mine also devours cans of mixed nuts and tons of fiber during the day - i spend hrs in the grocery store looking for nutrious goodies to go with the candy..haha.divvi
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008
    we are off to the dr in a bit for a general checkup for DH and myself. isnt it ironic that a few lbs for the AD spouse is met with ohhh and yeahs! and when i get on, the nurse raises her brows and shakes a finger...ugh..sigh...i know, i am dreading it already! divvi
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008
    divvi, perhaps you could mention to the nurse that one of the biggest reasons people avoid going to the doctor is that they get weighed every time. There was a study that showed when patients were not weighed, they were more likely to go and it actually benefited their health. There is no reason to weigh patients all the friggin' time ('scuse me) unless they have a problem that really needs close monitoring of their weight.

    Kudos to you for persevering even with a nurse like that.
    I can't understand about the "weighing all the time issue". Our pcp Nurse even weight you when you go for a flu shot. I should think once a year would be suffecient unless there is a medical issue involved. Our pcp weighs considerable more than his recommended weight should be.
    My wife has always loved sweets, especially chocolate. When she was in high school and got home for school her mother would ask "is this a fudge day?" Since it always was they would cook up a batch of fudge and eat it. Her mother became diabetic. My wife is now also diabetic - fortunately relatively mild so no need for insulin. I try to limit her intake of sweets, but occasionaly give in and let her have a piece of cake or candy. Usually for the evening meal (provided by our retirement inn) they have a choice of desserts for diabetics, and she usually is OK with that. Fortunately, she is not overweight, but I think she is gaining. I'll find out at her next doctor's visit!!!!!!!!