Do any of you pro's know of a cough medicine that is safe to take along with the Aricept? My DH has now decided he has a cough. The news is he always coughs and he has used Halls cough drops for years but I KNOW he is going to ask me to get something else and I would like to start out with some ideas. The only other pills he is one is 10mg Lisinopril and a full dose Aspirin. thanks for any info.
Jean, take that question to a pharmacist. They know what is a safe interaction and what isn't. And they enjoy having someone ask. If you use a local pharmacy go to that one, and if you don't, go to anyone local.
Jean, my husband just had a terrible cold and cough and I was reluctant to give him any more meds. I made up a concoction of 2 garlic cloves, pieces of fresh ginger, juice of one lemon and hoeny to sweeten the whole thing. Poured about 2 cups of boiling water over the whole thing. He sipped that in little shot glasses over a period of 2 days and his symptoms have almost totally disappeared. I received this recipe from an 82 year old woman who takes no prescribed meds and is still folk dancing once a week! It's worth a try if your husband can stand the taste. Mine didn't mind it.