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    • CommentAuthorsheila1951
    • CommentTimeNov 15th 2008
    Does anyone on this site have spouses with Parkinson's? That may very well be the ultimate diagnosis for DH. I am confused tho about the physical vs mental with Parkinson's. Most things I have read are physical. DH still has alot of memory loss and forgetfulness as well. Any comments would be appreciated.
    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2008
    There is a web site for the Lewy Body version of dementia. They consider Parkinson's with dementia the same thing as Lewy Body with dementia. Not all Parkinson's patients get dementia, but some do. They are at

    It is an excellent site, and it will answer your questions. The folks at the Alzheimer's Association also take care of all dementias with grace. You will find info there as well.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2008
    Starling, I think there is some clinical overlap between Parkinson's and Lewy Body, but they are not identical -- there is more of a continuum, from "true" Parkinson's without any dementia to Lewy Body without the underlying pathology typically associated with Parkinson's.

    Parkinson's is a disabling, progressive condition that is predominantly thought of as a movement disorder. However, approximately 20% of Parkinson's patients can develop dementia, and this is sometimes called "Parkinson Disease Dementia (PDD)".

    There is usually a fairly long "lag time" between a diagnosis of Parkinson's and the onset of dementia symptoms. If dementia develops before or within two years after the onset of motor symptoms, then the patient is likely to have Lewy Body rather than PDD. However, as with pretty much all causes of dementia, these disorders can be very difficult to diagnose with certainty, and either/both can exist in mixtures with each other, or with another syndrome.

    • CommentAuthorehamilton*
    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2008
    My husband has Progressive Supranuclear Palsy which is considered a "Parkinson's Plus" disease. We were told at that diagnosis that the dementia with PSP was slight but is by far the worst part of his problem now and has since been diagnosed with Frontal Temporal Dementia in addition to the PSP.
    • CommentAuthorsheila1951
    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2008
    We have been told that hubby doesn't have FTD, or Lewy Body.....Latest MRI was normal once again. It is very nerve racking NOT knowing what, why or when.
    • CommentAuthorfrand*
    • CommentTimeNov 16th 2008
    sheila1951 - My husband was first diagnosed with AD and then Parkinson's. There was a 5% chance of Lewy Bodies. Since we donated his brain to research and it apparently takes three to six months for the results I expect to have more information by the end of February. The little I know is that these diseases can be inter-related, so perhaps your DH has both, as did mine.