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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2008
    Hello Everyone,

    My apologies for not posting the blog that was promised for today. I had two disasters occur. One was a hardware crash. The other was good hard slap in the face from Alzheimer's Disease.

    The hardware crash has been fixed for now. I hope. I'm afraid to turn this thing off. I'll post a double weekend blog if everything works okay.

    The AD slap will be a little harder to recover from. I don't have the emotional stamina to write much about it, but suffice to say, the calm is over. The sleeping giant, a.k.a., the driving issue, has awoken with a vengeance. It's been a rough day.

    I'm going to try to do some web work tonight.

    Joan, after my "don't throw me out" (ashes) issue yesterday, after a couple of really good weeks, I was feeling a little bit bashed myself. Not that this in anyway would compare to what you are dealing with. Take care, Joan, you have a lot of people pulling for you.


    When you are ready, please let us be there for you.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2008 edited
    Mary in Montana,

    It is no longer possible for me to respond to every post, but I do read them, and I felt so sad for both of you when I read about the ashes. Whatever each and everyone of us is going through at whatever time is difficult and challenging.

    I appreciate everyone's support. I could not handle this journey without it. Thank you.

    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2008
    Oh, Joan, I'm so sorry. I was really praying the driving issue was a done deal and wouldn't come up again. Please take good care of yourself.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2008
    I have a suggestion. Now, it's pretty radical, so I want to be sure you're sitting down, Joan, and have your seatbelt securely fastened.

    How about, rather than writing a daily blog, you write ... a weekly blog.

    (Omigosh, somebody grab the smelling salts, QUICK!!!)

    I mean, let's face it, this isn't the same site it used to be. It has a lot more members and there's a lot more activity. There are a lot more features, many of which take a lot of your time, like the new store. The site has led to a lot more things for you to do, like the cruises, and the book, and the whatever you're calling them, courses?, and all your lobbying.

    But you just aren't cutting back on anything to make time for all the new stuff. You still trying to personally welcome each and every newbie with a greeting that's specially tailored for each. You still read all the posts, and try to respond to all of the threads as if that were all you had to do here. You still search the news for topics of interest. You still respond personally to every email you get. You're still out there looking for ways to actually make a decent income. (If you need more of those, just ask Kitty -- she's full of great ideas for you to do.) And, and, and, and ...

    You're spinning around so fast, you're going to fly apart.

    Would you like me to pull up a thread or two, on prioritizing?

    As long as we see signs that you're alive and kicking, so we aren't worried about you, maybe you could even just do a "whenever" blog -- whenever you're struck by a brilliant insight, or have seen a remarkable article, or feel particularly inspired, etc. Or whenever you aren't so worn to a frazzle you can actually see to type.
      CommentAuthorNew Realm*
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2008
    I think Sunshyne is pointing you in the right direction. You gotta give "YOU" your own personal time.

    If you think you'll suffer withdrawal, how 'bout a M-W-F Blog?
    Joan, I think sunshyne is right. You shouldn't beat your self up over trying to do everything. You have to have some time for yourself and we all know
    how difficult our AD spouses can be at times. We can wait on your blogs and just post them when you can (although I do look forward to reading your

    This evening I e-mailed you a copy of the two drawings my husband made. 1 is one day after the coconut oil and the other is a couple of days later.
    I am still flabergasted over his clock face and signature improvement and hope it lasts. I was also struck how similar they are to the Dr. in Florida's
    husband. I am going to have him do another in a few days. I don't know if there is any way you can get them on this site for others to see. We are
    still doing 2 teaspoon a day. 2 weeks before starting the coconut oil his clock face and signature were unreadable scribbles.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2008
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions. When I first started this website, the idea was to write a weekly blog, but there was so much to talk about, it ended up being daily. Yes, you are all 100% right - I am spinning in all different directions, and it is very hard to prioritize. I'm going to try to sit down and have a long talk with myself this weekend, and make that priority list.

    But, do tune in for the weekend blog <grin> I have interesting Thanksgiving news. Can't wait to tell you. See, that's the problem, I always have so much to say.

    Tonight, I think I am just going to play around with some new Zazzle designs and then go to bed early. I can't function when I'm in an emotional funk, and today was awful.

    Thank you everyone. I love you all.

    • CommentAuthordagma3
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2008
    Oh thank goodness! I don't have to feel so guilty about doing the "nothing" I do - compared to our tireless Leader. If you never did another thing, what you have done so far has made so many lives so much better. You have kept us sane, well and out of jail for murder. Thank you isn't enough - and I do like to send you an email at times about issues that I don't think should go here, but Please, please don't take the time to asnwer it. I don't expect one.

    And thank you Sunshyne for taking the risk and speaking for us.
    Joan, we all enjoy your blogs and can identify with so much of what you write. It's probably also good therapy for you if you can find the time and energy, just like posting is for the rest of us.

    With driving such a big issue for so many, I hope you are able to do a post about the latest problem but as someone else here has said, "Remember to breathe."

    We love you, Joan.
    Hey Joan,

    When you sit down to have that talk with yourself, please make sure you start off with all the wonderful things you do for so many others and how much you have touched so many lives.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2008
    Sounds like good advice to me. Perhaps we should all consider taking some of it to heart. But, especially, you, Joan. But I do thank you for all you've done. I've learned so much. I started talking to my dr on Monday--talking about shadowing, sundowning, etc., he was amazed when I asked what stage DH is in. Couldn't believe I'd done so much studying. I told him I got it all on this web site.

    Take Care!!!
    • CommentAuthorJanet
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2008

    Is there a possibility you can delegate more to some of us? I'm very willing to help in any way I can, since my husband is still in the early stages and fairly easy to deal with.

    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2008
    Joan i fully agree you do just too much here with taking care of your dear sid. that in itself is an unrelenting job we all know how that goes. maybe a weekly blog is good enough. we understand. divvi
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2008
    The other thing I'd been thinking about ... those little thumbnail pictures that Joan uses to illustrate the blogs are very clever, but to me (maybe others feel differently), it's the WORDS that are important, Joan's thoughts and ideas. The pictures are icing.

    So if it takes a lot of time to track down suitable thumbnails, maybe stop using those so we can have more blogs with the same amount of effort ... ?
      CommentAuthorchris r*
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2008
    I just don't know how you do it all. I know I'm overwhelmed, all the time. and it takes away my get up and go to do anything. I so admire the fact that you started this site. which is for many of us a lifesaver. I agree, make the blogs only as often as you need to, and make them as easy to do as possible. you really need to cut back and I know it's enjoyable, but you need time to just BE.
    I love the little pictures. Makes the words "come alive". But, I know its a lot of work. Thanks
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2008
    What I keep worrying about is, if something happens to Joan ... is her son going to give up his job to keep the website going??? (Very selfish of me, I know!!!)
    I remember too well when I first joined this site. I thought it wasn't for me. The posters were very strange-talking about things I wouldn't mention in public. I never dreamed how powerful our group would become. We advocate, educate and commiserate as only people living through this nightmare could. Thankyou, Joan. Now-if she'd only share her stuffing recipe with us.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2008
    Thank you everyone. You have no idea how much I appreciate all of you. I'm still thinking about priorities, and yes, thank you, I will ask for some more help.

    In the meantime, stay tuned for tomorrow's blog - I learned some interesting facts today about drug trials at the neurologist's office, which I think will be of interest to many of you. I'm going to bed early, and will write it in the morning. If this gorgeous November weather holds, I will take a nice early morning walk before I sit down to write.

    • CommentAuthorJane L.
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2008
    Amen to what others are saying in praise and suggestions for help. I'd skip the pics sprinkled in the blog to save time & space. I know nothing about blogs except reading and learning (from this one especially), but our daughter has a blog, and somehow she can prepare info for several days when she's up in the wee hours (a night owl)and then have them posted on various days automatically.

    Thank you all for helpful information and encouragement.
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2008
    Joan, take a little break. We all love you. We'll be here when you get back. Give yourself a 3 day blog respite. I found that when I broke my elbows, it was the 1st time I had actually relaxed in months. I knew I couldn't search for work, couldn't interview, couldn't drive, couldn't type, couldn't bathe, etc. My mind accepted this & the relaxation was unbelievable. So there is a silver lining in every cloud.