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    • CommentAuthorpollyp53
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2008
    Hello Joan and family,

    Is anyone having problems with their DH hitting or puching people in public? My husband loves people and will point his finger at them to get their attention. Once he gets their attention and it's a guy he will punch them in the stomach or shoulder. It's usually young guys and they are understanding but it's not appropriate and I get very nervous and on edge. I am getting to the point where I don't want to take him out anymore. He just started Trazadone for sleep because he was waking me up at 2:30 to 4:00 in the morning. Now he is sleeping an 8 hour stretch. Will Trazadone help the hitting problem or do I have to try a different type of med?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2008
    My husband doesn't do that with strangers, however, he has started playfully hitting, kicking or punching our sons, constantly pestering them, definitely childlike. We have decided he might do this because he cannot verbalize anymore, so this is his way of communicating.
    Thank goodness mine hasn't started this phase yet!!! What happens when they strike back????
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2008
    Polly, havent been thru the punching part but DH used to point at everyone and make fun of anyone with defects. overweight, handicap/etc. i would have to drag him off before they could hear-i think this behaviour you are seeing could lead to serious implications if he hits the wrong person. could you try to get him to sit in a wheelchair and strap him in and confine him some when you are out? not sure what stage hes in..there are chairs that are simple and dont really look like wheelchairs anymore. or else leave him at home -gosh, i havent heard this one before,i dont think its something you want him to continue to do -it could escalate at nothing. or turn to you..or maybe you could medicate him to subdue somewhat before going out?:) ..divvi
    Wow...That could cause some serious problems. I think the strap might be good if you could instigate it. I bought a couple belts to use with my Mom
    and have used one a couple of times to help my husband to his feet after he falls. They are a big help in that situation. Watch that he doesn't carry
    over to you......
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2008
    If your LO is getting violent you may need to speak to his/her neuro about something to calm them down. I had to do it with my SIL in Ohio. Her doctor put her on Serequel which has worked. At least for her.
    Jean21, has the SIL stopped calling, or is she still after your husband to come visit again?
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2008
    Mary, My DH called his sister for her birthday (Halloween) no surprise!!!! First of all she said she didn't get a birthday card from us and we know she must have, we mailed it more than a week before. Then she asked were we coming up. DH told her H..l NO! We have been 3 times already this year and if I have anything to do with it we won't be going again ever. I refuse to drive that far again.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2008
    Jean, hook up a webcam via computer so your DH and his sister can yack all the time! and you dont have to or drive!that would solve her calling for visits all the time- divvi
    Divvi, you are a genius! <grin>
    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeNov 3rd 2008
    Wow divvi, you are giving my DH and his sister credit to be sociable with each other. In all the years we've been married we have never visited without the two of them getting into a big arguement. It's worse now with her having AD so bad and DH having it not so bad. Somehow his sister got the idea that everyone was put on this earth to be at her beck and call. I don't have any patience at all with her and what little I do have I try to keep it for my DH. The last time we were there (September) I was filling in for both of them when one or the other couldn't remember something. I can only imagine what it would be like with a webcam. LOL
    One thing about it, you can always disconnect. I guess. I never used one.
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