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      CommentAuthorchris r*
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2009
    BTW, when I was in the hospital, the first few days, with the IV etc, they gave me this packet with several wipes in it, that they had put in the micro and it was nice and warm, and the directions told you,... take one and wash your face, another do your bottom, andother do your arms, etc.... Very nice, warm, and gave me a feeling of having bathed. Maybe they sell them in the surgical supply store. also, I have spray on dry shampoo for his hair, when it gets bad, and it does a nice job.
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2009
    chris, you can buy them at Walmart and CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid. I use them and couldn't do without baby wipes. They are called Comfort Bath. I believe I found a large 4 pack size at Walmart. Each pack has 8 disposable washclothes. I don't microwave them but sometimes I just dampen them with warm water. Great product
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2009 edited
    Latest technique for getting DH into the bath/shower:
    I am always trying to get him to shower in the morning, since that's what he's always done. But lately it's been almost impossible. He gets up, and seems almost panicky to get dressed. Once he has his shirt on he seems to feel better and slows down. But not willing to get undressed again and bathe.
    If I could get his Risperdal into him before he gets up in the morning, that would probably help. But there's no way he would lie in bed and wait for it to work.
    A couple times it happened that he got quite sweaty after a bike ride and then was willing to take a shower later in the day. The last few days the weather has been bad for cycling and he's bored, so I've been suggesting a bath and he's been biting! At first he'll shrug his shoulders but a few minutes later it'll be "I thought you wanted to take a bath?"
    And I don't mind, not a bad way to spend an hour on a rainy afternoon.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2009
    the other day DH started not wanting to walk on the shower floor with bare feet especially if wet. i found a pair of those elastic woven shoes we use for the beach and put them on him. he got into and out of the shower much better and to my relief i didnt have to worry about any possible slipping from the shower chair out the shower onto a rug to dry off. (i had a shower mat in the shower but he would try to step over it!)i took the shoes off while i washed the feet and then put back on. thought this may be helpful to avoid any slips in the shower or esp the bathtubs. these shoes are super cheap, less than 6dol i got them at biglots:) and honestly they work GREAT over tiles or slippery floors as houseshoes. stretchy and elastic and stay on his feet- and good rubbery soles.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeOct 27th 2009
    I need some suggestions on how to get the shampoo out of my husband's hair. He will wet it in the shower, shampoo it, however, will not rinse the shampoo out. The last 2 nights after pleading, begging & threatening I have poured water over his head. Not a happy camper! I had his hair cut real short, due to not rinsing it well after washing. But, the shampoo still needs to be rinsed out.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeOct 27th 2009
    On the left side of the website - - there is a section labeled "Caregiver Tips". In that section, under "bathing" there is a link to an article about showering and bathing.

    One of the suggestions is to use a hand held shower to rinse the hair. Another suggestion is to have the hairdresser (or barber) do it.

    I have to shower my DH and I soap him all over including his hair then rinse all with a hand held shower control. Works good unless he picks up the sponge because then he soaps his hair all over again. We have been trying both showers over the past 2 weeks and now that he is walking better have discovered the regular tub with hand-held shower works best since we have to do all the work. I have a shower chair that extends over the side of the tub so he can slide in and out. Until recently he wouldn't "slide" but the aide today said he did and it was easier. You have to use a hand towel along the top of the seat where it extends outside in order to keep water from your bathroom floor.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeOct 27th 2009
    I get into the shower with DH and get him all wet. He keeps saying "don't hurt me." I don't hurt him but he's afraid. I bought this shower/body wash product--all in one. Nice fragrance! I start at the top, do his back, do his front and his legs. I give him the sponge and have him do his personal area. I watch to make sure he gets himself good and clean.
    Then I start at the top and repeat the steps and rinse him all off. He does a pretty good job of drying himself and I help him finish. Then I have him raise both arms, turn his head this way and then that way while I spray deoderant under his arms.

    We do this 3X a week. Not too bad. So far he hasn't given me a lot of grief. Don't know what I'll do if he starts arguing with me. We don't use the shower chair yet.

    Seems there is always something to learn. I'm so sgrateful for all you folks educating me!!!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 27th 2009
    kadee can you substitute the no rinse shampoo from the drugstore?? they sell it at walgreens. cvs stores but maybe others will have it. i have a bottle and use it in between showers. you dont have to rinse this one just towel dry it. it works pretty good, then also there are the bags that heat in the microwave and wash the hair as well like they use in the hospitals. i prefer the bottled stuff as its easier and you can have it in the shower and they dont know the difference:)

    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009
    Thanks everyone. We have the hand held shower, however, he wants nothing to do with it, if it involves rinsing his hair. I think it's strange that he will wet & shampoo, however, not rinse. I think the no rinse shampoo, might be the way to go. As I mentioned he has basically a buzz cut.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009
    Mine doesn't mind standing in the tub with the water running, doesn't mind me washing him with a soapy washcloth. But when I take the shower sprayer off its mount and flip to that, he yells and shouts as I do it. He doesn't resist, he just yells. He LOVES to yell - I think after being the meek quiet professor for so many years, its cathartic for him. Yesterday the visiting nurse was out and I was showing her the rash he's been getting on his lower body and groin - basically diaper rash; we're treating it and it's going away - and he's shouting away, Ai AI AI AI - and she said we're not hurting you, and he grinned and looked sheepish! He just LOVES to make NOISE!! This would be difficult to indulge in a facility, I fear, and I can't get him to stop it unless I sing loudly, or whistle loudly, to drown it out.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2009
    My BIL would yell the ow, ow, ow, ow..... or damit, damit, damit... and my sister would ask if it hurts. He would often answer 'no' with a grin on his face and she would say to stop yelling then. But it never stopped him. Like your husband, my BIL was always a quiet, never complaining person, so he must have like to hear himself yell too.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2010 edited
    As I mentioned above,my husband does not like to wash his hair. I bought the No Rinse Shampoo, even though he hates it, I have managed to use it a couple times a week.
    His scalp has became dry & flaky. Any suggestions?
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2010 edited
    My dh will not get in the shower at all anymore, but fortunately he doesn't seem to mind having a bath together every couple nights. I mention it when I see him start to get bored in the evenings (shortly after supper) and then I usually wait until he brings it up himself. We have coffee or wine, to make it a festive occasion. We have a big round bathtub. Make a game out of washing. Washing the hair is very difficult though, he usually refuses. This week the hairdresser did it before his haircut. I tell them not to ask him if he wants it washed, just go ahead and WASH it. They are great with him.
    JeanetteB: A few weeks ago, my DW just didn't bathe. I think she just didn't think about it, so I would tell her that we were going to take a shower together and that was OK. This went on for two or three weeks and then, one day, she took a shower by herself. Ever since then, she showers alone, but, she might take two or three in one day and none for next day or two. So far, I just let it be. No harm done.

    Oh Well, that will change soon too.
    Just found this wonderful device for cleaning my computer screen, and think I can adapt it for cleaning my dw and my mom......
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2010
    My wife and I have been in our travel trailer down near Corpus Christi enjoying some warmer weather. This morning I suggested that she take a shower while I walked the dog. When I came back I noticed something was wrong. Her Hair was not wet and I have noticed that her hair was not looking very good for a while. We have been down her for a month and she has never washed her hair. I think I am going to have to start bathing her. I do her nails, I dye her hair, I do her facial hair. I might as well bath her too.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 24th 2010
    And that becomes a challenge in an RV. There is no way two of us could get into our shower. There is plenty of room for one but not two adults.Wish we were down south where it was warm and dry.
    • CommentAuthorJudy
    • CommentTimeJan 25th 2010
    DH is getting nearer to the no showering point. Argues that he's already showered, thank you.. when he has not. In re-reading through this helps to hear of the various remedies.. About the nails.I had not EVEN thought about toenails..until a couple of weeks ago..DH was complaining about his SHOE hurting his foot.. I took off his socks and good heavens..the toenails were wayyy longg. He wears socks constantly.. I can see his fingernails but hadn't actually LOOKED at his feet when he changed socks etc.. Oh mercy...I've never trimmed his toenails..not even when he was in the hospital for weeks.The nurses must have.. but I never even thought about it.. I sure will now. Eeghaddss.
    Judy-with the proper diagnosis you may be able to get a podiatrist to make a home call. Trimming toenails can be tricky.
    Judy, I agree with Bluedaze. See if you can get a podiatrist to trim the nails. I have both mine and my wife's done by a podiatrist, who will make house calls, every 2 months. Medicare pays for this.
    • CommentAuthorJudy
    • CommentTimeJan 26th 2010
    Thank you both for this information. Gosh, had no idea this was possible. Although it isn't likely that podiatrists would come way out here, I can certainly take him to one at the clinic. Amazing news. I'll certainly call and ask. Wow.. Thank you again so much.
    Jud- I have also seen some nail clinics in malls or in WalMart who do pedicures.... You might want to try that
    • CommentAuthorJudy
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2010
    Will be checking out possibilities BEFORE the next trimming is needed..thats for sureeee.. Thanks phranque
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2011
    to the top for newcomers
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2012
    ttt for bathing issues
    Another thread that has popped out of obscurity! Divvi, you crack me up! You are also after the pee crown, aren't you?!? When it comes to hygiene, I do it all.
    Teeth - he has a full plate on top and a partial on the bottom. I put my finger to the side and back of his plate and it will pop right out. The partial I just pull out from the front. I brush the 3 teeth he has left on the bottom and if I take that toothbrush out once I am done because he will never let me put it back in. I use a small piece of paper towel soaked in mouthwash to wipe out the inside of his mouth from time to time since I am afraid he will swallow any mouthwash I pour in there or end up with mouthwash in his lungs. My next purchase will be those Listerine strips because his breath can be really foul.
    Bathing - I take him in with me for a shower and that is in a regular tub so there is a little slow dancing going on at times. He is like any small child when it comes to washing the hair so I use shampoo with conditioner or baby shampoo or Avon hair & body when I just want to get it done. I used to try the "girlie smell/boy smell/don't touch me" speech, but that is useless so I have resigned myself to the fact that I may smell like the men's Avon choice of the day until this is over. I used to shower him every day, but less now as he is not doing anything to get dirty or sweaty.
    Bathroom - first thing in the morning and the last thing before I try to tuck him in at night and watch for signs during the day. Dummy me used to put Depends on him AFTER he had an accident. Now he pretty much wears them all the time. He does not like them, but I can pull it off with the new gray ones. I have to remind him to poop. I wipe. If he poops, I have those flushable wipes to use.
    Hair and nails - I cut the nails. Toenails are a little thicker and more difficult so I use the big clippers for those. Hair may take me several days because he cannot sit still. I am no barber, but it turns out ok. I just comb it and cut it pretty much the same length all over. I may do the top one day, the sides another day, and the back another day. He has a beard and moustache so I trim those too with the clippers with an attachment.
    It's kinda like having my own life-size Ken doll with all the attachments that my mom would never buy me. So there, mom!!!
    Love your sense of humor, Linda Mc. I needed the laugh today - a life size Ken doll with all the attachments. Oh yeah.
    Mine poops, too! Just did. Didn't even rattle me. Lord, I am getting used to this. Sat him on the toilet and there it was! Moved the bath rug. Took off the Depends. Rolled it up. Got the spray cleaner and the paper towels. Cleaned the toilet and the floor. Got the flushable wipes and the toilet paper. Cleaned him up. Washed the hands. Put on a new Depends. Put him to bed. Took the Depends down and put it in a double Walmart bag. Hung it on the basement door. Put the bath rugs in the washer. Came up. Took the Depends out to the garbage. Done! I've got a damn system. Pathetic!!!
    Divvi, I want that crown!!!!! LOL
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2012
    Linda Mc, you are one of my HEROES! I know that your journey is as difficult as everyone elses here, but you just seem to (as the commercial says) JUST DO IT! My DH is to the point where he doesn't comprehend most of what I say to him, so when I tell him he has to take a shower he won't. I'll say, “You need to take a shower.” & he says, “ Why? I fought for my country, army, navy, marines.” I tried to “help” him take his shorts off & he started swinging, so for the present time he won't be taking showers. He sleeps fully dressed & the past few days he won't change his clothes (I used to give him clean clothes after his shower), so last night while he was eating his ice cream I convinced him to change his clothes. Just another phase I'll have to adjust to.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2012
    LindaMc be on the lookout today for that Fedex truck!! the 'crown' will be delivered to you as our new poop queen girl! if you get tired of it *and you might* sigh
    just send it back til i find a new taker. its good of you to want it friend. not many here even contemplate that idea. folks, pay hommage to the NEW QUEEN!!

    i think you did just a perfect job of getting that routine down. yes so very pathetic we get to where its our normal and have a 'system'. but boy does it make it so much more liveable when we deal daily. you go!!

    ex poop queen (woohoo)
    divvi, you have served your 'kingdom' well! I guess you do need a 'rest'. LOL Now, LindaMc, you have your work cut out for you! But....I know you will do an outstanding job also!
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2012
    Hail to the new royalty "QUEEN LINDA Mc"!
    Wait, Divvi, I think you were too willing to give up that crown!!!!! And after you worked so hard for it!
    Elaine, hesitate and you're LOST! JUST DO IT!!! And if they don't comply, try again in five minutes or an hour. Lloyd is unwilling alot, but you would never believe how many times I can come and try the same thing again in five minutes and he has changed his mind...for whatever reason! And I pick my battles. Some are so not worth it. Cleaning up the poop...I fight that one and always win! Sleeping in clothes...nevermind!
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2012
    Linda Mc, just after I wrote that last post DH had to go poop & after he was finished he wanted to “clean up” so I saw my chance to get him in the shower & I took it. Sure enough he got undressed & got in the shower. He wasn't happy about it when he knew what I wanted him to do, but he got in nevertheless! All the while I was helping him & THANKING him. So now he's good to go...........until the next time! Praise the LORD! You are right........hesitate & you're lost!
    Please don't forget your princess Linda, a tiara next to your crown. Yes you certainly deserve it, and I would personally not like to go beyond the Princess role. Loved your poop story!

    today he took a poop and I was there to help him clean up. As he stood up from the toilet, another plop hit the floor, and I never even flinched!! Moved him out of the way, cleaned it and him up, and went on my merry way. Who knew?
    Oh, girls, we have been doing this for too long! It is a pretty sad day when cleaning up poop becomes second nature!!!
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2012
    Why is that?? We all did it for our children. That was one area I didn't have to deal with my dh was continent until the day he died. He also was mobile, though not steady on his feet, up until a week before he passed.
    JudithKB, with small children comes small poop and hope for the day they will be potty trained. With this poop the end only comes with their dying and that is sad.
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2012
    Yes...I understand it is a real problem for so many. I had always said it probably would have been the line in the sand for me, but fortunately I never had to find out what a chore it must be. You all deserve crowns.
    You would have done it though JudithKB*, you know that. Somehow your guy held on to that dignity, a piece of him that just could not let go. It is all so awful.
    You are right, Coco. If someone had asked me before I had to do it, I would've said "NO WAY!". Here I am! Lloyd is still mobile, but he is very unsteady at this point. If he falls, it is generally in the mornings for some reason. Maybe it just takes time for whatever is left of his brain to engage. Lot of headaches lately, too.
    Rerarding showering. Every time I try getting Ron in the shower He refuses unless we are going to a doctor. (That is the only place he ever goes) Yesterday he was going to the nurologist so I started prompting at 7am. I put the electric heater on and left him getting his underwear off. 15 munutes later he appears in the kitchen fully dressed. I could see he had not been in the shower because his hair wasn't wet. I went back in with him and he got his shoes and pants off then sat there. told him to take his shirt off and he just sat there. I started to unbutton it and he exploded and grabbed it and tore the last three buttons off. Finally he was naked so I left him and again in 20 minutes he was dressed with no shower. The last time I stayed until he had the water on and was in there.. I'm not sure what happens once he is under the water but our shower is a small stall with no room for two of us. Having the water run over him for 10 minutes must help. By nine he was done and I am ready to tear my hair out.
    MaryinPA, I have been taking Lloyd in the shower with me for over a couple years now. It is the only way I know everything is getting clean. It is not a stall either, but a shower in the tub. He cannot do anything for himself anymore so I figure I may as well get in since I am going to get soaked anyhow. I don't ask. I just do.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2012

    Not showering was more than difficult. Someone here once posted, maybe it was more than someone, that her spouse was afraid of the water. It made me want to cry; it made me cry. Husband was never much for the gym but was devoted to Ashtanga Yoga, and felt he really wanted a shower after.

    A shower before work: Always! For some years we had a pool and he would plunge into that pool and follow it with a shower and then dressing for work.

    All gone now.
    Abby*, Lloyd doesn't like the water in his face in the shower. He invariably turns around and then he really ends up with water in his face. Of course, he damn near drowned when he was a teenager jumping in water at a strip mine. I imagine that is one of his memories that will never leave him!
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2012
    I check in to the blog very occasionally (I think I don't really want to read about what will be coming down the road!), but I'm glad I did this evening. AD is definitely NOT funny, but some of these posts have had me cracking up! I've felt for most of my life that humor can get you through a lot, and it's being sorely tested now! Hubby is still able to function, but just doesn't care to, I guess. The showering has been an issue for well over a year now, but I've stopped trying to push it. Saturday night is good enough! We talked him into getting a buzz cut several months ago, as he seemed to stop washing his hair. Looks so much better, should be easy to care for - NOT! He refuses to maintain it with a brushing every day, however he rolls out of bed is the way it stays & his hair grows quickly. It goes flat in the back, swirls around toward the front & sticks out at the sides - attractive! Very unwilling to go for a haircut, unless I threaten him that I'll do it myself (which I know I will have to learn to do). The toenail thing - yikes! I realize I haven't seen his for quite a while (socks) - better check it out. Believe me, I won't be touching those things - if he won't do it himself, we're off to the podiatrist!
    I try not to "project" too far ahead - one day at a time.
    Mim, cutting hair is cake. Getting them to sit still is the hard part. The same length thing all over works for me. Then I trim the bottom in the back and around his ears and shave the back of his neck with the clippers. The hardest thing is his moustache. He gets a little twitchy when I come at his lip with a pair of scissors. I see plenty of men walking around chewing on their moustaches, but I cannot stand it! YUCK!
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeOct 18th 2012
    I think when the time comes for me to become his personal, live-in barber, I'm going to get electric clippers (I guess that's what their called) & learn to buzz cut it myself. He may look odd for the first few times, but oh well! I'm learning (slowly!) not to feel guilty about things that just must be done, whether he likes it or not. Hopefully, my sons will help me out.