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    • CommentAuthorlongyears
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2008 edited

    Looks fairly new. Might be necessary to take the survey, then return in a day or two for results to show up.

    I tried to take the survey by copying the above address, but it said I had already taken the survey. I even tried deleting the extraneous parts and couldn't find where it is. Any suggestions?
    • CommentAuthorlongyears
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2008
    Hm. Yes, I guess I copied the URL right after I took the survey.

    So I went back, started over, cleared the cache in my computer - maybe this works?

    (I edited the first post to the same thing, in case people don't read all the entries . . . )
    That worked!
    Well, I got that I had already taken the survey from the second URL! Oh, well....maybe I forgot I took it <grin>
    Mary-same thing here
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2008 edited
    They'll assign a unique number for each person who participates. (That's the long string of gobbledy-gook in the link posted above.)

    Go to:

    In the center of the page, there's "Research News" in purple, and then the next section is "In the Spotlight". First paragraph under In the Spotlight is about the survey. Click on the "If you are a member of the general public" link.