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    earthangel, I mis-read your post. Sorry about that. Guess I need to get that eye exam!
    When our kids were small we used to camp around The Thousand Islands-best times of our lives.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2010
    welcome Earthangel, your name is quite appropriate while caregiver to AD spouse:) we sometimes surely must be angels to deal with some of the things they throw us. hope you join in -much support, handson help, and from those who are in the trenches- not the books!
    • CommentAuthorearthangel
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2010
    Thanks Vickie, bluedaze and divvi, I do feel welcomed. There is so much to be learned from others experience, and obviously a sense of comfort in knowing that others understand and might just say the right thing at a time when no one else is able.
    Hello friends, It's another newbie here but I already feel at home after reading on this website for a few days. My DH is 69 going on 6. I have good support from daughter and daughter-in-law and have recently hired a part-time "housekeeper". I have someone with DH 3-4 hours daily and he is on his own for a few, so far this is working out. I am a sturdy 56 year old still working at a good IT job with Univ. of Colo. I have 25 years in our state retirement system so could retire, but I like my work. I was recently approved to work at home one day per week (yea!!) so get some support/flexibility from my managers. Reading your posts about our future issues makes me realize these are still the good years (I have been saying this for about 4 years now). I thought about taking leave of absence to travel in RV for a few months, so joined a discussion thread about that. Forgive me for copying some of this from RV post, but I wanted to show up here, too. I so appreciate all of your thoughtful insights on how we deal with this rotten disease. Thanks Joan for such an awesome communication and support tool. --Marcia
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2010
    Welcome, Marcia, welcome to the site. You have come to the a good place, which you already know if you've been reading. I think my DH is 66 going on 4!
    So sorry you have to be here,Marcia, but a big welcome to you. A great place to be when you need to rant or vent! Big hugs to you.
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2010
    Welcome Marcia. A wonderful place for information, venting, even some laughs.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2010

    Welcome to my website. The issues we face in dealing with a spouse with this disease are so different from the issues faced by children and grandchildren caregivers. We discuss all of those issues here - loss of intimacy; social contact; conversation; anger; resentment; stress; and pain of living with the stranger that Alzheimer's Disease has put in place of our beloved spouse.

    The message boards are only part of this website. Please be sure to log onto the home page - - and read all of the resources on the left side. I recommend starting with "Newly Diagnosed/New Member" and "Understanding the Dementia Experience". There are 4 sections for EOAD members - two of which focus on the young teens whose parents have EOAD (early onset AD). There is a great new section on informative videos, and another excellent resource - Early Onset Dementia - A Practical Guide.

    Do not miss the "previous blog" section. It is there you will find a huge array of topics with which you can relate. There is a new "search" feature on the home page that allows you to look up different topics that may have been explored in a previous blog. Log onto the home page daily for new blogs; news updates; important information.

    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeJan 30th 2010
    Welcome Marcia,
    This site has become a lifesaver for me. I'm going through a bad time right now and don't seem able to communicate it well to my family, so coming here gives me a way to let some of the things that are happening spew out and help to lessen the explosion I might have, but mostly it helps the feelings of loneliness and sometimes sadness. There will be good days and bad days and it helps to lessen the feelings of helplessness on the bad days. So, welcome, and I hope we can help you.
    Hello, my name is Peggy, and my husband Craig is 56 stage 7 with what we suspect to be Lewy Body Dementia. After many years of dealing with him at home, without a diagnosis (since he refused to see anyone), I finally had to have my husband involuntarily commited.

    At that time, he was diagnosed with stage 6 AD, and admitted to a NH due to hallucinations and aggression. After many months of fighting tooth and nail with everyone and anyone, we finally settled into a comfortable relationship with the doctors and physicians, only to have hubby start having Grand Mal seizures.

    The last seizures were in November, only 8 months after his diagnosis, and resulted in a 2 day coma and several months of catatonia. He has never recovered, and has been on Hospice since,and continues to decline.
    His father passed away from AD 4 days after he was committed, and his mother passed 2 weeks ago,with vascular dementia.

    I have read these boards for months, and am active on the AD message boards and chat rooms, which have kept me from losing my mind.
    Thank you for all the information I have gained here, and I hope to be able to share some of what I have learned too.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2010
    Peggy, so sorry for what you are going thru at such a young age (I am 57, hb 62). It is even harder when you have no solid answers as to what exactly he has - LBD vs AD. I am glad you have been helped by here and the AD message boards. Prays and hugs for you and your family.
    Peggy-welcome to our home
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2010
    Peggy, you are very welcome here. Feel free to post as well as read!
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeFeb 19th 2010
    Hi & Welcome Peggy!
    Hi, Peggy, welcome aboard. I know you will find the people here very helpful, kind and knowledgeable. And they give lots of hugs (((((((())))))))~!
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2010
    Welcome, Peggy. I've seen your posts on the Alzheimer's Association website. The various dementias are devastating at any age, but particularly tragic in folks as young as your DH. As Vickie said, we offer support and lots of hugs. Here's one now, in case you need it. ((((( )))))
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2010
    welcome peggy-indeed sorrowful it happens so early in life. you are among friends who know what you are dealing with. we are in the trenches down and dirty against this dread disease. glad you found us.
    • CommentAuthorphil4:13*
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2010
    Hi! My name is Dianne and my husband, George,began showing signs of Alzheimer's about 9 years ago. He had just retired from practice as a physician. A friend of his is his Dr. and he was reluctant to diagnose him. Friends and I noticed a change in his demeanor and his memory. It had progressed slowly until a couple of years ago and now every change of season brings a change to our lives. He is probably in the late mid stages now (I can never remember the numbers). We are dealing with his shaving now and still have issues where he thinks he can go get his driver's license or that any paper with his name on it will suffice. We have one son who lives close by but our other 2 children live across country. We live in a small town in a rural area. Thank God he loves to be in the car so we put miles on the car everyday just driving the country roads. Am actually thinking of driving from our home in PA to our son's home in California this summer to keep him occupied. Our children have been on my case to join a support group but that's not my thing. When I found this website I knew this was the place! The first 2 articles I read hit the nail on the head as to where I am now. Thank you!
    Dianne-welcome. While my dear husband was still alive I found support, love and understanding here. Now that he is gone the support, love and understanding continue.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2010
    Hi & Welcome Diane! I am so sorry for your need of the forum, however, you have found a great place. Instead of Alzheimer's my husband has Frontal Temporal Dementia (FTD) He is 59 years old. Welcome again.
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2010
    Welcome, Diane, you have come to a very good place. For many of us this site has been a lifesaver. I am American but live in Holland with my Dutch husband who is about stage 5 -- trouble with shaving.

    I know the problem of doing things to keep him occupied. Tonight after he got home from daycare we went out to dinner -- one of his favorite activities. As soon as we got home he wanted to go out again. He had no idea where. We bicycle a lot but that is becoming increasingly difficult because he often wants to go the wrong way.
    • CommentAuthorphil4:13*
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2010
    Thanks for the welcome everyone. Just went on the site and rechecked stages. DH is at stage 5 but edging closer to 6. Every time the season's change he takes a big drop, usually in one day. That was a couple of weeks ago when he suddenly stopped shaving and insists that he just shaved. Did manage to get him to shave "again" today but he starts by shaving the top of his head (he's bald as a billiard ball) and his forehead and thinks he's done! Has removed his eyebrows a couple of times. Does anyone else notice the seasonal change?
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2010
    Hi! My name is Elaine & my husband was diagnosed with early dementia 4 years ago. It is progressing to what I think is AZ, but since he won't go back to the neurologist for anymore follow up exams I'm pretty much using the guidelines for the different stages of AZ & he seems to be around stage 5. He is 62 & I am 60. I am glad I found this website. A friend at a support group told me about it.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2010
    welcome EBVH123. plenty of good info and kind folks to lend a willing ear when you need to talk or get answers. many here have finished their caregiving roles with spouses and others like me are almost at the end and others are beginning or in mid throws of this terrible disease. good you found us its a wonderful place with caring people.
    Welcome, have found a wonderful place. My husband died in March of 2008 at the age of 62 after suffering with AD for about 13 years. If you have a question or concern, you can be pretty sure that someone will have an answer or will have been through the same thing.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2010
    Hi & Welcome Elaine, As others have said, you have found a wonderful place. This website has been a godsend to me.
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2010
    Welcome Elaine, you have found a place of information, comfort and laughs. Talk away...
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2010
    Elaine, welcome to the site. To lots of us, it has made all the difference. My dh is also about stage 5, maybe verging on 6. He is 67. Read all you can and write whenever you like.
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2010
    Elaine, you've come to the single best site for people like us, spouses dealing with our husbands and wives as they battle with Alzheimer's. In my case, I'm 63; wife just turned 64 last month. She was diagnosed a year ago with AD but I suspected it several years before that. She is now somewhere between early and moderate stages, depending on the day. Welcome to this site!
    • CommentAuthorphil4:13*
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2010
    So glad you found this site Elaine. It has been a godsend to me and countless others. You can share so much here that you can't elsewhere. SPouses are in a unique situation. Keep coming back. My DH is in the 5/6 transition.
    You have landed in a soft place, Elaine. Welcome aboard this terrible train we are all riding. This site has been my salvation. You will receive so much great information from those who have been before us and those still riding it. Many hugs to you!
    Hi Elaine--glad you found this website. My husband also has young onset AD, and I've found this site to be such a wealth of information. It's good you are attending a formal support group, and you will find another 24/7 support group here!
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeJul 17th 2010
    Thanks again everyone for the welcome. I try to get here as often as possible but hubby is always in the same room (not that he knows what I am doing) but as you know when you have to do EVERYTHING for 2 people sometimes you just don't have the time or energy to do the things that you want to do. Just a note on the support group I was going to.....the doctor who was the facillitator passed away this week so I guess it will be a while before they find a replacement. Doesn't matter really, I can't leave the house without him right now. So for now you are my support group! Thanks again!
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2010
    A welcome to sisreal, who posted on a different thread. Sisreal you are so young to be dealing with this. You have come to the best possible place for information and support.
    • CommentAuthorGrapedad
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2010
    Hi there. Just found this forum, and you hues seem to be the perfect support group for us. I read Wolf's beautiful piece in the "P&P" discussion, & agree with him that while AZ is a fight we can't win, I won't quit. My DW is 72, & I'm 73. She was DX'd in April, 2010, & is now mid Stage 5. The hardest part is that, because of a series of events, I was forced to tell her she had AZ. That happened last week, & was the worst day of our 51 years of married life. We cried for hours. I know this journey is going to get much worse, but we will go through it, like we have all things, together.
    • CommentAuthorGrapedad
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2010
    I'm sorry, bad typing. I meant "you guys"
    Grapedad, welcome to our family. We're sorry for the reason you had to join us, and we have bonded together to help each other through this dreaded disease that robs us of the love of our lives, our best friends and the other half of ourselves. We can ask for advice, give advice, rant and rave, just comment, or even tell a joke or two...we give a lot of hugs, and say prayers when needed to help get through this.

    Welcome! ((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))

    Mary (Red)
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2010

    Welcome to my website. You have come to a place of comfort for spouses/partners who are trying to cope with the Alzheimer's/dementia of their husband/wife/partner. The issues we face in dealing with a spouse/partner with this disease are so different from the issues faced by children and grandchildren caregivers. We discuss all of those issues here - loss of intimacy; social contact; conversation; anger; resentment; stress; and pain of living with the stranger that Alzheimer's Disease has put in place of our beloved spouse/partner.

    The message boards are only part of this website. Please be sure to log onto the home page - - and read all of the resources on the left side. I recommend starting with "Newly Diagnosed/New Member" and "Understanding the Dementia Experience". There are 4 sections for EOAD members.

    Do not miss the "previous blog" section. It is there you will find a huge array of topics with which you can relate. There is a "search" feature on the home page that allows you to look up different topics that may have been explored in a previous blog. Log onto the home page daily for new blogs; news updates; important information.

    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2010
    Hi grapedad. Welcome to the club. You have come to the best possible place. Feel free to post anytime, on any thread.
    • CommentAuthorcricket
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2010
    Hello.. My husband was diagnoised with Frontal Temporal Dementia in 2007. I am coping day to day and hoping this support group will give me what I need to get me through this life I did not choose. Oh, and hi Kadee :)
    cricket welcome. My struggle is over but FTD is the pits. Come by often and we will help you learn to cope with this miserable disease.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2010

    Welcome to my website. I am on my way out to take my husband to ANOTHER doctor's apt. When I return, I will give you an appropriate welcome with a lot of information. In the meantime, if you feel comfortable doing so, please tell us more about yourself and your husband.

    A big welcome to you, Cricket. You have landed in a soft, compassionate place and we are all here for you.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2010
    welcome to grapedad and cricket! glad you found the website and so many ears and hands to offer any help or advice if you need it.
    looking forward to getting to know you two!
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2010
    Welcome to cricket and grapedad. The website is a place of great help and information. My husband was diagnosed in 2008 at 58 years old with FTD.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2010

    Hello again. You have come to a place of comfort for spouses/partners who are trying to cope with the Alzheimer's/dementia of their husband/wife/partner. The issues we face in dealing with a spouse/partner with this disease are so different from the issues faced by children and grandchildren caregivers. We discuss all of those issues here - loss of intimacy; social contact; conversation; anger; resentment; stress; and pain of living with the stranger that Alzheimer's Disease has put in place of our beloved spouse/partner.

    The message boards are only part of this website. Please be sure to log onto the home page - - and read all of the resources on the left side. I recommend starting with "Newly Diagnosed/New Member" and "Understanding the Dementia Experience". If you go to the top of this page, click "search", and type in FTD, making sure the "topic" circle is filled in, and click "search" again, you will find 30 different discussions on FTD.

    Do not miss the "previous blog" section. It is there you will find a huge array of topics with which you can relate. There is a "search" feature on the home page that allows you to look up different topics that may have been explored in a previous blog. Log onto the home page daily for new blogs; news updates; important information.

    Since there are so many members dealing with FTD, I have decided to put up a new resource section on the left side of the home page for FTD. Hopefully, I will get it up today. If not, it will be next week.

    • CommentAuthorcricket
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2010 edited
    Hello again, I have been a member of the FTD Support Forum for around three yrs. but a friend on this support group recommended I check this out, so here I am, I will eventually find my way around here. My husband has the behavior variant of FTD so dealing with his compulsions of spending money, going to restrooms every 10. mins, going in peoples' houses' and going through their drawers, looking at porn on the internet, burning papers in the bean field, I could go on and on. Things are pretty calm here now since I've installed locks on all doors and he cannot excape and run to a neighbor's house to get them to give him a ride to town to have keys made for the car among other things. Looking forward to getting to know and maybe be of some comfort to some new friends.
    Oh Cricket that all sounds so familiar. After I finally got rid of my husband's car he would go to neighbors for a ride to find his car. He would hire people to drive him to the registry to get his license back.
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2010
    Hi cricket, I'm also a member of the FTD Support Forum. Between these two sites you will have a wealth of information and great support. Welcome again. :)