part of the age skew also is that men in general marry younger women, or vise versa, women marry older men . I've noticed on our website, how many women are married to older men as I am. He's 85, and doesn't go near the computer. Do we have a thread as to the ages of those with the disease? I'll bet we'd find a good number in the 80's.
Chris, You replied to "What are the Ages" which is the statistics for the spouses whom have dementia. Evalena, is correct I only keep track of those who wish to reply to the post. There could be others. On 10/25/08 my last update there were 20 spouses in their 80's.
Welcome Bar-bra, I am sorry you need to join us, however, you will find everyone here kind, helpful & non-judgmental. My husband has Frontal Temporal Dementia (FTD) he is 57 years old, started showing signs of dementia at 52. Others will be along shortly to welcome you. Please feel free to post anytime.
Welcome Bar-bra and Jaydee!! the need to find support groups like this one seems evermore present. Glad you ladies found the site and joined.tell us more when you can. divvi
Hi This is my first attempt to write but have been reading the blogs and message board for this past year. I turn 82 years old today Nov. 6 and my wife will turn 83 on Christmas day. She was diagnosed Dementia with lewy bodies 3 years ago. I am the sole caregiver.
Bill, hi, and welcome to our little family. My mother was officially diagnosed with AD, but my father (a doctor) became convinced that she had Lewy Body. It's a tough disease, so sorry your wife has it. Let us know what we can do to help.
Bill, welcome, and Happy Birthday. I am 77 and my wife is 78. She is in stage 6 of AD. It's tough to be the sole caregiver (as I, also, am). Be sure and look for respite times. I take my wife to an Adult Day center 3 mornings a week so I can get some exercise and do some shopping, haircut, etc.
Welcome, Bill. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! there is alot to digest with info and there is lots of good posts here with valuable info for you when you can get to it. glad you are part of the group now. divvi
Ok, Kadee I thought I had replied to this post, a while back. So if my tired eyes are not playing tricks on me, I haven't. But you may want to check just in case so I don't get counted twice. Rk
Well, hi there, MMarshall! Welcome to our little family.
Normally, Joan herself would pop by to welcome you personally, but we have just given her a very firm lecture on the need to rest a bit, and she had BETTER BE BEHAVING. (Ahem. I'm keeping an eye on you, Joan!) Besides, she's supposed to be working on a series of special blogs about the holidays. So I shall try to fill in for her:
Be sure to check the home page - look on the left side - there are many topics filled with information. Joan always suggests that newcomers to the site read "Newly Diagnosed/New to this website" first, and then check out "Understanding the Dementia Experience". When you get a chance, scroll through the "previous blogs. I'm sure you'll find many topics you can relate to.
Information on the home page is updated frequently with new blogs, news and/or information updates, so many of us check there every day.
You can search for topics of interest, using the "search" button at the top of the page. Enter a key word that might be found in the title of the thread (click on the "topic" button) or in the posts (click on "comments") Note: this particular site will pull up any comments that have the key word anywhere in the post, even if it's part of a longer word, so you can enter, for example, "myoclon" and pull up posts that mention myoclonus and myoclonic jerks.
You can start a new thread by clicking on the "start a new discussion" link in the upper left-hand corner.
There are also a couple of other fun threads where we hope you'll post -- "What are the Age Groups?" (for the AD spouses), and "Where are you from?"
Another great thread you'll want to be sure to read is "Caregiver Tips - Things I wish someone had told me back in Stage 2-3"
The people here are wonderful. Let us know what we can do to help you.