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    William Shatner plays the role of a senior partner in a law firm. He shows signs of dementia in a very demeaning way. He is also a blatant womanizer. I am offended by the portrayal of dementia in such a silly way. Sure don't find it funny.
    It is my understanding that Denny Crane has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, but calls it "mad cow disease" because he doesn't want others to know. His partners know of course. They no longer allow him to try cases, but he sits with them and gives them advice in their cases. He still has brilliant flashes and has won many cases for the firm even with AD. Candice Bergen, another partner, had her father with AD last year, who was bedridden, drawn up in the fetal position, and if anyone touched him, he screamed in pain. She went to court to be able to allow the doctors to give him sufficient morphine to stop the pain (death)....and won. It was one of the most moving episodes on AD I've seen.

    As to Denny's womanizing, EVERY male but two on that show are womanizing to the extreme. Denny was before AD - it wasn't brought on by AD. I'm not defending the way Denny is portrayed, just explaining the character, in case you weren't a regular viewer. The two minute sessions at the end of the show sometimes deal with his AD questions to his friend. His friend has agreed to make certain he doesn't suffer; that he will see to his funeral, etc. I personally ignore the womanizing and watch for the issues that they try in court. I can see where you take offense, bluedaze. I don't find his AD funny either.