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    • CommentAuthornanapapa
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2008
    good morning everyone, I have a another new question for anyone who has experienced this with thier LO. My LO was dx with Dysphagia last week in the hospital and I've done the whole thicken ing of his food and everything but all he wants to eat is ice cream or yogurt anythin cold and sweet???? the dr told me that is the last things to go his sweet tooth never had it before . everything else he has to eat seems to hurt him . We called in Hospice Friday I'm sure they will have reccomendations but just thought if anyone else had this concernI'd like to hear from the experts here..... a great big thanks to alll
    Nanapapa, from someone who has been when you are.....just give him what he will eat...

    For sure, almost everyone I know who has dealt with this disease is amazed at the desire for the affected to consume desserts and anything sweet. In fact, when the appetite is waning in the latter stages of this disease, lots of folks have filled a spoon with the "healthier" food and then dip the tip of the spoon in applesauce or something sweet to get them to open their mouths.
    My Mom's Hospice Nurse said they recommend Carnation instant breakfast (next to Ensure and it tastes better) with WHOLE milk. Ice cream can be added, too. I bought her those little pudding servings and applesauce. I think you can thicken the Carnation. I agree, let them have what they want to eat.

    I personally, have some aspiration of food and liquids and in my case coffee and tea make it much worse. I have weaned myself from the tea and
    am working on the coffee. The only kind of coffee I like is Mc iced coffee so I am down to a half one mornings with a cup of milk. I also de the prilosec dailly.

    I am glad Hospice is coming to lend a hand.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2008
    If your LO wants cold as well as sweet, then you can also try freezing the protein shakes (including Carnation instant breakfast) -- it makes them thicker and easier to swallow, too.