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    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2008
    Remember how the stories go: when mom starts having labor pains, so does dad?

    As long as I can remember, when I felt under the weather, sure enough, my husband would find some ailment. And that he hasn't forgotten how to do. I've been intermittently feeling uncomfortable with the diarrhea - felt better for a couple of days and then today it returned (I ate a little pasta last night with cheese on it, no tomato, and some meat. I shouldn't have, I guess). SO tonite after dinner I went in to sit down for a few minutes in peace and quiet and watch the news,. Daughter came in to report that Dad says he's not feeling well. SO I had to get up and walk/talk him through going to bed just as usual. He felt much better. I didn't.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2008
    What would happen if you didn't go in to him. Is he unable to get ready for bed by himself now? Just asking. My DH can still do all of that but he requires extra hugs and kisses (like a little kid) before he's able to go to sleep. Sad, isn't it.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2008
    Poor briegull. You need someone to spoil you rotten.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2008
    Not go in with him? He can't dress or undress himself, and he needs his Depends changed before he goes to bed. This is not all because of AZ, but because of his "bad leg" which doesn't bend much, so I have to help him get trousers and whities and socks and compression stocking and shoe all off and on as needed. He can get his slippers on, but they don't have the built-up sole that is needed on one shoe.

    The AZ comes into it because he can't remember one step to the next. I can give him one instruction but he becomes flustered that he won't remember a second one.

    I have a colonoscopy on Wednesday afternoon. No food after Tuesday morning. But otoh: I read that overactive thyroid can cause diarrhea, and my internist had increased my levoxl just before it really took off! So maybe that's it. AND, I'm bound to lose weight with all this!!
    briegull .. don't worry about losing weight..I am sure you will find it again (grin)
    Briegull...if you are looking for it.....I have found it...! LOL.....