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    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    Its 1:00 PM he is still in his pj's. Does not want me in there, but cannot remember what to do the minute I leave the room. I have been back there by actual count 7 times and handed him his clothes. If he does not get it this time I am just going to leave him in the pj's. I definitely want one of those key chains.

    I am taking drink orders, I don't like drinking alone. lol
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    The Queen, why not just leave him in PJ's then if its easier? what the heck, if they are wearing any clothes its ok:) unless you are going somewhere important who cares??? i have said it before, dont stress the litttle things! there will be much more things for you in the future unfortunately. dont waste your stress levels. divvi
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    Unless you are going out somewhere tomorrow will be another day if he can't get it today. There are some days that it isn't worth the aggravation. My husband does not like the buttons and he wouldn't get dressed because of the buttoning frustration.
    I am at work or I would join you in a Kahlua and creme and I have the receipe to make my own Kahlua so I get off a little cheaper woo hoo.
    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    good advice dvvi. well he us back out here, we got blue jeans on ( I don't even want to know if he has gone commando, which is a distinct possibility) I am going to just take this as dressed and not worry about it. Its pouring rain here (much needed as we have drought conditions) so he isn't going anywhere. There is a saying I like when I can calm down to remember it. Don't sweat the small stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff. Meanwhile, I will just enjoy my drink.,
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    Hey Queen

    What time of the morning is it there?
    Just kidding it is 5 Pm somewhere on this blue marble we live on.
    • CommentAuthorjoyce*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    I even took my DH to the barber shop in his pj's. He needed a haircut bad!!! and he didn't want to change clothes no matter what I said, so off we went to get his haircut. No one there even said a word about it, I didn't have to explain it at all. They were very nice, maybe they had seen it before.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    I'm sure TheQueen is drinking orange juice, or something equally nutritious. (Mimosa, for example.)
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    I haven't had Kahlua in ages, that sounds good, since you're taking orders. Isn't that a white Russian? And just how do you make your own Jenene?
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    4 cups of sugar
    4 cups of water
    10 heaping tablespoons instant coffee
    2 teaspoons vanilla
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    And to this you add vodka, right, Jenene? (I hope!)
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    I didn't want to hit that button just yet
    1 bottle Vodka

    Bring sugar water and instant coffee to a boil, let simmer(just barely bubbling) for 1 hour
    Let cool completely add vanilla and vodka and wallah Kahlua
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    Wow, thanks. What size bottle? (Guess this should be off topic.) Does it really taste like Kahlua?
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    If I recall correctly, the person who started this thread offered to take drink orders ... therapy for screaming.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    ok my vote is for all of us to have a kahlua at 6pm central time.:) a happy hr for anyone who wants to join in!divvi//for that fact any drink will do, so comeon down and let loose for a change.. i havent had a drink in i cant remembr!
    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    that would be me. The Kahlua receipe sounds good. And actually I ended up having an Irish Coffee, that way I get my calcium (Whipped cream). It was 1 in the afternoon when I started this thread. It is now 3:30 and he is still half dressed, but thats OK he is not going anywhere and furthermore it is my nite to have my son come home early from work so I can go play with my lady friends. Hurray
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    There is definitely something to be said about screaming, and I AM working on getting the key chains. But really, just as crying is a stress releaser, going into a room, closing the door, and screaming does relieve some stress. Or takes your mind off of the problem for a few minutes. I have a friend who does it a lot.

    I remember when Joel was about 5 years old - he got a splinter in his finger. When he saw me come at him with a needle, he wouldn't sit still, and was kicking and crying. I told him to turn his head and scream as loud as he could for as long as he wanted. He did as I told him, and he was so busy trying to scream as loud as he possibly could, that the splinter was out before he finished. From then on, whether it was taking out a splinter or cleaning skinned knees, he turned his head and concentrating on screaming. It took his mind off of what I was doing. Screaming has its uses!

    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    O.K., I'm game. But I'd better not post, who knows what would pop out of my mouth :-) I usually have one liners, but I could get long winded. Please God, don't let me offend anyone.
    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    • CommentAuthorKitty
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    Very cool Joan. I think you'll find a lot of orders placed. And anyone who is in a live support group could take your order form around.
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    Kitty the normal 5th size. My depression medicine will not allow me to drink but maybe once a year I will have a wine cooler at our Red Hat Convention.
    I vote for screaming but with Asthma it will only start me coughing and grabbing my inhaler but I can do it in my mind.
    I could scream at the Seagulls (Thanks Iggy) I took that analogy to our AD support group and what a terrific round of Amens it resounded.
    Could we have a key chain that has TWO dangles - and add one for the Seagulls? <grin>
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    Hmmm...maybe I'll do all three!

    I'll join your happy hour with a nice big glass of red wine...then go scream into a pillow...then cry after B. goes to bed :)
    • CommentAuthorLiz
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    Ok, ya'll. I've just spend an entire day with 7 year olds who have far to much energy and I get home to find out you've been talking about drinking! I hope someone has a bottle open somewhere right now because I'm bellying up to the bar. Doesn't matter what goes in the glass. Cheers!
    • CommentAuthortherrja*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    So is this one of those "everyone go to their corner, scream and then raise your glass and drink" type of scenarios. Might as well dispense some of the emotion along with the alcohol.

    How about a toasted almond - kaluha, ameretto and cream?
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    OK, gotta tell a story about screaming. One of the young men who works at the vet's runs a cat-sitting service on the side -- goes to your home to feed and water your cats, give them meds, etc, when you're out of town. He prides himself on being able to give pills to any cat, no matter how cantankerous. One of his regulars was EXTREMELY unhappy about taking his meds. The young man learned to gradually corral the cat upstairs, and then into the bathroom, where there was so little room that he could eventually catch the cat. The young man would grab it by the scruff, then quickly force it's mouth open and pop in the pill in one fell swoop with the other. The cat would start screaming as soon as it realized it was trapped, and would continue screaming until the pill had gone down and the young man had released him again. Of course, the outraged cat would flee the bathroom as soon as he opened the door, and hide for the rest of the visit.

    So one day, as he came downstairs afterwards, quite pleased with himself, he found himself facing two policemen with drawn weapons. Seems a neighbor had heard the screams, thought someone was being murdered, and dialed 9-1-1. The poor young man had a terrible time convincing them that he was telling the truth, since the cat was nowhere to be found.

    So the moral of the story is, be careful to establish an alibi before you start screaming...
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    Oh, and the Irish coffee with calcium sounds good to me.
    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2008
    If the cat story is true someone should tell that young man that most cats like cheese, wra[p the pill in a little soft cheese and the cats should eat it. And if you think getting pills in a cat is difficult try giving a reluctant horse a handful of the darn things, been there done that (and to make that project more interesting I stand 5 foot and weight 92 pounds fully dressed). As far as the alibi is concerned that is one of the advantages of country living - no neighbors to hear you. As usual you folks have lightened my load again today. Cheers
    One of my docile pussy cats (he's standing on my lap as I type) grows ten extra paws with claws when he is unhappy. No way would he fall for the cheese bit/
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2008 edited

    Only one of my cats ever accepted pills wrapped up in something otherwise delectable. She usually swallowed tidbits whole, so no problem. Then, one day, she accidentally bit the tidbit and pill in half. It was a particularly bad-tasting pill, and you have NEVER seen anything so funny as the look on that cat's face. First startled, then appalled, then YUCK! and she frantically tried spitting it out and wiping her mouth with her paws and shoving her tongue out ...

    That cat never ate ANYTHING after that without very carefully dissecting it first.
    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2008
    sounds like my husband when he grabs the dab of green wasabi horseradish that they put in a take-out sushi plate. I ordinarily remove it before I give it to him but this time he got the sushi on the take-out plate, complete with green dab, and OMIGOD the howl.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2008
    Sorry - got caught up in poop patrol right as i was heading for the bar. all alcoholics should have poop patrol in a nursing home:) it kills your desire to drink anything. ok, it kills desires period.:) my arms still hurt from 2hrs of scrubbing floors and while i was caught up in that, my 'sweet' hooligan DH halfway destroyed a pricey paintings frame. pulled all the black laquer off one side.amazing = ok, i am done and talk about screaming, well i have tons of glass skylite on the roof and the whole house vibrates when my concerto begins. i may get to my drink today though. divvi
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2008
    ps i give my animals pills crushed into fav flavors of infant babyfood. usually chicken and they gobble. divvi
    divvi, you might want to check the list of 101 things for AD patients to do Sunshyne posted on how to keep them from being bored in order to protect your frames! You have such a great descriptive way of telling us things - it always brings a smile to my face, even though what he has done is so bad! <grin>

    And I am so sure you scream on key! <grin>
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2008
    I have asthma too. For those of us who can't scream, beating the bed or a pillow with a paper tube really works. Save the ones from wrapping paper.

    During one corporate move, the move from hell as a matter of fact, I totally lost it. The HFA inspector found something wrong but wouldn't tell us what we needed to do to fix it. It turned out that unplugging the lamp in the attic took care of one of the three things he could not accept. The other two were equally easy to fix.

    I ended up beating the tube until it literally fell apart. Not only did it feel good then to just get rid of my anger in a safe way, but just thinking about it still makes me smile 20 years later.
    The first time I saw wasabi was on a buffet in Washington DC. I took a forkfull by itself so I could savor the flavor. Need I say more.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2008
    i doubt its boredom sometimes, just hes on his afternoon 'pacing' 2hr junket and has stops along the way to get into something. those who have pacers know you cant stop it you just control it best you can. i always try to have something in each of his hands as hes walking to avoid this but yesterday i was on poop patrol and not in a good mood. someone said like scarlett, 'tomorrow is another day":)divvi
    I place enough wasabi to cover the head of a straight pin on my sushi and smoke comes out my ears. <grin>

    I wonder why I keep doing it? <grin>
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2008
    i give a nit of that stuff to clear DH sinuses..of course i eat the rest. it works!
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2008 edited
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