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    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2008 edited
    I noticed last night my husband has this red/blueish mark on his arm. Please, I do not mean to offend anyone, however, I have seen these marks on older people, but my husband & I have never had these marks. He doesn't know if he hit it or not, it isn't a bruise, something different looking. Anyone know what causes this & should I be concerned about this?
      CommentAuthorNew Realm*
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2008
    My husband gets deep red marks that turn deep purple-blue, eventually turning almost black. I asked about them and my understanding from the GP is that aside from "normal" thinning of the skin with age, skin and capillary walls also tend to thin due to the very meds we use for dementia patients. These are only on the arms and lower legs. Don't know if related to bumping himself or not.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2008
    My mother ended up with her arms and legs absolutely covered in huge, blackish-purple blotches, appalling to see.

    My husband gets them now and then, mostly on his forearms and hands. I imagine his problem is exacerbated by the Plavix (blood thinner anti-coagulant) he takes to help prevent additional TIAs. Any little bump against almost anything will cause them. They take a long time to fade, but they do eventually go away.

    I've never really checked into it, but I don't think there's anything you can do -- either to prevent or to treat -- other than use a good antibiotic cream if the skin is broken (scratches etc) -- bacitracin or neosporin, for example.
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2008
    My husband is not on any kind of blood thinner. Actually, he is lucky in a sort that the only medication he takes is seizure & memory. We are gradually stopping the memory meds. It's not huge, but noticeable. I have noticed that his skin seems thinner than in the past. But, really nothing about him seems like in the past. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something of concern.
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2008
    I think this is because when you get older your skin gets thinner and just a slight hit that wouldn't cause a problem for a younger person becomes one of these red/blue ugly things. I am older and I get them, and sometimes I don't even remember hitting my arm against anything. I hate them, but don't think there is anything to worry about and they will just go away. Sometimes it takes a while and if the "hit" is bad, then they even bleed.
    My Mother had some of those on her forearms. I can't remember much about them but seems like they were about the size of a penny. My friend said her Dad had them too before he passed.
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2008
    From what you have described, Lynn gets these as well. The first time
    I took him to the ER, they all but laughed at me! It was very big, purplish
    and it looked like it just HAD to be serious. They told me the same thing
    as the folks here have told is age related- skin thinning and now
    he bruises easier. When he was in the ER last week, they did tons of blood
    draws and an IV.. he is sooo bruised now *eek