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    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2008
    What he will eat has been an ungoing problem. He has lost a lot of teeth ande refuses to wear any of his dentures. He also has decided that there are a lot of foods he does not like (won't eat anything with a noodle of any kind). However, gone to lots of fish, potatoes, rice, vegtables, he can't handle salads so I always have one when we eat out., Although he has been eating well as long as I stay within these guidelines he has been losing weight anyway. Down to 119 pounds. But this week has been a whole new ball game. WE are eating very little, even foods we would eat before (loves waffles, it is a Sunday ritual that when I get home from church I fix waffles, fruit and whipped cream. He did not even finish it this week. He has all the markers of stage 5 and some of 6, so I guess he has in beginning of 6. He is also sleeping more. Any words of wisdom?? Are we about to take a dramatic downward plunge>?>?
    I have not reached that point but my thoughts are when they don't want to eat, it probally would not refresh their body. Sort of like when a child will not eat if their body does not call for food. Maybe that is a sign.

    There are several others here who have been through this and I am sure they will offer you words of wisdom. Good luck.
      CommentAuthorchris r*
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2008
    Imohr, that's an interesting take on the eating issue. My DH often doesn't want to eat, but then he sleeps all day, and I think it's because there's no fuel in the engine. Car can't go without fuel.. TheQueen, My DH has lost more than 30 lbs, although he is still 150's, I make him smoothies in the morning often, or I'll even give him rice pudding, before he takes his first nap (grin)... I do feel strongly about finding something to put in his stomach, especially since he takes medication. My DH sleeps 17 hours a day, although he says he's not sleeping, he's in bed, or at least prone. He generally gets up to stay around dinner time, then stays up til 10 or 10:30. It's lonesome, but it does make life easier. i feel guilty saying that, but it's true. Except that I generally won't leave the house much, just to go to the store, or church on Sunday. But even when he was awake, he didn't want to come with me over the past few years. The funny thing is, if I'm out, he's awake and pacing worried that I might not get back, then when I get back, he goes to sleep... Oh well.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2008
    It may be just a period of adjustment for a while. My DH went thru the non eating and it drove me crazy to try to keep enough nutrition into him. he didnt eat well while on the AD meds, now i know thats a bold step and absolutely nothing to do with others here taking the meds who are thriving well, but for him they kept him more aggitated and nauseous. off them since jan this yr and he eats absolutely everything i put in front of him and is still losing. so it must be like they say the body gets to a point where nutritiion just isnt absorbed like before and the digestive system isnt up to par. divvi
    • CommentAuthormaryd
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2008
    I have a different concern. My DH eats normally during the daytime, but snacks continually from 8 until 11. He will eat anything in the cupboard, crackers, pretzels. I try not to buy high calorie food, but he will keep going to the cupboard to look for something, always carbs. Does anyone else see this kind of behavior.? We eat a well balanced meat around 6, fish or chicken, vegetables and salad, or pasta with meatballs or seafood.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2008
    Maryd, whish i had the answer, i do the same thing as your DH.:) carb craving, i blame mine on hormones:)
    we do know AD loves sugar so guessing carbs fits in as well?divvi
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2008
    Divvi, Lynn is the same as your husband.. he did much better off the AD meds than on. He
    too was nauseous every single day. Lynn is down to 117. He eats and eats and eats...but the
    weight still comes off. This started in the later stages of 6. It so sad, my thoughts are with
    you all~Nikki
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2008
    Nikki, My DH is in the 130's i eye ball it as he wont get on any scale. he is also stage 6, its a race for time, isnt it? ..the loss of lbs even though eating and it all. sigh. divvi
    • CommentAuthortrisinger
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2008 edited
    Search for "How low can you go- weight loss in the AD patient" or something like that. It is the story of Andrea's weight loss. It still haunts me, what she looked like. She was probably 60 pounds at the end.
      CommentAuthorchris r*
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2008
    I recall, when my MIL was in the nursing home, seeing others who had evidently lost a lot of weight. Even my MIL, at the very end, lost her appetite. She would only eat the ice cream I brought each day. It went down easily, and it was sweet. She simply had no interest in any other food. She was 89 when she passed, and had suffered from dementia for about 10 yrs, that we were aware of. My FIL covered up a lot. Now my DH is losing weight too. and maybe it is that the body just doesn't use the nourishment properly anymore, and so they lose their appetite. That's the reason why a little extra weight as we get older is not such a bad thing.... anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2008
    ((trisinger)) I don't need to look up the thread.. it is imprinted
    in my memory :(

    Chris, I guess the weight loss would make sense if he didn't have
    such a huge appetite. Though I do understand now why he is losing...
    Yes, Divvi.. it is a race *sighing right along with you*
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2008
    TheQueen, we talked a bit about how to coax calories into our spouses under the thread "Doctor's Appointment." I've brought that to the top for you.
    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2008
    thanks Sunshyne I will read it next