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    • CommentAuthoranitalynn
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2008
    LeeLyle......I just read your comment in one of the discussions where you said sometimes when you are out in public and you have to verbally and physically lead you husband around that people are probably thinking, "Boy, is he henpecked." I had to smile at that because I have thought that so many times. Sometimes I have wanted to turn and stand on a chair and just announce to everyone.........I'm not henpecking........he has AD and can't do this himself. Then I could just get down and walk away and the whole world would know I am just doing what I have to do. But, it doesn't work that way so we just do the best we can and pray to God anyone thinking that does not ever have to first hand know the truth. It is so good to find a place where so many have the same experiences.
      CommentAuthorNew Realm*
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2008

    I have thought and wondered the same thing............public perception of my interactions with DH.

    I have actually found that many people who have bothered to even notice have somehow managed to convey a look of understanding for what I'm dealing with. I have found that when in public, if I am at a point of frustration, just to look up and see a perfect stranger give a look of understanding or compassion helps me to pause and collect myself just a bit.
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2008 edited
    I agree with New Realm ... I think people are usually a lot more perceptive than we may give them credit for.

    We talked a bit about things like this on the thread, "Eating Out Question". I've brought it to the top for you.