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    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2008
    have seen a number of times on this site where alz pt had uti. How did you know? My spouse has been done on couch for 24hours, can't seem to tell me what hurts, is weaker than usual, more unsteady on his feet and has had an accident, something new for him
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2008
    if you can get the over the counter AZZO urinary test strips from the drug store, CVS or Walgreens has them usually. then do the test on the box. if it shows positive then you should call his dr asap. they will redo the test at the office and want you to bring in a urine sample or get one there at the office. at least this way you get an idea. they can show false positives or negatives but i like to use them to get an idea -the times i use them has always shown DH to have one and then dr gives meds after he confirms the test at office.
    sleeping, bladder incontinence, colored urine or smell are signs, if he has pink then go to ER as it means blood in urine and serious. also if he has any fever at all you should take him in asap, could mean kidney is involved..hope this helps, i have been dealing with UTI on a constant basis forever trying to avoid them. divvi
    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2008
    thank you divvi knew3 someone here would know i am off to cvs
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2008
    If your AD spouse is exhibiting ANY sort of unusual behavior, it seems to be due to a UTI ... ! AD patients seem to be particularly susceptible to them.

    UTI's can be "silent", that is, they don't cause any of the usual signs such as pain, or fever, or colored or strongly-smelling urine, but can still be present, and serious, and cause an abrupt change in behavior. The rule of thumb: when in doubt, promptly take your husband to the doctor. Much better to be safe than sorry.

    Also note that you can have a pretty serious UTI infection and not run any fever at all. Your temperature can even be a degree or more below normal. And you can get chills without fever with a UTI.

    And pay attention to divvi's warning that you can get false negatives with the AZZO test strips. Don't assume that just because you get a negative test result, your husband doesn't have an infection.
    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2008
    ok i will take heed ;If it was not for this web site I would not have even thought of uti as nobodyt else has mentioned them to me. I would have assumed he just had a little bug. Now for my next trick I need to get that urine sample. haha It is 7:00 PM here, I think unless he gets worse tonite, in which case I will call 911, I will get him into dr tomorrow no matter what test shows You folks are tops in my book
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2008
    Queen, how did the dr appt go? hope you got it all taken care of and husband is on the road to recovery soon. divvi

    ps FYI- i might add never fails my DH always starts the 'dribbling' when the UTI hits.. short starts or stops and cant seem to void -
    antibiotics will clear it up asap.
    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2008
    he was much better todaY. Dry all nite and all day today. Dr says no uti, just a bug (non specific, they call it the smuckets here in ga)and another drop down in strength and confusion issues. He is napping a lot now. Oh well, as Scarlett says "I will think about it tomorrow. Thanks for everyones help and input, like someone else put it so well, alz SUCKS
    • CommentAuthorSunshyne
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2008
    Well, just think how well you'll be prepared if he DOES develop a UTI...

    Glad he's feeling better. (What the heck is the smuckets? That's such a highly technical term, even Google can't find it for me...)
    • CommentAuthorTheQueen*
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2008
    Its a country expression which translates to, nothing specific wrong just don't feel good today. And just I am getting prepared for what is probably going to come and I at least know now what to look for in uti and that I should be watching for it., Dr was impressed that I picked up on this (does not know just how great this site is). He is GP as my husband is refusing to see neuro.
    ttt for Mim