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    Joang, Thinking of you and I hope you feel better soon. Are you sure you didn't break something?
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2008

    Thank you. I don't think anything is broken. I'm having an x-ray on Monday. I'm feeling quite relaxed now with barely any pain, and I haven't had a pill since last night. I am VERY sensitive to drugs, so it doesn't take much to mellow me out. Actually, I only take HALF the prescribed pill, and it still has quite a effect.

    Joan-we ain't spring chickens anymore. Take it easy. Sorry you're hurting. If you need help moving anything around give me a call.
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2008
    Sorry that you hurt yourself, Joan. Take it easy for a few days. Hopefully, that'll help.
    • CommentAuthornatsmom*
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2008
    Yes, Joan, taking it easy for a few days & lounging by the pool/having others cook out for you sounds wonderful & perhaps just the right prescription for healing...not to mention Sid doing better!! If you're through with your drugs, perhaps you can share with those of us who need 'a little something more' ;)
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2008
    I'm really sorry you hurt yourself. If you need exrays, I hope they will pick up the most minute little fracture. They can raise all kinds of problems later on if not taken care of quickly. My prayers are with you--recouperate quickly. You don't need this on top of everything else you are dealing with.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2008

    No, it's been my experience that x-rays don't pick up minute fractures, but I've learned to advocate for myself, so if nothing shows up, I will ask for an MRI. It may be a severe muscle strain and aggravated arthritis, but it may be not, and I want to know.

    I've been guilty of neglecting my own health for the two years we've been here in Florida, because we've been so wrapped up in all of Sid's doctor's appointments and emergencies. It's time for me now.


    Sorry, none for you. I'm hanging onto these drugs. Today was the first time in ages that I can remember being laid back without a care in the world. The pain is much better tonight, so I'll put my little bottle away for when it flares up again.

    I only hope that when I start taking the Zoloft, it mellows me out as much.

    • CommentAuthorjav*
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2008
    joan, you are a godsend to us all. please take take of yourself and get to feeling better fast,and be careful. we love you. jav
    Joan, I hope you have a speedy recovery! Remember pharmacology is our friend! It will help until you are back on your feet pain free!